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Reuben Foster

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Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by ChazBoner:
oh lawd, we're in trouble.


Footage just in of Foster at the 49ers family day

  • thl408
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Originally posted by WolfTotem:
Fred Warner titbit on Foster:
"He's a very physical player, and something I didn't know about him that I know now, he's probably the smartest guy in the room," Warner said. "This dude has the memory of an elephant. He doesn't have to write notes down. He just retains things very quickly. And I think that's what allowed him to play at such a high level as a rookie last year, aside from his physical talent."

Amazing. He has a Rainman type of memory. It wouldn't surprise me if he has other genius qualities to him.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
i'm hesitant on what i'm going to read when the foster thread is bumped

Originally posted by Hoovtrain:

Haha I knew someone was gonna say that

Let's just not bump this thread til camp
Fred & Reuben — can't wait!
  • Giedi
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Originally posted by ChazBoner:
oh lawd, we're in trouble.

Agree. I thought he got arrested at the South Lawn of Capital hill or something. Whew!
Lol titbit.
I dont need me some goddamn reuben foster address news.
Originally posted by ChazBoner:
Originally posted by WolfTotem:
Fred Warner titbit on Foster:
"He's a very physical player, and something I didn't know about him that I know now, he's probably the smartest guy in the room," Warner said. "This dude has the memory of an elephant. He doesn't have to write notes down. He just retains things very quickly. And I think that's what allowed him to play at such a high level as a rookie last year, aside from his physical talent."
oh lawd, we're in trouble.
Originally posted by gold49digger:
Originally posted by ChazBoner:
Originally posted by WolfTotem:
Fred Warner titbit on Foster:
+ Show all quotes
oh lawd, we're in trouble.

laugh all you guys want...but everyone on the niners said the same thing about frank gore
I saw the Foster thread at the top of the page and 250 people on line and got a little worried....
[ Edited by Niners816 on Jun 20, 2018 at 8:24 PM ]
Originally posted by Niners816:
I saw the Foster thread at the top of the page and 250 people on line and got a little worried....

That was about Jimmy's bad practice.
Originally posted by DonnieDarko:
laugh all you guys want...but everyone on the niners said the same thing about frank gore

You stole the words right out of my mouth. Also back in the day Gary Payton used to act like he wasn't paying attention but he listened to every word the coach was saying and he'd instantly master it. Some guys are just born with "sports smarts." Foster sounds like he's one of these guys.

I'll give him every benefit of the doubt. Aside from the injuries and off field issues, when he's in the game and playing healthy, he's a monster!!!!!!!
I've posted this before, but Gruden , on his QB's chalkboard interviews last yr brot Reuben in for a LB quiz and gave Reuben certain situations of "given these circumstances , what would you do?" Nobody knew him then, he was just one of the Ala LBs. At first Reuben was a bit hesitant, but after some prompting, he made a quick glance ,diagnosis, and said where he would go. Every time , no matter the situation, and Gruden was trying to fool him, he came up with the answer immediately. It all had to do with where he would go with these set of circustances. As an observer the only thing i could think of was, i don't know if this kid can play but he sure as hell knows where to be. And when we got to see him, darned if he wasn't as good as advertised. So i have no hesitation believing warner. For pure football, LB style, Reuben is incredibly football smart. Perhaps it is instinctive, but he has football smarts galore.
Anotger day and no Foster news. Excellent.
Originally posted by mojave45:
Anotger day and no Foster news. Excellent.

We put him in Foster care so he is good hands.
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