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Reuben Foster

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  • mayo49
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Originally posted by NJNiner:
Originally posted by mojave45:
Anotger day and no Foster news. Excellent.

We put him in Foster care so he is good hands.

I do not need no more goddamn Foster news.
Originally posted by pasodoc9er:
I've posted this before, but Gruden , on his QB's chalkboard interviews last yr brot Reuben in for a LB quiz and gave Reuben certain situations of "given these circumstances , what would you do?" Nobody knew him then, he was just one of the Ala LBs. At first Reuben was a bit hesitant, but after some prompting, he made a quick glance ,diagnosis, and said where he would go. Every time , no matter the situation, and Gruden was trying to fool him, he came up with the answer immediately. It all had to do with where he would go with these set of circustances. As an observer the only thing i could think of was, i don't know if this kid can play but he sure as hell knows where to be. And when we got to see him, darned if he wasn't as good as advertised. So i have no hesitation believing warner. For pure football, LB style, Reuben is incredibly football smart. Perhaps it is instinctive, but he has football smarts galore.

Good post!
Originally posted by mojave45:
Anotger day and no Foster news. Excellent.

Don't worry. That two-game suspension will come soon and the usual suspects can come in and celebrate once again!
  • Giedi
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So far so good. Mayo's gotten his wish. *NO* Reuben Foster Criminal/DV/Alcohol/PED/Drug/DUI/Robbery news.
Originally posted by Giedi:
So far so good. Mayo's gotten his wish. *NO* Reuben Foster Criminal/DV/Alcohol/PED/Drug/DUI/Robbery news.

He was seen helping an elderly lady who was jay walking across the street. He had to jay walk to go help her

Looks like Reuben is finally on those NFL quality anabolics in Adrian Colbert's mic'd up video. Dude is getting jacked.
We all know we are going to look in here one day on the last page and see something really bad. It's just a matter of when and how bad is it? Stay tuned.

  • Giedi
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  • Posts: 33,368
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Giedi:
So far so good. Mayo's gotten his wish. *NO* Reuben Foster Criminal/DV/Alcohol/PED/Drug/DUI/Robbery news.

He was seen helping an elderly lady who was jay walking across the street. He had to jay walk to go help her


Dang! I'm betting that elderly lady was actually a cop and the DA is writing up the Jaywalking incident and trying to make it sound like he was doing something criminal with her!

Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Giedi:
So far so good. Mayo's gotten his wish. *NO* Reuben Foster Criminal/DV/Alcohol/PED/Drug/DUI/Robbery news.

He was seen helping an elderly lady who was jay walking across the street. He had to jay walk to go help her


Dang! I'm betting that elderly lady was actually a cop and the DA is writing up the Jaywalking incident and trying to make it sound like he was doing something criminal with her!

Grabbed her in the p***y
Doesn't he have like a billion hours of community service to be getting on with? That should keep him busy.
any news on a suspension ?
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
+ Show all quotes
He was seen helping an elderly lady who was jay walking across the street. He had to jay walk to go help her


Dang! I'm betting that elderly lady was actually a cop and the DA is writing up the Jaywalking incident and trying to make it sound like he was doing something criminal with her!

Grabbed her in the p***y

That's Kellen Winslow Jr
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
We all know we are going to look in here one day on the last page and see something really bad. It's just a matter of when and how bad is it? Stay tuned.

  • mayo49
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  • Posts: 65,180
Originally posted by swaccmac1:
any news on a suspension ?

Probably, won't be announced until we get closer to the season.
[ Edited by mayo49 on Jun 26, 2018 at 9:24 AM ]
Originally posted by pasodoc9er:
I've posted this before, but Gruden , on his QB's chalkboard interviews last yr brot Reuben in for a LB quiz and gave Reuben certain situations of "given these circumstances , what would you do?" Nobody knew him then, he was just one of the Ala LBs. At first Reuben was a bit hesitant, but after some prompting, he made a quick glance ,diagnosis, and said where he would go. Every time , no matter the situation, and Gruden was trying to fool him, he came up with the answer immediately. It all had to do with where he would go with these set of circustances. As an observer the only thing i could think of was, i don't know if this kid can play but he sure as hell knows where to be. And when we got to see him, darned if he wasn't as good as advertised. So i have no hesitation believing warner. For pure football, LB style, Reuben is incredibly football smart. Perhaps it is instinctive, but he has football smarts galore.

I have to see if I can find this video.
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