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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

  • Jasta
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 1,729
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
The amount of activism and media attention given to warzone murder culture pales in comparison to recent hysteria over "white supremact police brutality". As BLM calls it.

The latter is now shoved down everyone's throat just about everywhere at all times on TV, radio and online.

It's blame shifting. The two issues are directly linked. High rates of murder, armed robbery and gun violence are directly linked to higher rates of police contact. Violent or otherwise.

Even when people focus on warzone murder culture they end up blaming it on white racism. Everything seems to be about blame shifting. (White racism supposedly causes poverty in the 21st century and this poverty forces people to murder eachother. Right?)

It's paternalistic when white liberals such as yourself pull this line of reasoning. Very paternalistic. We should be focused on the nuclear family, education, American jobs for all and cultural change.

Ok. So how about some proper gun control then? How about making it much harder for young black men to get firearms? How about that? What about nuclear families? You just going to force people to stay together? Not have kids till they're ready? What about instead funding planned parenthood properly and de-stigmatizing abortions? How about actually tackling student loan debt if you think education is so important?

Or do you just want to point fingers at underprivileged people while you vote for the guy who wants to give the wealthiest people in the country a 2 trillion dollar tax break?

Conservatives love blaming people for not getting themselves out of a s**tty situation but never want to take their boot off their necks while they're doing it.
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Yes, America got offended. He pissed off people that would have been on his side because he was ignorant in his protest. When we told him that he didn't listen. The conversations haven't been about his protest ever, because he chose a venue that IS disrespectful to our military. Just because you say I didn't mean to disrespect doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful. Frankly the closed minded people in this debate are the NFL players that won't listen to the people who have repeatedly told them it offends them when you kneel.

And that's my problem we get outraged for him kneeling drag flag and military into the topic but don't get outraged when we deny the military health care when they come home.

Don't you see a problem with this?

We as Americans rather look good than actually doing good or why not get ouraged for a real issue with the military or our government ? At least thats the message we are sending..

I rather do good, than be concerned with looking good..

It's hypocrisy imo.

Kind of like the hypocrisy of Making such a major issue of the minuscule number of blacks killed by cops, but not worrying about the huge number of blacks killed by blacks?

People do worry about that. A simplr Google search will return many results for anti violence community action groups and programs.

You totally missed the point. We are talking about NFL players worrying about black people dying. I would think they would want to use their large stage to protest about the much more important problem of black on black crime. We are talking about thousands of lives compared to maybe dozens. They are just jumping on the liberal media sensationalism that's going on right now, because it is so popular (and dividing, I might add).


Your missing the point! You want to talk about divide? Tell Donald to shut the Fuc* up! He is dividing us!!

If you can't see that, then you are part of the problem.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Yes, America got offended. He pissed off people that would have been on his side because he was ignorant in his protest. When we told him that he didn't listen. The conversations haven't been about his protest ever, because he chose a venue that IS disrespectful to our military. Just because you say I didn't mean to disrespect doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful. Frankly the closed minded people in this debate are the NFL players that won't listen to the people who have repeatedly told them it offends them when you kneel.

And that's my problem we get outraged for him kneeling drag flag and military into the topic but don't get outraged when we deny the military health care when they come home.

Don't you see a problem with this?

We as Americans rather look good than actually doing good or why not get ouraged for a real issue with the military or our government ? At least thats the message we are sending..

I rather do good, than be concerned with looking good..

It's hypocrisy imo.

Kind of like the hypocrisy of Making such a major issue of the minuscule number of blacks killed by cops, but not worrying about the huge number of blacks killed by blacks?

People do worry about that. A simplr Google search will return many results for anti violence community action groups and programs.

The amount of activism and media attention given to warzone murder culture pales in comparison to recent hysteria over "white supremact police brutality". As BLM calls it.

The latter is now shoved down everyone's throat just about everywhere at all times on TV, radio and online.

It's blame shifting. The two issues are directly linked. High rates of murder, armed robbery and gun violence are directly linked to higher rates of police contact. Violent or otherwise.

Even when people focus on warzone murder culture they end up blaming it on white racism. Everything seems to be about blame shifting. (White racism supposedly causes poverty in the 21st century and this poverty forces people to murder eachother. Right?)

It's paternalistic when white liberals such as yourself pull this line of reasoning. Very paternalistic. We should be focused on the nuclear family, education, American jobs for all and cultural change.

The media focus is irrelevant here. The fact isnthstvthere are many groups dedicated to addressing community violence.

Warzone Murder Culture.
Did you make that up yourself or read it somewhere?
Alt Right types such as yourself love to parrot.
[ Edited by TheWooLick on Sep 29, 2017 at 6:26 AM ]
  • Tombo
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 254
Originally posted by JR80Forever:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Yes, America got offended. He pissed off people that would have been on his side because he was ignorant in his protest. When we told him that he didn't listen. The conversations haven't been about his protest ever, because he chose a venue that IS disrespectful to our military. Just because you say I didn't mean to disrespect doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful. Frankly the closed minded people in this debate are the NFL players that won't listen to the people who have repeatedly told them it offends them when you kneel.

And that's my problem we get outraged for him kneeling drag flag and military into the topic but don't get outraged when we deny the military health care when they come home.

Don't you see a problem with this?

We as Americans rather look good than actually doing good or why not get ouraged for a real issue with the military or our government ? At least thats the message we are sending..

I rather do good, than be concerned with looking good..

It's hypocrisy imo.

Kind of like the hypocrisy of Making such a major issue of the minuscule number of blacks killed by cops, but not worrying about the huge number of blacks killed by blacks?

People do worry about that. A simplr Google search will return many results for anti violence community action groups and programs.

You totally missed the point. We are talking about NFL players worrying about black people dying. I would think they would want to use their large stage to protest about the much more important problem of black on black crime. We are talking about thousands of lives compared to maybe dozens. They are just jumping on the liberal media sensationalism that's going on right now, because it is so popular (and dividing, I might add).


Your missing the point! You want to talk about divide? Tell Donald to shut the Fuc* up! He is dividing us!!

If you can't see that, then you are part of the problem.


I'm not missing the point, and I'm certainly not part of the problem. Donald speaks before he thinks, but Barrack attacked without thinking as well. He divided the country worse than it's been since the 60's. That's when it became OK for people to speak about killing cops, and groups like ANTIFA started rioting and attacking cops with their cute little KKK style hoods on. If you can't see that, you're blind.
Originally posted by JR80Forever:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Yes, America got offended. He pissed off people that would have been on his side because he was ignorant in his protest. When we told him that he didn't listen. The conversations haven't been about his protest ever, because he chose a venue that IS disrespectful to our military. Just because you say I didn't mean to disrespect doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful. Frankly the closed minded people in this debate are the NFL players that won't listen to the people who have repeatedly told them it offends them when you kneel.

And that's my problem we get outraged for him kneeling drag flag and military into the topic but don't get outraged when we deny the military health care when they come home.

Don't you see a problem with this?

We as Americans rather look good than actually doing good or why not get ouraged for a real issue with the military or our government ? At least thats the message we are sending..

I rather do good, than be concerned with looking good..

It's hypocrisy imo.

Kind of like the hypocrisy of Making such a major issue of the minuscule number of blacks killed by cops, but not worrying about the huge number of blacks killed by blacks?

People do worry about that. A simplr Google search will return many results for anti violence community action groups and programs.

You totally missed the point. We are talking about NFL players worrying about black people dying. I would think they would want to use their large stage to protest about the much more important problem of black on black crime. We are talking about thousands of lives compared to maybe dozens. They are just jumping on the liberal media sensationalism that's going on right now, because it is so popular (and dividing, I might add).


Your missing the point! You want to talk about divide? Tell Donald to shut the Fuc* up! He is dividing us!!

If you can't see that, then you are part of the problem.

Exactly.. We all have been tricked for centuries.

"One of the reasons people hate politics is that truth is rarely a politician's objective. Election and power are. "

Cal Thomas

People vs government and government use race to divide us instead of people waking up out of this slumber.

We are playing right into there games. Americans are Americans, if a particular race needs help, why not.

Education is key, if your not coming in with an understanding frame of mind to facts then yes he is part of the problem.

We need solutions, the people united can do that but we don't, we allow government to treat us like cattle and enjoy the propaganda.

People > Government
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 29, 2017 at 6:28 AM ]
Originally posted by JR80Forever:

Your missing the point! You want to talk about divide? Tell Donald to shut the Fuc* up! He is dividing us!!

If you can't see that, then you are part of the problem.

This is the part people on the left don't understand. Kaepernick divided us when he started his protest in the wrong manner. This issue has ALWAYS been devisive. The difference is that the left doesn't care if it's a conservative that is offended or disagrees. The president made one comment over a year after all this started and the left throws a temper tantrum. Personally, I don't think the president caused any divide, but that's because I'm not offended by what he said. It cuts both ways, but for some reason conservatives are the only ones who need to care about the other sides feelings.
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Originally posted by JR80Forever:

Your missing the point! You want to talk about divide? Tell Donald to shut the Fuc* up! He is dividing us!!

If you can't see that, then you are part of the problem.

This is the part people on the left don't understand. Kaepernick divided us when he started his protest in the wrong manner. This issue has ALWAYS been devisive. The difference is that the left doesn't care if it's a conservative that is offended or disagrees. The president made one comment over a year after all this started and the left throws a temper tantrum. Personally, I don't think the president caused any divide, but that's because I'm not offended by what he said. It cuts both ways, but for some reason conservatives are the only ones who need to care about the other sides feelings.

Personally there is no right or left... There's only Rothchilds, Duponts, Fords, Rockafella's and the rest of the elite families who run the world and give you the illusion there is a difference but in reality there isn't.

The right and left serve the bankers who are run by these families. Follow the money it's not hard but most don't.

They concentrate on our differences and not what we have in common, It's not a coincidence.

The People > Government
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 29, 2017 at 7:00 AM ]
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by JR80Forever:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Yes, America got offended. He pissed off people that would have been on his side because he was ignorant in his protest. When we told him that he didn't listen. The conversations haven't been about his protest ever, because he chose a venue that IS disrespectful to our military. Just because you say I didn't mean to disrespect doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful. Frankly the closed minded people in this debate are the NFL players that won't listen to the people who have repeatedly told them it offends them when you kneel.

And that's my problem we get outraged for him kneeling drag flag and military into the topic but don't get outraged when we deny the military health care when they come home.

Don't you see a problem with this?

We as Americans rather look good than actually doing good or why not get ouraged for a real issue with the military or our government ? At least thats the message we are sending..

I rather do good, than be concerned with looking good..

It's hypocrisy imo.

Kind of like the hypocrisy of Making such a major issue of the minuscule number of blacks killed by cops, but not worrying about the huge number of blacks killed by blacks?

People do worry about that. A simplr Google search will return many results for anti violence community action groups and programs.

You totally missed the point. We are talking about NFL players worrying about black people dying. I would think they would want to use their large stage to protest about the much more important problem of black on black crime. We are talking about thousands of lives compared to maybe dozens. They are just jumping on the liberal media sensationalism that's going on right now, because it is so popular (and dividing, I might add).


Your missing the point! You want to talk about divide? Tell Donald to shut the Fuc* up! He is dividing us!!

If you can't see that, then you are part of the problem.


I'm not missing the point, and I'm certainly not part of the problem. Donald speaks before he thinks, but Barrack attacked without thinking as well. He divided the country worse than it's been since the 60's. That's when it became OK for people to speak about killing cops, and groups like ANTIFA started rioting and attacking cops with their cute little KKK style hoods on. If you can't see that, you're blind.

Antifa was attacking cops while Obama was President? I must have missed that.
[ Edited by TheWooLick on Sep 29, 2017 at 7:12 AM ]
Re: the racist dog whistle of "black on black crime:

1) Because of homophily, homogamy, and residential segregation all groups experience higher rates of "group on group" crime than "group between group" crime. "Black on Black" crime is not a special thing, it is a specific case of a normal feature of "group on group crime" in American life. As such, to single out "Black on Black" crime is simply a racist dog whistle. It is nonsense. If you want to faint over a couch over "group on group" violent crime look at the horror of "white on white" domestic violence. You could be dumb and conclude that its the result of a deep and horrible pathology of white people, or you could be smart and say "oh, well, yeah, that's homogamy, and white people tend to marry other white people at very high rates and domestic abuse is a thing that happens in relationships."

The thing about crime is that most people spend the vast majority of their time within a fairly close radius around their home, so residential segregation results in inflated "group on group" crime rates across all groups. African Americans live in more racially segregated neighborhoods than any other group in the US, so "group on group crime" is as a result high.

The reason WHY African Americans live in racially segregated neighborhoods is well known: It was CREATED by overt racially discriminatory housing policy on the federal, state, and local levels from post World War II up through the 1980s. As the Dept of HUD has repeatedly found, while written racist policy has been abolished, African Americans still face substantial discrimination (e.g. lying about rent costs, security deposit, availability of properties, racially biased loan assurance, filtering back into majority black neighborhoods) when trying to move into majority white neighborhoods.

As a result, pretending like "black on black" crime is some special thing is not only 1) ignorant and racist, but 2) also completely overlooks the DOCUMENTED RACIST REASONS why it exists in high rates in the first place.

2) The idea that African Americans should spend more time focusing on "black on black" crime is idiotic not only because all groups experience "group on group" crime at higher rates than they experience "group between group" crime, but ALSO because the African American community spends MUCH MORE TIME AND RESOURCES dedicated to "group on group" crime than does any other group.

Why do they do so? Because many African American communities legitimately realize that the police don't protect their communities, and that they need to do so for themselves.

That's what happens when Whites and Blacks both use and sell illegal drugs at the same rate (Whites actually use and sell at a slightly higher rate than do Blacks) but Blacks are 10-15 times more likely to face jail time for using or selling.

It's what happens when cops keep on murdering unarmed black kids like Tamir Rice and get away with it.

It's what happens when cops murder unarmed Black motorists, hide a gun in their car, are faced at trial with DNA evidence that the murder victim who supposedly owned the gun had never even touched the gun but the cop who placed it had his DNA all over it, and still completely get away it (Jason Stokley's murder of Anthony Lamar Smith).


1) If you don't know why people are protesting or what they are protesting about that's on you. If you're curious take the time to read about it and study it. You are the only person who is responsible for your own ignorance.

2) If you insist on attempting to switch the topic to "black on black" crime you are AT BEST ignorant about what you're talking about and would be better off learning about what you're talking about before casting stones, AT MEDIUM have been duped into repeating racist claptrap by the media you have chosen to consume, and AT WORST seriously suffer from implicit or explicit racial bias yourself. This again, is entirely on you.
[ Edited by PopeyeJonesing on Sep 29, 2017 at 7:14 AM ]
Originally posted by Jasta:
Ok. So how about some proper gun control then? How about making it much harder for young black men to get firearms? How about that? What about nuclear families? You just going to force people to stay together? Not have kids till they're ready? What about instead funding planned parenthood properly and de-stigmatizing abortions? How about actually tackling student loan debt if you think education is so important?

Or do you just want to point fingers at underprivileged people while you vote for the guy who wants to give the wealthiest people in the country a 2 trillion dollar tax break?

Conservatives love blaming people for not getting themselves out of a s**tty situation but never want to take their boot off their necks while they're doing it.

Do you really think black gangs are killing each other using legally purchased guns? Why don't we just make murder more illegal and maybe that will stop them.

And if you think that somehow making black women feel less guilty about getting rid of black children will solve some problem then I got nothing for you.

And I'm pretty sure the student loan debt isn't near the top of their list, that's an entitled white kid's problem.

Truth is, there is no easy solution to a complex problem. There IS a lack of family nucleas that would help a lot of the problems instead of young boys being raised by older boys who are in gangs. Unfortunately, I don't know how you fix it, but I know that a new law that already exist or raising taxes won't do anything.

Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Antifa was attacking cops while Obama was President? I must have missed that.

Apparently Obama was also president in 1992 when "Cop Killer" came out, or a decade earlier in 1982 when Bruce Springsteen wrote a song suggesting that the narrator would kill a cop if he pulled him over.

I knew Obama was young as a president, but I didn't know he was President when he was just 21.
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Originally posted by JR80Forever:

Your missing the point! You want to talk about divide? Tell Donald to shut the Fuc* up! He is dividing us!!

If you can't see that, then you are part of the problem.

This is the part people on the left don't understand. Kaepernick divided us when he started his protest in the wrong manner. This issue has ALWAYS been devisive. The difference is that the left doesn't care if it's a conservative that is offended or disagrees. The president made one comment over a year after all this started and the left throws a temper tantrum. Personally, I don't think the president caused any divide, but that's because I'm not offended by what he said. It cuts both ways, but for some reason conservatives are the only ones who need to care about the other sides feelings.

Tombo at least admitted that Trump doesn't think before he speaks. Him acknowledging that tells me he understands the situation.


You personally don't have to take offense to what Trump said to realize his intentions. To me his comments were clear.

He is verbally assaulting the NFL and everyone that cares about it, including you!

I took offense to his tweets from a fan perspective. I am glad the NFL united and continues to unite.

If Donald cared so much about what his job is right now he would evolve and help cease the situation.
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Do you really think black gangs are killing each other using legally purchased guns? Why don't we just make murder more illegal and maybe that will stop them.

And if you think that somehow making black women feel less guilty about getting rid of black children will solve some problem then I got nothing for you.

And I'm pretty sure the student loan debt isn't near the top of their list, that's an entitled white kid's problem.

Truth is, there is no easy solution to a complex problem. There IS a lack of family nucleas that would help a lot of the problems instead of young boys being raised by older boys who are in gangs. Unfortunately, I don't know how you fix it, but I know that a new law that already exist or raising taxes won't do anything.

1. Practically every gun in the United States originated as a legally purchased gun. That reasonable gun control laws don't correlate with a drop in the use of guns in violent crimes is a patently ridiculous argument that is easily disproven with international comparative data.

2. Income and education are the strongest predictors of marriage and divorce rates. If you care about that you care about doing everything you can to decrease poverty. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to decrease poverty rates in the U.S.? If not, on this topic you can politely shut it.

3. Student loan debt is absolutely not an "entitled white kid problem", as entitled high income kids regardless of race don't have to worry about student loan debt. Instead it's a problem that most affects kids from low-income and middle-income families. Do you actually care about this? If so, you'd note that the U.S. has been slashing funding for higher education for 40 years now, and that it's substantially harder to pay for a college degree for this generation than it was for the last two. You'd also not that NOBODY ELSE DOES IT THIS WAY, and that across the rest of the Western world a public college education is anywhere from 1/3rd of the cost to entirely free.

4. There are proven and easy ways to fix these problems. You just don't like them. You don't want to pay taxes at the same rate as all the countries that have been eating our lunch and surpassing us on GDP per capita, income inequality, and lowered poverty rates over the last few decades.
It shouldn't be a like or dislike poll. It should be an acceptable or not acceptable poll. Either you accept that the players are exercising their rights to free speech or you don't. That's it. This is America so I support the players right to free speech and their right to protest.
  • Tombo
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 254
Originally posted by Jasta:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
The amount of activism and media attention given to warzone murder culture pales in comparison to recent hysteria over "white supremact police brutality". As BLM calls it.

The latter is now shoved down everyone's throat just about everywhere at all times on TV, radio and online.

It's blame shifting. The two issues are directly linked. High rates of murder, armed robbery and gun violence are directly linked to higher rates of police contact. Violent or otherwise.

Even when people focus on warzone murder culture they end up blaming it on white racism. Everything seems to be about blame shifting. (White racism supposedly causes poverty in the 21st century and this poverty forces people to murder eachother. Right?)

It's paternalistic when white liberals such as yourself pull this line of reasoning. Very paternalistic. We should be focused on the nuclear family, education, American jobs for all and cultural change.

Ok. So how about some proper gun control then? How about making it much harder for young black men to get firearms? How about that? What about nuclear families? You just going to force people to stay together? Not have kids till they're ready? What about instead funding planned parenthood properly and de-stigmatizing abortions? How about actually tackling student loan debt if you think education is so important?

Or do you just want to point fingers at underprivileged people while you vote for the guy who wants to give the wealthiest people in the country a 2 trillion dollar tax break?

Conservatives love blaming people for not getting themselves out of a s**tty situation but never want to take their boot off their necks while they're doing it.
What about taking responsibility for your own actions? What about teaching your kids respect? Not having kids 'till their ready? Wow, what a concept!

Or do you just want to point fingers at the rest of society for your own actions?

Liberals want to blame everyone else for their own problems, instead of trying to better themselves.
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