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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

Originally posted by Tombo:
What about taking responsibility for your own actions? What about teaching your kids respect? Not having kids 'till their ready? Wow, what a concept!

Or do you just want to point fingers at the rest of society for your own actions?

Liberals want to blame everyone else for their own problems, instead of trying to better themselves.

How about stop using our hard earned tax money that I pay to harrass, kill or taking the public's property because it's becoming a f**king business..

How about using my money to retrain these cops oe eliminate corruption in these police stations..

How about doing something with my money instead of hiring some bozo from the street, sending him to a corrupted academy where they teach you how to f**k the public... Don't they have jobs that pays for theses things??????

"Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year"

"Officers can take cash and property from people without convicting or even charging them with a crime — yes, really! — through the highly controversial practice known as civil asset forfeiture. Last year, according to the Institute for Justice, the Treasury and Justice departments deposited more than $5 billion into their respective asset forfeiture funds. That same year, the FBI reports that burglary losses topped out at $3.5 billion."

But nooooooo theres nothing to see here? The hypocrisy is a disgrace to the people.. Keapernick kneeling is the real issue not what he is kneeling for.

A bunch of f**king thieves is what they are!!!! WHERE THE f**k IS THE OUTCRY TO THIS???


We pay them to steal from us!!!! BRILLIANT
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 29, 2017 at 8:56 AM ]
  • jcs
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Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Do you really think black gangs are killing each other using legally purchased guns? Why don't we just make murder more illegal and maybe that will stop them.

And if you think that somehow making black women feel less guilty about getting rid of black children will solve some problem then I got nothing for you.

And I'm pretty sure the student loan debt isn't near the top of their list, that's an entitled white kid's problem.

Truth is, there is no easy solution to a complex problem. There IS a lack of family nucleas that would help a lot of the problems instead of young boys being raised by older boys who are in gangs. Unfortunately, I don't know how you fix it, but I know that a new law that already exist or raising taxes won't do anything.

1. Practically every gun in the United States originated as a legally purchased gun. That reasonable gun control laws don't correlate with a drop in the use of guns in violent crimes is a patently ridiculous argument that is easily disproven with international comparative data.

2. Income and education are the strongest predictors of marriage and divorce rates. If you care about that you care about doing everything you can to decrease poverty. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to decrease poverty rates in the U.S.? If not, on this topic you can politely shut it.

3. Student loan debt is absolutely not an "entitled white kid problem", as entitled high income kids regardless of race don't have to worry about student loan debt. Instead it's a problem that most affects kids from low-income and middle-income families. Do you actually care about this? If so, you'd note that the U.S. has been slashing funding for higher education for 40 years now, and that it's substantially harder to pay for a college degree for this generation than it was for the last two. You'd also not that NOBODY ELSE DOES IT THIS WAY, and that across the rest of the Western world a public college education is anywhere from 1/3rd of the cost to entirely free.

4. There are proven and easy ways to fix these problems. You just don't like them. You don't want to pay taxes at the same rate as all the countries that have been eating our lunch and surpassing us on GDP per capita, income inequality, and lowered poverty rates over the last few decades.


There are no easy fixes to these issues... An attempt at some of the fixes could also be deemed unconstitutional.
Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
1. Practically every gun in the United States originated as a legally purchased gun. That reasonable gun control laws don't correlate with a drop in the use of guns in violent crimes is a patently ridiculous argument that is easily disproven with international comparative data.

2. Income and education are the strongest predictors of marriage and divorce rates. If you care about that you care about doing everything you can to decrease poverty. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to decrease poverty rates in the U.S.? If not, on this topic you can politely shut it.

3. Student loan debt is absolutely not an "entitled white kid problem", as entitled high income kids regardless of race don't have to worry about student loan debt. Instead it's a problem that most affects kids from low-income and middle-income families. Do you actually care about this? If so, you'd note that the U.S. has been slashing funding for higher education for 40 years now, and that it's substantially harder to pay for a college degree for this generation than it was for the last two. You'd also not that NOBODY ELSE DOES IT THIS WAY, and that across the rest of the Western world a public college education is anywhere from 1/3rd of the cost to entirely free.

4. There are proven and easy ways to fix these problems. You just don't like them. You don't want to pay taxes at the same rate as all the countries that have been eating our lunch and surpassing us on GDP per capita, income inequality, and lowered poverty rates over the last few decades.

1) Just because you think something is ridiculous doesn't make it so. Crack, cocaine and meth are completely illegal and they still find a way into the hands of gangs. If they want guns they will get them, no matter how hard you make it for law abiding citizens to purchase them legally. And since alot of gangs have guns that are illegal to own period, then I won't except your assertion that 'Practically every gun in the United States originated as a legally purchased gun'.

2) When your solution is to take more of my hard earned money, then no, I will not politely shut up. I would rather my fellow Americans work their asses off more and take responsibility for themselves than expect me to work harder so I can help pay for their lifestyle.

3) The average tuition cost for a CSU college is between $6,000 and $7,000 a year. With books we'll put it at $8,000 a year. If one was to fully fund that with loans (which you don't have to if you are actually middle to low income, because there are a ton of grants available if you look for them), you are talking about $32,000 for a 4 year degree. Which is roughly what I had when I graduated and equates to roughly a $350 a month payment for ten years. Not a problem if you have a degree that is useful. It IS an entitlement problem, we have kids who think they should be able to go to any college they want and then major in the 'history of women's rights in Mongolia'. And then they're shocked when their USC education has racked up $150,000 in debt and they can't get a job because their degree is useless. Again why is that my responsibility to bail them out.

4) And yes, there are some European countries that have higher taxes and it works well, however they also have very strict immigration laws (must have a higher education and a job before you may live there) and a population who all work with a very low parasite population.
  • Geeked
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Originally posted by Born9erFan:

Edited for ease of viewing.

2) When your solution is to take more of my hard earned money, then no, I will not politely shut up. I would rather my fellow Americans work their asses off more and take responsibility for themselves than expect me to work harder so I can help pay for their lifestyle.

Just so you know, unless your hard earned money is over a $500k a year... you won't be seeing any tax relief of substance... you may end up paying more under a GOP led reform. This may not be in direct Federal Taxation but through indirect cost sources. You may lose write off's, or be taxed more in State, City and County to make up for the loss in domestic infrastructure federal spending.

And there's no way the US can expand military spending and not reduce spending somewhere else, add a reduction in revenue... you may not enjoy the outcome.

GOP tax reform will never look out for the middle to lower classes. Never has, and never will. This is no different than what has happened in many other countries based on free market economics... and free market isn't very free once the markets are cornered... and they are being cornered as we speak../ write.
Originally posted by Jasta:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
The amount of activism and media attention given to warzone murder culture pales in comparison to recent hysteria over "white supremact police brutality". As BLM calls it.

The latter is now shoved down everyone's throat just about everywhere at all times on TV, radio and online.

It's blame shifting. The two issues are directly linked. High rates of murder, armed robbery and gun violence are directly linked to higher rates of police contact. Violent or otherwise.

Even when people focus on warzone murder culture they end up blaming it on white racism. Everything seems to be about blame shifting. (White racism supposedly causes poverty in the 21st century and this poverty forces people to murder eachother. Right?)

It's paternalistic when white liberals such as yourself pull this line of reasoning. Very paternalistic. We should be focused on the nuclear family, education, American jobs for all and cultural change.

Ok. So how about some proper gun control then? How about making it much harder for young black men to get firearms? How about that? What about nuclear families? You just going to force people to stay together? Not have kids till they're ready? What about instead funding planned parenthood properly and de-stigmatizing abortions? How about actually tackling student loan debt if you think education is so important?

Or do you just want to point fingers at underprivileged people while you vote for the guy who wants to give the wealthiest people in the country a 2 trillion dollar tax break?

Conservatives love blaming people for not getting themselves out of a s**tty situation but never want to take their boot off their necks while they're doing it.

Ok, so how about proper gun control, like in Chicago, or D.C., or many other liberal run cities. They have the highest crime rates. Here's the facts. There are about 300,000 000 guns in the country, people have a constitutional right to them, gun control laws only take guns away from law abiding citizens as criminals by definition don't obey them, and in a free society, you can not control access to Anything, whether it be guns, drugs, people, or anything else. The black market will fill the demand. Statistics show that crime rates fall when criminals fear an armed victim, and all mass murders happen in gun free zones.

What about nuclear families? After WWII, 80 percent of black families had a male head of household. Now it's close to the opposite. Where are the Black leaders? Campaigning for more government assistance. The government is now the breadwinner in many poor families, and in some instances actually disincentivises financially having a man in the house. That results in no positive male roll model. I just saw a female NFL team doctor talk about how well she is accepted, because most of these players were raised by their mothers or grandmothers. Much of this is cultural.

Education? You are absolutely correct. There is no solution without it. Is doing well in school praised by young black men's peers, or are they ridiculed as uncle tom's, or worse. His father will help him stand up to that pressure. Oh wait... Student loan debt? It's a fact that government aid to education has caused the colleges and universities to raise their fees exponentially, because the kids can just get the additional money by borrowing it from the government. Even supporters like Joe Biden admit this. All the educators become very well paid. I do believe in the aid, but only to schools that are cost effective so as to give the schools a reason to be competitive.

Free abortions for poor people? If whites were driving that, you'd be making a pretty good case that that's genocide.

Conservatives want to blame people? Blaming people is what these demonstrations are all about.

Here's the bottom line. Blaming the white community and teaching young black men that they are victims of "white privelege" guarantees little progress will be made. I'm not saying injustices don't happen, and God help us, certainly did in the past. I'm saying dwelling on them is counter productive. Asians do very well because they value family and education. It's their culture. Everybody, of any race, will do their best with those values.
[ Edited by BOI49er on Sep 29, 2017 at 9:38 AM ]
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
parasite population.

You have a number of factual errors in your post, but sorry, I'm simply not going to try to engage in a serious conversation who someone who refers to other human beings as parasites.

Never gonna do it.

It's simply not worth the effort or time.

Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:

"Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year"

"Officers can take cash and property from people without convicting or even charging them with a crime — yes, really! — through the highly controversial practice known as civil asset forfeiture. Last year, according to the Institute for Justice, the Treasury and Justice departments deposited more than $5 billion into their respective asset forfeiture funds. That same year, the FBI reports that burglary losses topped out at $3.5 billion."

But nooooooo theres nothing to see here? The hypocrisy is a disgrace to the people.. Keapernick kneeling is the real issue not what he is kneeling for.

Yep. It's a terrible disgrace, and it's getting worse:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Jasta:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
The amount of activism and media attention given to warzone murder culture pales in comparison to recent hysteria over "white supremact police brutality". As BLM calls it.

The latter is now shoved down everyone's throat just about everywhere at all times on TV, radio and online.

It's blame shifting. The two issues are directly linked. High rates of murder, armed robbery and gun violence are directly linked to higher rates of police contact. Violent or otherwise.

Even when people focus on warzone murder culture they end up blaming it on white racism. Everything seems to be about blame shifting. (White racism supposedly causes poverty in the 21st century and this poverty forces people to murder eachother. Right?)

It's paternalistic when white liberals such as yourself pull this line of reasoning. Very paternalistic. We should be focused on the nuclear family, education, American jobs for all and cultural change.

Ok. So how about some proper gun control then? How about making it much harder for young black men to get firearms? How about that? What about nuclear families? You just going to force people to stay together? Not have kids till they're ready? What about instead funding planned parenthood properly and de-stigmatizing abortions? How about actually tackling student loan debt if you think education is so important?

Or do you just want to point fingers at underprivileged people while you vote for the guy who wants to give the wealthiest people in the country a 2 trillion dollar tax break?

Conservatives love blaming people for not getting themselves out of a s**tty situation but never want to take their boot off their necks while they're doing it.
What about taking responsibility for your own actions? What about teaching your kids respect? Not having kids 'till their ready? Wow, what a concept!

Or do you just want to point fingers at the rest of society for your own actions?

Liberals want to blame everyone else for their own problems, instead of trying to better themselves.

Who is blaming immigrants for not being able to get a job and all kinds of other problems?
Trump got elected by Conservatives on a platform of blaming immigrants.
  • jcs
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  • Posts: 38,603
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Jasta:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
The amount of activism and media attention given to warzone murder culture pales in comparison to recent hysteria over "white supremact police brutality". As BLM calls it.

The latter is now shoved down everyone's throat just about everywhere at all times on TV, radio and online.

It's blame shifting. The two issues are directly linked. High rates of murder, armed robbery and gun violence are directly linked to higher rates of police contact. Violent or otherwise.

Even when people focus on warzone murder culture they end up blaming it on white racism. Everything seems to be about blame shifting. (White racism supposedly causes poverty in the 21st century and this poverty forces people to murder eachother. Right?)

It's paternalistic when white liberals such as yourself pull this line of reasoning. Very paternalistic. We should be focused on the nuclear family, education, American jobs for all and cultural change.

Ok. So how about some proper gun control then? How about making it much harder for young black men to get firearms? How about that? What about nuclear families? You just going to force people to stay together? Not have kids till they're ready? What about instead funding planned parenthood properly and de-stigmatizing abortions? How about actually tackling student loan debt if you think education is so important?

Or do you just want to point fingers at underprivileged people while you vote for the guy who wants to give the wealthiest people in the country a 2 trillion dollar tax break?

Conservatives love blaming people for not getting themselves out of a s**tty situation but never want to take their boot off their necks while they're doing it.
What about taking responsibility for your own actions? What about teaching your kids respect? Not having kids 'till their ready? Wow, what a concept!

Or do you just want to point fingers at the rest of society for your own actions?

Liberals want to blame everyone else for their own problems, instead of trying to better themselves.

Who is blaming immigrants for not being able to get a job and all kinds of other problems?
Trump got elected by Conservatives on a platform of blaming immigrants.
At least he didn't get caught blaming Americans for our problems...

"Super-Predators" - Hillary Clinton
Originally posted by BOI49er:
Asians do very well because they value family and education. It's their culture. Everybody, of any race, will do their best with those values.


There's MASSIVE heterogeneity on outcomes in Asian American communities that have EVERYTHING to do with their migration histories and nothing to do with their "cultures", whatever you mean by that.

People try to say the same things about Jews and valuing education, but it's similarly nonsense (I'm Jewish by the way). In the early 20th century there was no myth of Jewish educational exceptionalism because the Jews who were in the U.S. were like the Irish and Italians: they mostly came here BECAUSE they were poor and desperate.

Since the 1950s we've developed this crazy idea that Jews in the U.S. "culturally value" education and assimilate well because the WWII migration wave was almost entirely Jews who were ALREADY highly educated, well connected, and wealthy before getting here (i.e. the only people who could get out of mass genocide to begin with).

Look at Asian American immigration history, the "yellow peril" and its effects on the limits to Asian American migration throughout half of the 20th century, who was allowed to get in, etc. if you think there's something magical about Asian "culture."

Originally posted by Geeked:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:

Edited for ease of viewing.

2) When your solution is to take more of my hard earned money, then no, I will not politely shut up. I would rather my fellow Americans work their asses off more and take responsibility for themselves than expect me to work harder so I can help pay for their lifestyle.

Just so you know, unless your hard earned money is over a $500k a year... you won't be seeing any tax relief of substance... you may end up paying more under a GOP led reform. This may not be in direct Federal Taxation but through indirect cost sources. You may lose write off's, or be taxed more in State, City and County to make up for the loss in domestic infrastructure federal spending.

And there's no way the US can expand military spending and not reduce spending somewhere else, add a reduction in revenue... you may not enjoy the outcome.

GOP tax reform will never look out for the middle to lower classes. Never has, and never will. This is no different than what has happened in many other countries based on free market economics... and free market isn't very free once the markets are cornered... and they are being cornered as we speak../ write.

Yes, I have no illusions of grandeur with the GOP. All parties are made up of career politicians and frankly non of them want to roll back anything that releases power from the government. From a conservatives point of view, Trump was exciting because he wasn't a career politician who, as a successful business man, knows how to cut unnecessary fat from an organization. Unfortunately, everything he has tried to do (eliminate ACA, lower taxes, immigration reform) has either been shot down by the GOP or modified in a way where it does absolutely nothing that it says it should do, except give the illusion that the politicians that signed it accomplished something. Right now, if elected democrats didn't exist there would be no change in what Trump has tried to accomplish.

And quick side note, on top of somewhere between 30% and 40% of my income going to taxes and fees I spend $1,500 a month on health insurance (family of 5). Before ACA I spent $800, when the rate hike occurred I called to change my plan so I could lower it. I wanted to drop maternity for my wife since we were done having kids. I was told that ACA requires that everyone have the same coverage (can not discriminate based on sex and race) and that all conditions need to be covered (which is how they forced them to cover preexisting conditions). So not only am I required to pay for maternity for my wife, I must pay for maternity for myself (men still can't get pregnant), and my 5 year old daughter, 3 year son and newborn. That's legislation based on feelings.

So honestly, I am tired of people telling me I need to do more and that I'm privileged. I came from a low income family and paid my own way through college (using student loans among others) and now am trying to raise a upper middle class family based upon my hard work. So frankly, I want them to 'politely shut up' and take care of themselves.
Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
parasite population.

You have a number of factual errors in your post, but sorry, I'm simply not going to try to engage in a serious conversation who someone who refers to other human beings as parasites.

Never gonna do it.

It's simply not worth the effort or time.


Of course you won't...

I only gave one fact in my response, which is the cost of a college education at a CSU college (for in-state students, if that was your problem). Everything else was opinion or common sense based arguments. But I guess 1 is a number, but is still wasn't a factual error.

If you can't even admit that there are people who manipulate the system and live off government aid their whole life then you are naive or willfully ignorant. And yes, I call those people parasites, stop with the mock outrage.
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
And quick side note, on top of somewhere between 30% and 40% of my income going to taxes and fees I spend $1,500 a month on health insurance (family of 5). Before ACA I spent $800, when the rate hike occurred I called to change my plan so I could lower it.

If that's accurate your effective tax rate is higher than mine (I'm in the top tax bracket) and I spend $0.00 a month on health insurance.

Me and my family's medical care is also better, faster, and less hassle than it has every been in our lives.

If this sounds crazy to you, the secret to it is that we moved to Canada for work a few years ago.

There's seriously better ways to do things, man. If we as Americans were less obsessed with our purported exceptionalism perhaps we'd realize that other people have really figured some stuff out.

EDIT: Oops, didn't realize this was you again. Not posting with you anymore, but will leave this here as the post was made.
[ Edited by PopeyeJonesing on Sep 29, 2017 at 10:15 AM ]
Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Originally posted by BOI49er:
Asians do very well because they value family and education. It's their culture. Everybody, of any race, will do their best with those values.


There's MASSIVE heterogeneity on outcomes in Asian American communities that have EVERYTHING to do with their migration histories and nothing to do with their "cultures", whatever you mean by that.

People try to say the same things about Jews and valuing education, but it's similarly nonsense (I'm Jewish by the way). In the early 20th century there was no myth of Jewish educational exceptionalism because the Jews who were in the U.S. were like the Irish and Italians: they mostly came here BECAUSE they were poor and desperate.

Since the 1950s we've developed this crazy idea that Jews in the U.S. "culturally value" education and assimilate well because the WWII migration wave was almost entirely Jews who were ALREADY highly educated, well connected, and wealthy before getting here (i.e. the only people who could get out of mass genocide to begin with).

Look at Asian American immigration history, the "yellow peril" and its effects on the limits to Asian American migration throughout half of the 20th century, who was allowed to get in, etc. if you think there's something magical about Asian "culture."

Ohhhh, ok. I said nothing about Jewish immigration, and know little about it. The Asian reference was based on articles I've read, and I have no cause to doubt them.

I'm Irish, who did come here poor and poorly educated, and faced "Irish Need Not Apply" signs everywhere, and could largely only get labor jobs. That's ok, they were used to that, having come from a discrimination country where by law they could not hold any government job, or any management job in private industry, and land inheritance had to be divided equally among all the sons, ensuring ever smaller pieces of land and poverty. We didn't get our independence from the English, who used us very much like the plantation owners used the slaves, until after WWI.

But family, religion, and hard work eventually brought us into the mainstream. I don't know how else its done. I know playing the victim doesn't work.
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Yes, America got offended. He pissed off people that would have been on his side because he was ignorant in his protest. When we told him that he didn't listen. The conversations haven't been about his protest ever, because he chose a venue that IS disrespectful to our military. Just because you say I didn't mean to disrespect doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful. Frankly the closed minded people in this debate are the NFL players that won't listen to the people who have repeatedly told them it offends them when you kneel.

And that's my problem we get outraged for him kneeling drag flag and military into the topic but don't get outraged when we deny the military health care when they come home.

Don't you see a problem with this?

We as Americans rather look good than actually doing good or why not get ouraged for a real issue with the military or our government ? At least thats the message we are sending..

I rather do good, than be concerned with looking good..

It's hypocrisy imo.

Kind of like the hypocrisy of Making such a major issue of the minuscule number of blacks killed by cops, but not worrying about the huge number of blacks killed by blacks?

People do worry about that. A simplr Google search will return many results for anti violence community action groups and programs.

The amount of activism and media attention given to warzone murder culture pales in comparison to recent hysteria over "white supremact police brutality". As BLM calls it.

The latter is now shoved down everyone's throat just about everywhere at all times on TV, radio and online.

It's blame shifting. The two issues are directly linked. High rates of murder, armed robbery and gun violence are directly linked to higher rates of police contact. Violent or otherwise.

Even when people focus on warzone murder culture they end up blaming it on white racism. Everything seems to be about blame shifting. (White racism supposedly causes poverty in the 21st century and this poverty forces people to murder eachother. Right?)

It's paternalistic when white liberals such as yourself pull this line of reasoning. Very paternalistic. We should be focused on the nuclear family, education, American jobs for all and cultural change.

The media focus is irrelevant here. The fact isnthstvthere are many groups dedicated to addressing community violence.

Warzone Murder Culture.
Did you make that up yourself or read it somewhere?
Alt Right types such as yourself love to parrot.

No, it's not irrelevant. The lopsided media attention on an issue responsible for less than 1% of early black deaths exposes the fact this movement has ulterior motives. One of which is to shift blame and avoid cultural accountability. The exact thing that's needed for serious cultural change. Poor white people also need more opportunities as they're turning to heroin at epidemic rates. There's a lot of cultural decay in America that has little to do with racism.

This is just one reason people like you do more harm than good. We would all be better off focusing on the nuclear family, jobs for all and cultural change.

As far as your predictable and redundant accusations of racism, they don't work. Not sure if you read the memo but crying wolf for so long has that effect. Advocating personal responsibility, cultural accountability and jobs is not some "alt-right/racist" platform.

The term "warzone murder culture" directly defines what's going on in cities across the nation. Cities with murder rates per capita higher than some warzones.

Murder is the leading cause of death for all black people (male and female) age 14-35. More than all other causes combined. THAT is an epidemic worthy of "taking a knee". Same with the drug epidemic impacting white people. Working class white males in particular. A group with very high death rates compared to higher income brackets.

Anyhow, if you can't see how violent culture impacts policing then I can't help you and you can't help anyone else. You can only do more harm than good with your paternalistic blame shifting and non-stop accusations of racism. (One in the same)

Does this act make you feel good about yourself? Is that why you do it or are you truly convinced you're helping to build a better world? The black community does need some help but not in the form of finger pointing, blame shifting and or dodging any and all cultural accountability. If you were focused on family, education and jobs I'd be right there with you.

There's a reason European (white) Americans aren't even the top earners in America and it has nothing to do with race, racism or white supremacy. Some groups have different cultural values by in large and these cultural values generate different outcomes. Both socially and economically.

Equal behavior in general will generate more equal outcomes in general. Millions of white people lag behind and that's also a mixture of cultural decay and a lack of opportunity (living wage jobs). The same goes for the black community. Asians have much less problems in school and the workforce per capita compared to white and black people. Culture not race. Same with Jewish Americans. Jewish Americans make up 50% of US billionaires while being less than 5% of the overall population. Do we talk about "Jewish supremacy"? Of course not, that would be paranoid racism. CULTURE. On average the highly successful groups have high levels of social cohesion with cultural norms focused on family, education and success. We still need more jobs to make it easier for more people to travel that road.

This doesn't mean some cops aren't horrible people and it doesn't mean we don't need criminal juctice reform but if we want to minimize police contact cultural change is the most beneficial path, a strategy that will have many other benefits. (Such as raising education and income levels while drastically lowing the early death rates for black people)

At the same time we do need to focus tax dollars on education while somehow creating more jobs in America. Our civilization is a massive nexus of interlocking pathways. White racism is not the driving force. Not in the 21st century. Blaming everything on white racism isn't going to fix the issues at hand, it will only prolong the issues. It will do more harm than good.
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