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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
"Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year"

"Officers can take cash and property from people without convicting or even charging them with a crime — yes, really! — through the highly controversial practice known as civil asset forfeiture. Last year, according to the Institute for Justice, the Treasury and Justice departments deposited more than $5 billion into their respective asset forfeiture funds. That same year, the FBI reports that burglary losses topped out at $3.5 billion."

But nooooooo theres nothing to see here? The hypocrisy is a disgrace to the people.. Keapernick kneeling is the real issue not what he is kneeling for.

Yep. It's a terrible disgrace, and it's getting worse:

Unreal, How we pay these tyrants to protect us yet we ignore them coming and stealing from us.

Double dipping. Alot of Americans are only finding this out now while some us been screaming foul..

When will we wake up?? When will the people see the facts and take back control of us?

Disgraceful and nauseating. Wake up please! It affects you more than you realize...
Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
And quick side note, on top of somewhere between 30% and 40% of my income going to taxes and fees I spend $1,500 a month on health insurance (family of 5). Before ACA I spent $800, when the rate hike occurred I called to change my plan so I could lower it.

If that's accurate your effective tax rate is higher than mine (I'm in the top tax bracket) and I spend $0.00 a month on health insurance.

Me and my family's medical care is also better, faster, and less hassle than it has every been in our lives.

If this sounds crazy to you, the secret to it is that we moved to Canada for work a few years ago.

There's seriously better ways to do things, man. If we as Americans were less obsessed with our purported exceptionalism perhaps we'd realize that other people have really figured some stuff out.

EDIT: Oops, didn't realize this was you again. Not posting with you anymore, but will leave this here as the post was made.

Nonsense. We see the results reflected in current test scores no matter the income of the parents. On average a poor Asian student from a two parent household will do better than a poor white student from a single parent household. Heck, on average they'll do better than a poor white person from a two parent household.

Jewish Americans and Asians Americans score highest on tests which is also generating the end result we see in the workforce.

To sweep aside (general) cultural norms is not only silly it's dangerous. That will result in more people accepting the "nature" side of the nature/nurture debate and we don't need that.
Member Milestone: This is post number 1,200 for Evilgenius.
There are reports now that the raiders oline threw the game because Carr stood. He took 4 back to back sacks in a series. Losers. So oppressed they get paid millions to play a game.
Originally posted by Evilgenius:
There are reports now that the raiders oline threw the game because Carr stood. He took 4 back to back sacks in a series. Losers. So oppressed they get paid millions to play a game.

I highly, highly doubt this is true. If it is, then lol. I guess it's wrong to STAND for the National Anthem now.
This thread is embarrassing. The only reason why I might choose to stop watching football are these moronic fans. If over 50% of the fanbase of a Northern Californian team are basically primitive asshats, I seriously have to reconsider if I want to support a product these people like. I just hope they really do what they're threatening to do (stopping to watch and attend games) so I don't have to.

Honestly, nobody misses you. It's YOU who should leave.
Originally posted by zugschef:
This thread is embarrassing. The only reason why I might choose to stop watching football are these moronic fans. If over 50% of the fanbase of a Northern Californian team are basically primitive asshats, I seriously have to reconsider if I want to support a product these people like. I just hope they really do what they're threatening to do (stopping to watch and attend games) so I don't have to.

Honestly, nobody misses you. It's YOU who should leave.

I consider myself conservative (though I voted Don't Care in this poll) but I'm very surprised by the poll results. Given what I read on social media, particularly this message board and Reddit, and given the fact that this is none other than a Bay Area sports team, I thought for sure it would be 80% Like votes. Guess a lot of conservatives (though not all of them, obviously) are just silent.
Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
And quick side note, on top of somewhere between 30% and 40% of my income going to taxes and fees I spend $1,500 a month on health insurance (family of 5). Before ACA I spent $800, when the rate hike occurred I called to change my plan so I could lower it.

If that's accurate your effective tax rate is higher than mine (I'm in the top tax bracket) and I spend $0.00 a month on health insurance.

Me and my family's medical care is also better, faster, and less hassle than it has every been in our lives.

If this sounds crazy to you, the secret to it is that we moved to Canada for work a few years ago.

There's seriously better ways to do things, man. If we as Americans were less obsessed with our purported exceptionalism perhaps we'd realize that other people have really figured some stuff out.

EDIT: Oops, didn't realize this was you again. Not posting with you anymore, but will leave this here as the post was made.

LOL, you don't have to hate me, or not talk to me, because I call people who don't take care of themselves, and take and don't give back, parasites.

And yes, living in California, I pay just under 30% in taxes on my pay check (all of it, fed and state, SS, income tax, etc.), when I add in Property tax, sales tax, registration fees, gas tax. I get to what I said.

Serious Question, what percentage of Canada's population pays into the system versus the number that drain on it and don't work? and how does that compare to America? And this is not a race thing, I know plenty of white people who are parasites, some are even in-laws.
Originally posted by zugschef:
This thread is embarrassing. The only reason why I might choose to stop watching football are these moronic fans. If over 50% of the fanbase of a Northern Californian team are basically primitive asshats, I seriously have to reconsider if I want to support a product these people like. I just hope they really do what they're threatening to do (stopping to watch and attend games) so I don't have to.

Honestly, nobody misses you. It's YOU who should leave.

According to Bob Costas 70% of the nfl is made up by African Americans?

I don't speak for anyone but I'm pretty sure they would tell you bon voyage with that ignorance.

[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 29, 2017 at 10:51 AM ]
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
"Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year"

"Officers can take cash and property from people without convicting or even charging them with a crime — yes, really! — through the highly controversial practice known as civil asset forfeiture. Last year, according to the Institute for Justice, the Treasury and Justice departments deposited more than $5 billion into their respective asset forfeiture funds. That same year, the FBI reports that burglary losses topped out at $3.5 billion."

But nooooooo theres nothing to see here? The hypocrisy is a disgrace to the people.. Keapernick kneeling is the real issue not what he is kneeling for.

Yep. It's a terrible disgrace, and it's getting worse:

Unreal, How we pay these tyrants to protect us yet we ignore them coming and stealing from us.

Double dipping. Alot of Americans are only finding this out now while some us been screaming foul..

When will we wake up?? When will the people see the facts and take back control of us?

Disgraceful and nauseating. Wake up please! It affects you more than you realize...

Yes, we need criminal justice reform. Is it a "system of white supremacy"? Nope. We also need economic relief. (Jobs)

When you turn the issue into black vs white as Kaepernick has done you make critical change less likley. This is an issue impacting all racial groups. Some more than others because serious crimes such as gun violence and visible drug sales on the street are committed more often by certian groups.

BLM's entire platform is to single out white people for blame. It's a confrontational agenda that's only going to generate racial discord. Discord that will make meaningful reform harder to achieve. If this issue was addressed objectively we'd all be better off.

Part of the reason police have become militarized is because warzones exist across the nation. People running around shooting people, selling dope and generally causing mayhem. Backwards policing is a side effect of a backwards society. America in general is suffering from serious cultural decay.

Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Yes, we need criminal justice reform. Is it a "system of white supremacy"? Nope. We also need economic relief. (Jobs)

When you turn the issue into black vs white as Kaepernick has done you make critical change less likley. This is an issue impacting all racial groups. Some more than others because serious crimes such as gun violence and visible drug sales on the street are committed more often by certian groups.

BLM's entire platform is to single out white people for blame. It's a confrontational agenda that's only going to generate racial discord. Discord that will make meaningful reform harder to achieve. If this issue was addressed objectively we'd all be better off.

Part of the reason police have become militarized is because warzones exist across the nation. People running around shooting people, selling dope and generally causing mayhem. Backwards policing is a side effect of a backwards society. America in general is suffering from serious cultural decay.

"The images on the news of police wearing helmets and masks, toting assault rifles, and riding in mine-resistant armored vehicles are not isolated incidents—they represent a nationwide trend of police militarization. Federal programs providing surplus military equipment, along with departments' own purchases, have outfitted officers with firepower that is often far beyond what is necessary for their jobs as protectors of their communities. Sending a heavily armed team of officers to perform "normal" police work can dangerously escalate situations that need never have involved violence. Yet the ACLU's recent report on police militarization, "War Comes Home," found that SWAT teams, which were originally devised as special responders for emergency situations, are deployed for drug searches more than they are for all other purposes combined.

The change in equipment is too often paralleled by a corresponding change in attitude whereby police conceive of themselves as "at war" with communities rather than as public servants concerned with keeping their communities safe. We advocate for a return to a less dangerous, more collaborative style of policing. We should not be able to mistake our officers for soldiers."

And yet... I see mraps being gifted to towns who dont need and the statistics show they dont need.

The feed us lies to make you think that way yet there actions arent sending them to chicago only if you wana make that case..

They are sending these militarily vehicles across America. Lets wake up (as a whole) and realize the war is against the people.

No need for these military vehicles in some of these communities that crimes are low. None at all.

Injustice on the people is whats coming, more..

It seems we ignore facts.
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 29, 2017 at 11:13 AM ]
Originally posted by zugschef:
This thread is embarrassing. The only reason why I might choose to stop watching football are these moronic fans. If over 50% of the fanbase of a Northern Californian team are basically primitive asshats, I seriously have to reconsider if I want to support a product these people like. I just hope they really do what they're threatening to do (stopping to watch and attend games) so I don't have to.

Honestly, nobody misses you. It's YOU who should leave.

Primitive asshats. Nice.

Why are men the vast majority of police shooting victims? Are cops sexist murderers or do men generally commit more serious violence than women?

Men are shot by police far more often than women because men are generally the ones out there committing most of the serious violent crime.

Does this mean all men are violent and deserve to be shot by police? Nope. Does this mean I hate men? Nope. Does this mean society is sexist against men? Nope. It means men generally need to change.

When men's behavior in society is equal to womens behavior we will see similar results as far as police shootings go.
Police officers explain how they're encouraged to act in racist ways
"When you put any type of numbers on a police officer to perform, we are going to go to the most vulnerable."

The cops admit it themselves.. We (the people) are still in denial. Of course..

It's accross the whole country its not an isolated incident and still we find excuses...
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 29, 2017 at 11:17 AM ]
Originally posted by PopeyeJonesing:
Re: the racist dog whistle of "black on black crime:

Racism racism you're racist!

(Your post summed up in four words.)

If you can't understand why extremely high murder rates impact policing then you're beyond reason.

Fact is, black males age 14-45 committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years. That's about 4% of the overall US population generating more than half the nations murders.

And it goes beyond black on black crime. Black people also commit far more interracial violence than all other groups. In fact, if you're white you're statistically far more likley to be victimized by a black person than the reverse.

This includes murder, armed robbery,aggravated assault and rape. When you take population numbers into account white peoole are more than 100 times more likley to be assulted by a black person than the reverse. Same with homicide and rape.

What about race and gun use in America? White people use guns to commit suicide 80% of the time while black people commit homicide about 90% of the time. (According to Brookings Institute study "Guns and Race in America) Which group do you think generates more police contact? The ones killing themselves with guns 80% of the time or the ones killing other people about 90% of the time?

I know these facts will anger you but this is what happens when you turn everything into some racial issue. It forces us to look at everything through a racial lens and I'm sorry to say black people don't come out smelling like roses.

It would be far more beneficial to talk about police brutality as an issue impacting all racial groups. It would be better if we addressed cultural decay in general and focused on jobs for all. Equal education for all. Equal opportunity for all.

Far left identity politics is poison slowly turning this nation towards chaos. When you start a national debate by blaming white people for all your problems that will only generate a negative reaction. BLM has gone about this in the wrong way. Same with CK.
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Police officers explain how they're encouraged to act in racist ways
"When you put any type of numbers on a police officer to perform, we are going to go to the most vulnerable."

The cops admit it themselves.. We (the people) are still in denial. Of course..

It's accross the whole country its not an isolated incident and still we find excuses...

The national crime victimization survey where the race of offenders is identified by victims (of all colors) closely matches the arrest rates. Are you aware of this?

Sure there are some racist cops but by in large the people committing the most crimes are arrested most.
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