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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Police officers explain how they're encouraged to act in racist ways
"When you put any type of numbers on a police officer to perform, we are going to go to the most vulnerable."

The cops admit it themselves.. We (the people) are still in denial. Of course..

It's accross the whole country its not an isolated incident and still we find excuses...

The national crime victimization survey where the race of offenders is identified by victims (of all colors) closely matches the arrest rates. Are you aware of this?

Sure there are some racist cops but by in large the people committing the most crimes are arrested most.

The fact that it's a nation wide problem and pay for this b******t is alarming and should be to ALL TAXPAYERS IN THIS COUNTRY!!

It's our money they using to rob the public, harrass the weak majority minorities who can't afford lawyer fees. Their not dumb, they know who to target. The weak and we pay for it..

I see it every day..
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 29, 2017 at 11:42 AM ]
Originally posted by Fanaticofnfl:
I consider myself conservative (though I voted Don't Care in this poll) but I'm very surprised by the poll results. Given what I read on social media, particularly this message board and Reddit, and given the fact that this is none other than a Bay Area sports team, I thought for sure it would be 80% Like votes. Guess a lot of conservatives (though not all of them, obviously) are just silent.

It shouldn't be too surprising. Protests like this are rarely popular at the time they occur. According to polls conducted during and in the immediate aftermath, approximately 85% of white people had negative views of the 1960s Civil Rights movement and MLK Jr.. It's a myth that there can be a popular way to protest.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by Tombo:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Yes, America got offended. He pissed off people that would have been on his side because he was ignorant in his protest. When we told him that he didn't listen. The conversations haven't been about his protest ever, because he chose a venue that IS disrespectful to our military. Just because you say I didn't mean to disrespect doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful. Frankly the closed minded people in this debate are the NFL players that won't listen to the people who have repeatedly told them it offends them when you kneel.

And that's my problem we get outraged for him kneeling drag flag and military into the topic but don't get outraged when we deny the military health care when they come home.

Don't you see a problem with this?

We as Americans rather look good than actually doing good or why not get ouraged for a real issue with the military or our government ? At least thats the message we are sending..

I rather do good, than be concerned with looking good..

It's hypocrisy imo.

Kind of like the hypocrisy of Making such a major issue of the minuscule number of blacks killed by cops, but not worrying about the huge number of blacks killed by blacks?

People do worry about that. A simplr Google search will return many results for anti violence community action groups and programs.

The amount of activism and media attention given to warzone murder culture pales in comparison to recent hysteria over "white supremact police brutality". As BLM calls it.

The latter is now shoved down everyone's throat just about everywhere at all times on TV, radio and online.

It's blame shifting. The two issues are directly linked. High rates of murder, armed robbery and gun violence are directly linked to higher rates of police contact. Violent or otherwise.

Even when people focus on warzone murder culture they end up blaming it on white racism. Everything seems to be about blame shifting. (White racism supposedly causes poverty in the 21st century and this poverty forces people to murder eachother. Right?)

It's paternalistic when white liberals such as yourself pull this line of reasoning. Very paternalistic. We should be focused on the nuclear family, education, American jobs for all and cultural change.

The media focus is irrelevant here. The fact isnthstvthere are many groups dedicated to addressing community violence.

Warzone Murder Culture.
Did you make that up yourself or read it somewhere?
Alt Right types such as yourself love to parrot.

No, it's not irrelevant. The lopsided media attention on an issue responsible for less than 1% of early black deaths exposes the fact this movement has ulterior motives. One of which is to shift blame and avoid cultural accountability. The exact thing that's needed for serious cultural change. Poor white people also need more opportunities as they're turning to heroin at epidemic rates. There's a lot of cultural decay in America that has little to do with racism.

This is just one reason people like you do more harm than good. We would all be better off focusing on the nuclear family, jobs for all and cultural change.

As far as your predictable and redundant accusations of racism, they don't work. Not sure if you read the memo but crying wolf for so long has that effect. Advocating personal responsibility, cultural accountability and jobs is not some "alt-right/racist" platform.

The term "warzone murder culture" directly defines what's going on in cities across the nation. Cities with murder rates per capita higher than some warzones.

Murder is the leading cause of death for all black people (male and female) age 14-35. More than all other causes combined. THAT is an epidemic worthy of "taking a knee". Same with the drug epidemic impacting white people. Working class white males in particular. A group with very high death rates compared to higher income brackets.

Anyhow, if you can't see how violent culture impacts policing then I can't help you and you can't help anyone else. You can only do more harm than good with your paternalistic blame shifting and non-stop accusations of racism. (One in the same)

Does this act make you feel good about yourself? Is that why you do it or are you truly convinced you're helping to build a better world? The black community does need some help but not in the form of finger pointing, blame shifting and or dodging any and all cultural accountability. If you were focused on family, education and jobs I'd be right there with you.

There's a reason European (white) Americans aren't even the top earners in America and it has nothing to do with race, racism or white supremacy. Some groups have different cultural values by in large and these cultural values generate different outcomes. Both socially and economically.

Equal behavior in general will generate more equal outcomes in general. Millions of white people lag behind and that's also a mixture of cultural decay and a lack of opportunity (living wage jobs). The same goes for the black community. Asians have much less problems in school and the workforce per capita compared to white and black people. Culture not race. Same with Jewish Americans. Jewish Americans make up 50% of US billionaires while being less than 5% of the overall population. Do we talk about "Jewish supremacy"? Of course not, that would be paranoid racism. CULTURE. On average the highly successful groups have high levels of social cohesion with cultural norms focused on family, education and success. We still need more jobs to make it easier for more people to travel that road.

This doesn't mean some cops aren't horrible people and it doesn't mean we don't need criminal juctice reform but if we want to minimize police contact cultural change is the most beneficial path, a strategy that will have many other benefits. (Such as raising education and income levels while drastically lowing the early death rates for black people)

At the same time we do need to focus tax dollars on education while somehow creating more jobs in America. Our civilization is a massive nexus of interlocking pathways. White racism is not the driving force. Not in the 21st century. Blaming everything on white racism isn't going to fix the issues at hand, it will only prolong the issues. It will do more harm than good.

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?

You support far left identity politics including privilege theory and critical race theory which blames whites for the fact many black people lag behind. CRT also blames whites for higher arrest rates in the black community. Both were constructed in order to shift blame.

"Asian" in context means people from India, Taiwan, Filipinos etc. We've been over this before, there's not some homogeneous blob of "Asian culture". I'm simply showing that the groups with higher rates of success have generally crafted cultural norms with an emphasis on the nuclear family, education and social cohesion within their communities. It's largley a cultural phenomenon not genetic or racial.

Jewish Americans are a great example if this. On average they end up scoring very high on tests and the results in the workforce speak for themselves.

Do you think there's a "Jewish supremacist conspiracy" placing them in influential positions and placing them in the higher income brackets? Of course not. Yet this is exactly what we're led to believe when it comes to white European Americans in the 21st century.

You're accusing me of racism when you say I'm "Alt-right". You've done this many times, even compared me to a NAZI in a different thread. The guy that was punched in the face on live TV. There's no reason to lie about this, in fact, lying about it only exposes the tactics you're using.

This slander is meant to poison the well. It's used to deflect attention away from the data and onto a "witch". It's meant to generate a proverbial witch hunt so people don't have to discuss the actual ideas presented.

Many on the New-Left think white people should have no say in any of it. We're seeing an increasingly racialized and segregated political culture in America and it's not a good thing for anyone. Who knows what this turns into down the line. Certainly not the "utopia" the New-Left dreams of.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?

You support far left identity politics including privilege theory and critical race theory which blames whites for the fact many black people lag behind. CRT also blames whites for higher arrest rates in the black community. Both were constructed in order to shift blame.

"Asian" in context means people from India, Taiwan, Filipinos etc. We've been over this before, there's not some homogeneous blob of "Asian culture". I'm simply showing that the groups with higher rates of success have generally crafted cultural norms with an emphasis on the nuclear family, education and social cohesion within their communities. It's largley a cultural phenomenon not genetic or racial.

Jewish Americans are a great example if this. On average they end up scoring very high on tests and the results in the workforce speak for themselves.

Do you think there's a "Jewish supremacist conspiracy" placing them in influential positions and placing them in the higher income brackets? Of course not. Yet this is exactly what we're led to believe when it comes to white European Americans in the 21st century.

You're accusing me of racism when you say I'm "Alt-right". You've done this many times, even compared me to a NAZI in a different thread. The guy that was punched in the face on live TV. There's no reason to lie about this, in fact, lying about it only exposes the tactics you're using.

This slander is meant to poison the well. It's used to deflect attention away from the data and onto a "witch". It's meant to generate a proverbial witch hunt so people don't have to discuss the actual ideas presented.

Many on the New-Left think white people should have no say in any of it. We're seeing an increasingly racialized and segregated political culture in America and it's not a good thing for anyone. Who knows what this turns into down the line. Certainly not the "utopia" the New-Left dreams of.

You are projecting what you want to argue onto me. You do this all the time to guide a discussion to your talking points. Why not shoe horn Ricardo in here and mention Colonialism?
I never called you a Nazi and you are equating the term Alt-Right to the term Racist, not me.
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?

Taiwan is the poorest province in China? Good Lord! Have you ever been there?

Very much like South Korea is the poorest country on the Korean Peninsula.
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?

You support far left identity politics including privilege theory and critical race theory which blames whites for the fact many black people lag behind. CRT also blames whites for higher arrest rates in the black community. Both were constructed in order to shift blame.

"Asian" in context means people from India, Taiwan, Filipinos etc. We've been over this before, there's not some homogeneous blob of "Asian culture". I'm simply showing that the groups with higher rates of success have generally crafted cultural norms with an emphasis on the nuclear family, education and social cohesion within their communities. It's largley a cultural phenomenon not genetic or racial.

Jewish Americans are a great example if this. On average they end up scoring very high on tests and the results in the workforce speak for themselves.

Do you think there's a "Jewish supremacist conspiracy" placing them in influential positions and placing them in the higher income brackets? Of course not. Yet this is exactly what we're led to believe when it comes to white European Americans in the 21st century.

You're accusing me of racism when you say I'm "Alt-right". You've done this many times, even compared me to a NAZI in a different thread. The guy that was punched in the face on live TV. There's no reason to lie about this, in fact, lying about it only exposes the tactics you're using.

This slander is meant to poison the well. It's used to deflect attention away from the data and onto a "witch". It's meant to generate a proverbial witch hunt so people don't have to discuss the actual ideas presented.

Many on the New-Left think white people should have no say in any of it. We're seeing an increasingly racialized and segregated political culture in America and it's not a good thing for anyone. Who knows what this turns into down the line. Certainly not the "utopia" the New-Left dreams of.

You are projecting what you want to argue onto me. You do this all the time to guide a discussion to your talking points. Why not shoe horn Ricardo in here and mention Colonialism?
I never called you a Nazi and you are equating the term Alt-Right to the term Racist, not me.

No, I directly responded to your post, in detail. You just don't like what I said.

Tell me this, what's your goal when you compare me to a white supremacist? (When you say I remind you of Richard Spencer.) What's your goal in saying I'm "Alt-right"?

It's to deflect attention away from the information onto the person. It's meant to generate an emotional response to people you disagree with. If there were no audience you probably wouldn't use these labels. It's meant to discredit anything I say in the eyes of others.

It's working right now because we're discussing me rather than the information at hand. The information I posted is directly related to crime and policing in America. It helps explain why certain groups experience more police contact on average.

At the end of the day I do think there's an issue with agressive police in America but unlike you I'm willing to look at the overall cause. American police shoot more people (compared to western European nations) because we have much higher rates of serious violence in the streets of America. Largley surrounding gun violence. This gun violence is disproportionately coming out of black neighborhoods but all racial groups are committing gun violence in America.

As I pointed out, the study from Brookings shows that 80% of white gun violence is suicide while about 90% of black gun violence is homicide. There's an undeniable difference in the way whites/blacks use guns in America (on average). This directly impacts policing in the nation.

You can blame guns but we've seen people commit genocide with machetes. It's the culture or desire to kill at the foundation here. If we minimize that culture it will help everyone. Black, white, young and old. Normal citizens and cops alike.

American gun violence is out of control and the police response has been brutal in many cases. If we want to minimize this response we need to minimize the violence. Minimizing this warzone culture would do the most good for the largest number of people.

The same can be said of men in general. Men commit far more serious violence than women and we see the results reflected in police shooting victims. (Most of which are men.) Are cops sexist murderers because they're far more likley to shoot men or are men out there committing most of the serious violent crime?
Originally posted by BOI49er:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?

Taiwan is the poorest province in China? Good Lord! Have you ever been there?

Very much like South Korea is the poorest country on the Korean Peninsula.

Poorly used comma by me.
I meant, Taiwan and the poorest province in China and the Philippines and Bangladesh...I meant to compare them.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?

You support far left identity politics including privilege theory and critical race theory which blames whites for the fact many black people lag behind. CRT also blames whites for higher arrest rates in the black community. Both were constructed in order to shift blame.

"Asian" in context means people from India, Taiwan, Filipinos etc. We've been over this before, there's not some homogeneous blob of "Asian culture". I'm simply showing that the groups with higher rates of success have generally crafted cultural norms with an emphasis on the nuclear family, education and social cohesion within their communities. It's largley a cultural phenomenon not genetic or racial.

Jewish Americans are a great example if this. On average they end up scoring very high on tests and the results in the workforce speak for themselves.

Do you think there's a "Jewish supremacist conspiracy" placing them in influential positions and placing them in the higher income brackets? Of course not. Yet this is exactly what we're led to believe when it comes to white European Americans in the 21st century.

You're accusing me of racism when you say I'm "Alt-right". You've done this many times, even compared me to a NAZI in a different thread. The guy that was punched in the face on live TV. There's no reason to lie about this, in fact, lying about it only exposes the tactics you're using.

This slander is meant to poison the well. It's used to deflect attention away from the data and onto a "witch". It's meant to generate a proverbial witch hunt so people don't have to discuss the actual ideas presented.

Many on the New-Left think white people should have no say in any of it. We're seeing an increasingly racialized and segregated political culture in America and it's not a good thing for anyone. Who knows what this turns into down the line. Certainly not the "utopia" the New-Left dreams of.

You are projecting what you want to argue onto me. You do this all the time to guide a discussion to your talking points. Why not shoe horn Ricardo in here and mention Colonialism?
I never called you a Nazi and you are equating the term Alt-Right to the term Racist, not me.

No, I directly responded to your post, in detail. You just don't like what I said.

Tell me this, what's your goal when you compare me to a white supremacist? (When you say I remind you of Richard Spencer.) What's your goal in saying I'm "Alt-right"?

It's to deflect attention away from the information onto the person. It's meant to generate an emotional response to people you disagree with. If there were no audience you probably wouldn't use these labels. It's meant to discredit anything I say in the eyes of others.

It's working right now because we're discussing me rather than the information at hand. The information I posted is directly related to crime and policing in America. It helps explain why certain groups experience more police contact on average.

At the end of the day I do think there's an issue with agressive police in America but unlike you I'm willing to look at the overall cause. American police shoot more people (compared to western European nations) because we have much higher rates of serious violence in the streets of America. Largley surrounding gun violence. This gun violence is disproportionately coming out of black neighborhoods but all racial groups are committing gun violence in America.

As I pointed out, the study from Brookings shows that 80% of white gun violence is suicide while about 90% of black gun violence is homicide. There's an undeniable difference in the way whites/blacks use guns in America (on average). This directly impacts policing in the nation.

You can blame guns but we've seen people commit genocide with machetes. It's the culture or desire to kill at the foundation here. If we minimize that culture it will help everyone. Black, white, young and old. Normal citizens and cops alike.

American gun violence is out of control and the police response has been brutal in many cases. If we want to minimize this response we need to minimize the violence. Minimizing this warzone culture would do the most good for the largest number of people.

The same can be said of men in general. Men commit far more serious violence than women and we see the results reflected in police shooting victims. (Most of which are men.) Are cops sexist murderers because they're far more likley to shoot men or are men out there committing most of the serious violent crime?

You said I support Far Left Identity Politics, privilege theory and critical race theory without any example of me doing so in the posts you are quoting.
Honestly, I don't care. People have rights to get angry about it as much as the players that are kneeling during the anthem. But I do think that players need to understand that all of us go to sports to get away from reality, not have it be a part of it. So while I love that players are using their platform to give awareness to the issues, they need to find another way outside the field to resolve it.

Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?

You support far left identity politics including privilege theory and critical race theory which blames whites for the fact many black people lag behind. CRT also blames whites for higher arrest rates in the black community. Both were constructed in order to shift blame.

"Asian" in context means people from India, Taiwan, Filipinos etc. We've been over this before, there's not some homogeneous blob of "Asian culture". I'm simply showing that the groups with higher rates of success have generally crafted cultural norms with an emphasis on the nuclear family, education and social cohesion within their communities. It's largley a cultural phenomenon not genetic or racial.

Jewish Americans are a great example if this. On average they end up scoring very high on tests and the results in the workforce speak for themselves.

Do you think there's a "Jewish supremacist conspiracy" placing them in influential positions and placing them in the higher income brackets? Of course not. Yet this is exactly what we're led to believe when it comes to white European Americans in the 21st century.

You're accusing me of racism when you say I'm "Alt-right". You've done this many times, even compared me to a NAZI in a different thread. The guy that was punched in the face on live TV. There's no reason to lie about this, in fact, lying about it only exposes the tactics you're using.

This slander is meant to poison the well. It's used to deflect attention away from the data and onto a "witch". It's meant to generate a proverbial witch hunt so people don't have to discuss the actual ideas presented.

Many on the New-Left think white people should have no say in any of it. We're seeing an increasingly racialized and segregated political culture in America and it's not a good thing for anyone. Who knows what this turns into down the line. Certainly not the "utopia" the New-Left dreams of.

You are projecting what you want to argue onto me. You do this all the time to guide a discussion to your talking points. Why not shoe horn Ricardo in here and mention Colonialism?
I never called you a Nazi and you are equating the term Alt-Right to the term Racist, not me.

No, I directly responded to your post, in detail. You just don't like what I said.

Tell me this, what's your goal when you compare me to a white supremacist? (When you say I remind you of Richard Spencer.) What's your goal in saying I'm "Alt-right"?

It's to deflect attention away from the information onto the person. It's meant to generate an emotional response to people you disagree with. If there were no audience you probably wouldn't use these labels. It's meant to discredit anything I say in the eyes of others.

It's working right now because we're discussing me rather than the information at hand. The information I posted is directly related to crime and policing in America. It helps explain why certain groups experience more police contact on average.

At the end of the day I do think there's an issue with agressive police in America but unlike you I'm willing to look at the overall cause. American police shoot more people (compared to western European nations) because we have much higher rates of serious violence in the streets of America. Largley surrounding gun violence. This gun violence is disproportionately coming out of black neighborhoods but all racial groups are committing gun violence in America.

As I pointed out, the study from Brookings shows that 80% of white gun violence is suicide while about 90% of black gun violence is homicide. There's an undeniable difference in the way whites/blacks use guns in America (on average). This directly impacts policing in the nation.

You can blame guns but we've seen people commit genocide with machetes. It's the culture or desire to kill at the foundation here. If we minimize that culture it will help everyone. Black, white, young and old. Normal citizens and cops alike.

American gun violence is out of control and the police response has been brutal in many cases. If we want to minimize this response we need to minimize the violence. Minimizing this warzone culture would do the most good for the largest number of people.

The same can be said of men in general. Men commit far more serious violence than women and we see the results reflected in police shooting victims. (Most of which are men.) Are cops sexist murderers because they're far more likley to shoot men or are men out there committing most of the serious violent crime?

You said I support Far Left Identity Politics, privilege theory and critical race theory without any example of me doing so in the posts you are quoting.

Will you say, right now, that privilege theory is wrong? Go ahead, say it. Will you say black people aren't under systemic attack by a racist legal system? You do in fact promote privilege theory and CRT on this site.

Your world view is relevant in a discussion concerning those very topics. Especially when you erroneously label my world view as "Alt-right".

When you start with the premise that America is oppressing all people of color and that all white people have an unearned advantage that's very relevant. It impacts just about everything you have to say concerning racial issues in America.

Anyhow, it would be nice if you could address the specifics of my posts. Conversations with you will go around in circles like this, ending with some backhanded accusation of racism. It's what you do. It's what a lot of you do.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.
Is Asian culture the same in Taiwan, the poorest province in China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cambodia, North Korea? I do not think they are the same. There are a lot of poor and uneducated people in Asia.

What accusation of racism are you referring to?

You support far left identity politics including privilege theory and critical race theory which blames whites for the fact many black people lag behind. CRT also blames whites for higher arrest rates in the black community. Both were constructed in order to shift blame.

"Asian" in context means people from India, Taiwan, Filipinos etc. We've been over this before, there's not some homogeneous blob of "Asian culture". I'm simply showing that the groups with higher rates of success have generally crafted cultural norms with an emphasis on the nuclear family, education and social cohesion within their communities. It's largley a cultural phenomenon not genetic or racial.

Jewish Americans are a great example if this. On average they end up scoring very high on tests and the results in the workforce speak for themselves.

Do you think there's a "Jewish supremacist conspiracy" placing them in influential positions and placing them in the higher income brackets? Of course not. Yet this is exactly what we're led to believe when it comes to white European Americans in the 21st century.

You're accusing me of racism when you say I'm "Alt-right". You've done this many times, even compared me to a NAZI in a different thread. The guy that was punched in the face on live TV. There's no reason to lie about this, in fact, lying about it only exposes the tactics you're using.

This slander is meant to poison the well. It's used to deflect attention away from the data and onto a "witch". It's meant to generate a proverbial witch hunt so people don't have to discuss the actual ideas presented.

Many on the New-Left think white people should have no say in any of it. We're seeing an increasingly racialized and segregated political culture in America and it's not a good thing for anyone. Who knows what this turns into down the line. Certainly not the "utopia" the New-Left dreams of.

You are projecting what you want to argue onto me. You do this all the time to guide a discussion to your talking points. Why not shoe horn Ricardo in here and mention Colonialism?
I never called you a Nazi and you are equating the term Alt-Right to the term Racist, not me.

No, I directly responded to your post, in detail. You just don't like what I said.

Tell me this, what's your goal when you compare me to a white supremacist? (When you say I remind you of Richard Spencer.) What's your goal in saying I'm "Alt-right"?

It's to deflect attention away from the information onto the person. It's meant to generate an emotional response to people you disagree with. If there were no audience you probably wouldn't use these labels. It's meant to discredit anything I say in the eyes of others.

It's working right now because we're discussing me rather than the information at hand. The information I posted is directly related to crime and policing in America. It helps explain why certain groups experience more police contact on average.

At the end of the day I do think there's an issue with agressive police in America but unlike you I'm willing to look at the overall cause. American police shoot more people (compared to western European nations) because we have much higher rates of serious violence in the streets of America. Largley surrounding gun violence. This gun violence is disproportionately coming out of black neighborhoods but all racial groups are committing gun violence in America.

As I pointed out, the study from Brookings shows that 80% of white gun violence is suicide while about 90% of black gun violence is homicide. There's an undeniable difference in the way whites/blacks use guns in America (on average). This directly impacts policing in the nation.

You can blame guns but we've seen people commit genocide with machetes. It's the culture or desire to kill at the foundation here. If we minimize that culture it will help everyone. Black, white, young and old. Normal citizens and cops alike.

American gun violence is out of control and the police response has been brutal in many cases. If we want to minimize this response we need to minimize the violence. Minimizing this warzone culture would do the most good for the largest number of people.

The same can be said of men in general. Men commit far more serious violence than women and we see the results reflected in police shooting victims. (Most of which are men.) Are cops sexist murderers because they're far more likley to shoot men or are men out there committing most of the serious violent crime?

You said I support Far Left Identity Politics, privilege theory and critical race theory without any example of me doing so in the posts you are quoting.

Will you say, right now, that privilege theory is wrong? Go ahead, say it. Will you say black people aren't under systemic attack by a racist legal system? You do in fact promote privilege theory and CRT on this site.

Your world view is relevant in a discussion concerning those very topics. Especially when you erroneously label my world view as "Alt-right".

When you start with the premise that America is oppressing all people of color and that all white people have an unearned advantage that's very relevant. It impacts just about everything you have to say concerning racial issues in America.

Anyhow, it would be nice if you could address the specifics of my posts. Conversations with you will go around in circles like this, ending with some backhanded accusation of racism. It's what you do. It's what a lot of you do.

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.

I was responding to the quote below

Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.

Tell me this, why do you think black males committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years?
I have read through a lot of this thread and the links provided (mostly by Wu-5). I obviously see more eye-to-eye with LeProf, and he definitely has more facts to back his (and my, if I ride his coat-tail's) arguments. I do not dismiss anything said by a fellow human and I am not easily offended. I react when people are easily offended and I, in return, provide scenarios (anecdotal or real) where I should be as, or more, offended as someone on the other side of the argument (i.e., the first divisive act was by Trump last week, as opposed to Kaep a year ago when he knelt during the anthem, wore socks depicting cops as pigs, and defended Fidel Castro in Cuban immigrant heavy Miami).

My point is, there are bad people out there in America whether it be blacks killing other blacks, whites killing other whites, rapist of any color, corrupt cops, corrupt politicians, white collar thieves, armed robbers, parents that abuse/molest their children, and on and on. So should we focus our energy on cops killing unarmed blacks? What I decided to do was look up some facts and found a website (the all so conservative Washington Post) that tracks police shootings and found that 48 unarmed people (all races) were KILLED by police shootings in 2016. Then I looked up lightning strikes, and found that per the NOAA that on average 550 people in the US are struck by lightning and 51 of them die per year. By the way, 17 of those unarmed shootings were black.

17!!! In all of the US last year! While tragic (assuming they were all innocent), it is a statistically irrelevant (not their lives but the number of incidents, don't want my leftist brethren getting too emotional). It is like saying you are more likely to be struck by lightning than...(fill in the blank). I'm pretty sure lighting is not systemically racist (and yes, I know we do not have stats on whether a larger percentage of the black population is killed by the racist lightning than the white). Hell, roughly 4,000 people (78 times the number KILLED by cops) die by drowning each year, and blacks die at a rate 5 times that of whites (again, from the all so conservative USA Today), does that mean pools are racist or could it be a 'cultural' thing per se?

"Dan Gilbert: LeBron James' Donald Trump tweet resulted in racist voicemails"

"I received voicemails after LeBron tweeted that were some of the most vile, disgusting, racist [messages]," Gilbert said, via ESPN. "There's an element of racism that I didn't even realize existed in this country this much."

There's a problem, whether we want to ignore it or not.

We are comparing lightning strikes which is an uncontrollable force of nature to an issue that with education can be eliminated but we compare correctable human actions with forces of nature and try to reason with facts? Wow. Especially when the officers are going on record admitting it.... smh

I've provided nothing but facts and or statistics to support my argument. Ignoring facts, makes that person part of the problem.

Even providing the officers themselves admitting it..

Some are just blind or live in a bubble, if you don't think there is a problem. You become part of the problem..

How about stop creating, looking for excuses and stop shooting unarmed citizens, robbing citizens property without due process? How about addressing the problem? How about being accountable for your own actions?? Should I believe you or the officers saying theres a problem in police stations across the country?? Let's time I checked, you listen to the people in that particular field?

Let's degrade the Cavs owner and leave racists remarks on his voicemail because Lebron made the statement.. smfh

When cops admit themselves and say there is a problem, theres a problem.. When there's smoke, there is sure fire nearby..

Powerful words coming from a white successful owner of a franchise in this country.. I applaud Dan Gilbert for not tolerating ignorance... That takes grapes for him to do...
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 29, 2017 at 10:49 PM ]
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