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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Never said everyone or anyone is perfect, and yes this needs to be corrected. But it also isn't an immediate indictment of all police across the nation as Kaep would have one believe.

The articles and studies from professors shows otherwise though? It shows its a huge issue. Just because its not covered of course they won't tell you this.

So i shouldnt believe cops and professors around the country?

No one is talking about Puerto Rico either..
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 12:05 AM ]
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
This problem is every where no matter how much you try to deny it no matter how low or high the numbers are.. There is a problem.

"The anthropologist Didier Fassin has revealed the gulf between the police and citizens of poor neighbourhoods: 80% of police officers are from rural areas or provincial towns, where the socio-ethnic makeup is radically different"

"It feels as if French society is suddenly discovering the banal cruelty of police brutality, although such allegations come as no surprise to those who live in the country's poorer neighbourhoods. From Rodney King to Michael Brown, victims of racism by American police appear regularly in French media. But similar events in France are not given much coverage – and when they are, the racial aspect isn't mentioned. Social networks, however, are challenging this. Hashtag activism has proclaimed what the media has struggled to make obvious: Traoré and Luhaka are black."

I've been steadily saying minorities and poor.. Look what a study can bring.

Did you read the article where a college in nj did a study on targeting minorities??

Getting tired need to sleep. Anyway, anytime a journalist says some like 'Michael Brown, victim of racism by American police' I can't take them serious. Michael Brown robbed a store and attacked a police officer that was responding to the call. when he tried to walk away after attacking the police officer the officer pulled his weapon and order him to freeze. Michael Brown turned around are came after the officer again and was shot. No racism by the cop or innocence by Michael Brown. Sorry I won't except that. Hands up don't shoot is the biggest lie that has been perpetuated by the left and media.
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
This problem is every where no matter how much you try to deny it no matter how low or high the numbers are.. There is a problem.

"The anthropologist Didier Fassin has revealed the gulf between the police and citizens of poor neighbourhoods: 80% of police officers are from rural areas or provincial towns, where the socio-ethnic makeup is radically different"

"It feels as if French society is suddenly discovering the banal cruelty of police brutality, although such allegations come as no surprise to those who live in the country's poorer neighbourhoods. From Rodney King to Michael Brown, victims of racism by American police appear regularly in French media. But similar events in France are not given much coverage – and when they are, the racial aspect isn't mentioned. Social networks, however, are challenging this. Hashtag activism has proclaimed what the media has struggled to make obvious: Traoré and Luhaka are black."

I've been steadily saying minorities and poor.. Look what a study can bring.

Did you read the article where a college in nj did a study on targeting minorities??

Getting tired need to sleep. Anyway, anytime a journalist says some like 'Michael Brown, victim of racism by American police' I can't take them serious. Michael Brown robbed a store and attacked a police officer that was responding to the call. when he tried to walk away after attacking the police officer the officer pulled his weapon and order him to freeze. Michael Brown turned around are came after the officer again and was shot. No racism by the cop or innocence by Michael Brown. Sorry I won't except that. Hands up don't shoot is the biggest lie that has been perpetuated by the left and media.

Eric Gardner? "I cant breathe" "I can't breathe"

List goes on, Hands up you say dont shoot has been the biggest lie you say!!!!?? 🤦‍♂️ Geez louise you wana make this about left and right..You pick one name and justify your negligence. What about the others?? Sorry I don't believe in right or left...

AGAIN changing narratives...

Pictures are worth a thousand words and it says otherwise.

Wake up!

Guess what I see? Hands up cooperating saying he can't f**king breathe.. What does everyone else see? Something else? Because from here it looks like they are choking the s**t out of him. Guess what the police killed him.

1)He didn't pull a gun.
2)He didnt go for their gun

What lame excuses we have for these actions? With simple re-training or common sense this could have been avoided but according to you and les, America shouldn't care because the statistics the you and les say are low? ???

So let me get this straight, so if only kill one person it shouldn't be a problem because according to les and born I only killed one person so my statistics are low and America shouldn't worry about what i do because my statistics with murders are low. Try selling that excuse to a judge and lets see what his reaction would be if someone presented that excuse to him or her..

[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 12:50 AM ]
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
"According to the most recent census data, there are nearly 160 million more white people in America than there are black people. White people make up roughly 62 percent of the U.S. population but only about 49 percent of those who are killed by police officers. African Americans, however, account for 24 percent of those fatally shot and killed by the police despite being just 13 percent of the U.S. population. As The Post noted in a new analysis published last week, that means black Americans are 2.5 times as likely as white Americans to be shot and killed by police officers."

Were these the numbers you were referring to? I do agree we can't solve the worlds problems but we can start in house and work outward.

- Law enforcement agencies report a greater percentage of Hispanic/Latino and African-American/black gang members compared with other race/ethnicities.

- The most recent figures provided by law enforcement are 46 percent Hispanic/Latino gang members, 35 percent African-American/black gang members, more than 11 percent white gang members, and 7 percent other race/ethnicity of gang members.

Gang members arent only ones committing crimes, but these concentrated areas of high gang activity are where police largely focus their effort because they know illegal activity exists. Rather than looking at focusing on the criminals, as a society, we're putting all the blame on the mistakes of the officers trying to protect us.

Granted, cases like that guy in NY are disgusting and should never happen. Not to pass the blame because the fault is on the officers. However, people nowadays think it's their right to resist and/or fail to comply with police officers, which only leads to an escalated situation. Almost all of these situations start off exactly like that.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.

I was responding to the quote below

Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.

Tell me this, why do you think black males committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years?

Conditions created by generations living with Jim Crow Laws, housing discrimination, discriminatory justice system...
The Michael Bennet video is out. He completely exaggerated and lied about the situation. This is ridiculous. People just want to smear the image of good cops.
[ Edited by strickac on Sep 30, 2017 at 8:33 AM ]
  • jcs
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  • Posts: 38,603
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
This problem is every where no matter how much you try to deny it no matter how low or high the numbers are.. There is a problem.

"The anthropologist Didier Fassin has revealed the gulf between the police and citizens of poor neighbourhoods: 80% of police officers are from rural areas or provincial towns, where the socio-ethnic makeup is radically different"

"It feels as if French society is suddenly discovering the banal cruelty of police brutality, although such allegations come as no surprise to those who live in the country's poorer neighbourhoods. From Rodney King to Michael Brown, victims of racism by American police appear regularly in French media. But similar events in France are not given much coverage – and when they are, the racial aspect isn't mentioned. Social networks, however, are challenging this. Hashtag activism has proclaimed what the media has struggled to make obvious: Traoré and Luhaka are black."

I've been steadily saying minorities and poor.. Look what a study can bring.

Did you read the article where a college in nj did a study on targeting minorities??

Getting tired need to sleep. Anyway, anytime a journalist says some like 'Michael Brown, victim of racism by American police' I can't take them serious. Michael Brown robbed a store and attacked a police officer that was responding to the call. when he tried to walk away after attacking the police officer the officer pulled his weapon and order him to freeze. Michael Brown turned around are came after the officer again and was shot. No racism by the cop or innocence by Michael Brown. Sorry I won't except that. Hands up don't shoot is the biggest lie that has been perpetuated by the left and media.

Eric Gardner? "I cant breathe" "I can't breathe"

List goes on, Hands up you say dont shoot has been the biggest lie you say!!!!?? 🤦‍♂️ Geez louise you wana make this about left and right..You pick one name and justify your negligence. What about the others?? Sorry I don't believe in right or left...

AGAIN changing narratives...

Pictures are worth a thousand words and it says otherwise.

Wake up!

Guess what I see? Hands up cooperating saying he can't f**king breathe.. What does everyone else see? Something else? Because from here it looks like they are choking the s**t out of him. Guess what the police killed him.

1)He didn't pull a gun.
2)He didnt go for their gun

What lame excuses we have for these actions? With simple re-training or common sense this could have been avoided but according to you and les, America shouldn't care because the statistics the you and les say are low? ???

So let me get this straight, so if only kill one person it shouldn't be a problem because according to les and born I only killed one person so my statistics are low and America shouldn't worry about what i do because my statistics with murders are low. Try selling that excuse to a judge and lets see what his reaction would be if someone presented that excuse to him or her..


Not trying to justify anything but you should post the complete story. Gardner had a record and was arrested over 30 times for things like assault, grand larceny and resisting arrest. In this particular incident he was illegally selling cigarettes and when confronted by the police he resisted arrest when he pulled his arms away from the arresting officers who were legally attempting to restrain him prior to the conclusion of this incident and while it's clear they shouldn't have used a choke hold but at that moment was seen as justified by both a grand jury and Obama's Justice department.

Gardner was later found to be in bad health and that is the explanation as to why he physically couldn't handle the restraining methods of the police and that is the sad part of this incident.
  • jcs
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  • Posts: 38,603
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.

I was responding to the quote below

Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.

Tell me this, why do you think black males committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years?

Conditions created by generations living with Jim Crow Laws, housing discrimination, discriminatory justice system...
Justifying murder because of housing discrimination?

How about a taking a little responsibility for ones actions...not everyone subject to those conditions feel murder is the answer and there are more successful individuals coming out of those conditions than are given credit.
It's just a formality. Make it whatever you want.

IMO, kneeling as an expression of your concern for America, is the greatest form of respect. It's something America the Flag wants you to do. If something's wrong, America the Flag wants you to exhibit that concern and do something about it. If it starts with a protest to draw awareness so be it. America the Flag loves you for protesting and wants and needs you to protest. These kneelers love America with all of their heart there is no denying this.
  • jcs
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  • Posts: 38,603
Originally posted by fortyninerglory:
It's just a formality. Make it whatever you want.

IMO, kneeling as an expression of your concern for America, is the greatest form of respect. It's something America the Flag wants you to do. If something's wrong, America the Flag wants you to exhibit that concern and do something about it. If it starts with a protest to draw awareness so be it. America the Flag loves you for protesting and wants and needs you to protest. These kneelers love America with all of their heart there is no denying this.
You should read America the Flag's code of conduct...written laws by our Government on how to respect her.

Last year, Colin Kaepernick takes a knee, wore pig socks tarnishing All cops, and wore shirts and verbally praised the cold blooded mass murderers Castro and Che Guevara. The result: NFL ratings went down eight percent.

This year, twelve percent of NFL players take a knee, and dominate NFL coverage. The result: NFL ratings drop an additional eleven percent.

Since habits, like watching pro football, die hard, I suggest these ratings have a way to go, and will drop further, if the protests continue

Viewership is already down close to 19 percent. Ultimately, revenue will drop a like amount, and since the cap is a fixed percent of revenue, (and more than half of it), that means the players cap money can be expected to drop by about twenty percent. Eighty eight percent of the players are going to lose a fifth of their pay, because another twelve percent want to co-opt the platform the league provided them to, whether you agree with it or not, push a political agenda.

No. I don't like it.
[ Edited by BOI49er on Sep 30, 2017 at 9:19 AM ]
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.

I was responding to the quote below

Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.

Tell me this, why do you think black males committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years?

Conditions created by generations living with Jim Crow Laws, housing discrimination, discriminatory justice system...

Like I said, you advocate critical race theory. (Blaming white people for some black peoples behavior in the 21st century)

Now do you understand why I brought up CRT? Anticipating your response to my posts isn't hard.

Jim Crow laws didn't impact black people in LA, Chicago, Oakland, NY etc. Even so, crime rates were nowhere near as high as they are today back in the 1950's and into the early 1960's, even in the Jim Crow south (SOUTH) where people actually faced some sort of oppression each day.

No amount of mid 20th century Southern (systemic) racism forces a person to commit murder in the 21st century.

In fact, CA had similar laws impacting Asians yet we don't see Asian American communities generating warzone murder rates.

Here's where you move on to blaming slavery. At what point do we hold people accountable for their own actions? At what point do people like you realize cultural accountability is the only way this street level murder culture will be minimized? (Along with targeted spending on education/jobs) At what point do you realize what impact this culture has on policing in black neighborhoods?

How did this culture manifest? It began to take off after we replaced black fathers with welfare checks. As well meaning as welfare was at the time it did extraordinary damage to the black nuclear family.

Kids from single parent households are far more likely to commit crime. In 1960 22% of black kids lived in single parent households. Now it's 67%. 91% of these single parent households are single women.

Black kids from single parent households, as Obama said, are 20 times more likley to end up in prison compared to black kids from two parent households.

Jim Crow laws, as bad as they were, didn't destroy the black nuclear family. That was liberals (with good intentions). What will your good intentions cause in the 21st century? Well, right now your good intentions have this nation on the brink of chaos.
Originally posted by jcs:
Not trying to justify anything but you should post the complete story. Gardner had a record and was arrested over 30 times for things like assault, grand larceny and resisting arrest. In this particular incident he was illegally selling cigarettes and when confronted by the police he resisted arrest when he pulled his arms away from the arresting officers who were legally attempting to restrain him prior to the conclusion of this incident and while it's clear they shouldn't have used a choke hold but at that moment was seen as justified by both a grand jury and Obama's Justice department.

Gardner was later found to be in bad health and that is the explanation as to why he physically couldn't handle the restraining methods of the police and that is the sad part of this incident.

It seems like you are though?

What does his arrest record have to do with him selling cigarettes and getting choked out by cops..

Whats all this rationalization when he obviously was saying I can't breathe!!

Guess what? It was the complications that killed him, it aas the guy in the back who was a police officer who wouldn't stop choking him...

Again we continue to change the narrative.. The facts are he was selling illegal cigarettes and the cops choked him to death after he had his hands up..

We continue to look for narratives but tge facts.. It wasnt his complications, it was the lack of breathing.. He said he couldn't breathe a number of times..

His arrest record and health is irrelevant.. He had hus hands up and said he couldn't breathe.. Thats it...

I dont care what he was eating or doing prior... HE WASNT A THREAT.... Hands up like born said they never do? But the pictures show otherwise..

So because he was selling cigarettes illegally, had health problems the cops had the right to kill him after he had his hands up! No threat! No reaching for guns! 🤔

We continue to ignore the problem and look for excuses.

🤦‍♂️ Sad
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 9:31 AM ]
Originally posted by jcs:
Originally posted by fortyninerglory:
It's just a formality. Make it whatever you want.

IMO, kneeling as an expression of your concern for America, is the greatest form of respect. It's something America the Flag wants you to do. If something's wrong, America the Flag wants you to exhibit that concern and do something about it. If it starts with a protest to draw awareness so be it. America the Flag loves you for protesting and wants and needs you to protest. These kneelers love America with all of their heart there is no denying this.
You should read America the Flag's code of conduct...written laws by our Government on how to respect her.
Read it. Doesn't change my opinion, brah.
Generally we need to get millions off welfare. We need millions of jobs in the US along with far more two parent households.

We should give people more tax incentives to get or stay married if they have kids. (Absent abuse) We shouldn't reward single mothers for having multiple kids out of wedlock.

Teachers in poor areas end up having to play parent roles. Kids enter their classrooms undisciplined, many times unable to read (talking about 4th-5th grade on) The vast majority of these problem kids (of all races) come from single parent households where no father is in the picture most of the time.

Parenting is key in manufacturing cultural change (for all races). Fathers and mothers also need jobs. Americans of all colors need jobs. Jobless/hopeless people are turning to violent crime and hardcore drug use. People of all colors.

America is a mess. Agressive policing is just a side effect. A band-aid placed over a deep gash.
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