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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

Originally posted by RishikeshA:
I've always been for peace and live and let live, but when you've had family that fought in WW1, WW2, Korean War and Viet Nam you stand during the Anthem.

Damn straight!

You think TV ratings are down now? Wait until November when 60-percent of the viewing audience has tuned out.

Do players have a right to do this? Absolutely! Do I have the right as a fan to stop following the NFL because of what I consider to be bu** hurt crap? Absolutely! Do owners have the right to start cutting players because revenues have dropped to the point where they can no longer pay them? You betcha by golly they do!

The NFL is destroying itself from within. Players will pay the ultimate penalty for what they've done. It's already too late for them to "make good." The players have spoken. And now, the fans who make sure those players are richly rewarded, have the right to respond.

And they will. The carnage itself will be fun to watch.

If you don't find nothing with this video then there is a problem, The officers stood there talking to him, while he said stop harrassing me..

If they caught him selling cigarettes why talk? Shouldn't you have arrested him..

After the first I can't breathe.. That officer that was locked behind him should have let go.

Unreal how people this day in age justify this force.. I'm sorry but your part of the problem if you find nothing wrong with how these officers handled the situation..

"U.S. military members are showing support for Colin Kaepernick with #VeteransForKaepernick"

Let's talk military then since we continue to change the narrative!!! 🤦‍♂️

Alot of open minded veterans know what's at stake.. They know our liberties are under attack. If you do research, they fight for are freedom and to be able to exercise our freedom!!
"To those who criticize Mr. Kaepernick: Before posting your rant, consider why these football players are kneeling. Try to understand their side. Read James Baldwin or Toni Morrison or Margo Jefferson; I guarantee you will look at things differently.

And consider this: The president of the United States is more outraged by the actions of football players than by the actions of white supremacists. Let that sink in. Is there anything more offensive to the United States military than flying the American flag next to the Nazi flag? Talk about spitting on my father's grave. President Trump gave white supremacists a pat on the hand, while black N.F.L. players get called "sons of b***hes." If that's not proof of racial inequality in America, I'm not sure what is."

Let's talk military because our military are smart and know wtf is at stake...
"A former Green Beret who comes from a military family lays out why he supports football players kneeling during the national anthem
Peter Jacobs Sep 25, 2017, 10:50 AM ET"

Let's hear what they have to say like the cops that pointed out racism.


True story! It's happening as we speak. I don't like like living in bubbles.
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 9:57 AM ]
  • Cjez
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All this hubaloo for nothing. No one cares, ratings will stay up. Play ball.
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:

If you don't find nothing with this video then there is a problem, The officers stood there talking to him, while he said stop harrassing me..

If they caught him selling cigarettes why talk? Shouldn't you have arrested him..

After the first I can't breathe.. That officer that was locked behind him should have let go.

Unreal how people this day in age justify this force.. I'm sorry but your part of the problem if you find nothing wrong with how these officers handled the situation..

Happens to white people all the time. Yes, there's an issue with police brutality in America.

Going in circles now.

When one group commits more serious crime such as murder, gun violence and visible drug sales in the street that demographic will get more police contact.

Some police are too agressive, yes, but these conditions manifested in response to choas in the streets.

We need to address the choas in the streets before we can expect cops to treat everyone with a soft hand. Right now many cops are paranoid, worried that they'll be shot, killed or beaten to death on the job. They use overwhelming force in order to dominate the situation before they lose control.

They'll do this to white suburban moms, people in wheelchairs... even blind people. When people put up any sort of resistance many cops will use overwhelming force. All facts.

Some cops are so parnoid about being shot that they'll use preemptive force. Why doesn't this happen in Western Europe? Because there's not thousands of people shot each year in western European nations.

Our nation is extremely violent. Agressive policing is a side effect. A reaction to this widespread violence.

There's also a very small % of cops that are just horrible people. All professions will have a small percentage of bad people mixed in. We do need to do a better job weeding these people out but by in large changing culture in America is the best solution.
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:

If you don't find nothing with this video then there is a problem, The officers stood there talking to him, while he said stop harrassing me..

If they caught him selling cigarettes why talk? Shouldn't you have arrested him..

After the first I can't breathe.. That officer that was locked behind him should have let go.

Unreal how people this day in age justify this force.. I'm sorry but your part of the problem if you find nothing wrong with how these officers handled the situation..
I honestly do not think that this is a great example to use as an example of "police brutality" or "minorities being unfairly targeted". First of all, they calmly reasoned with him for an extended period of time. Second of all, when they went to go in and apprehend him, he (gently) pushed them away and said "don't touch me, don't touch me". Telling police "don't touch me" and squirming away when they are trying to arrest you is not your right, that is called "resisting arrest". That's when they put him in a choke hold; on paper, that sounds excessive to me, but the guy is also a giant compared to them so I understand how the would justify the use of something like that to neutralize the size difference.

As far as him gasping for air on the ground saying "I can't breathe". Again, putting myself in the shoes of the police... I'm sure it's hard for them, because it's probably a bit of a "Boy Who Cried Wolf" situation. Almost every time I see someone get arrested in a manner like this -- regardless of race, gender, etc -- they almost always reflexively complain about something hurting ("ow, my arm, I'm going to sue!").

To be clear, I think there are many examples of police brutality videos floating around that absolutely disgust me. However, to me, this is not one of them. There are a lot of cases that pop up where the local police chief exonerates officer(s) with some BS excuse, or evidence mysteriously goes missing. This is not one of those cases, I could see how someone could objectively and rationally look at this video and conclude the officers didn't overstep their bounds.
[ Edited by theduke85 on Sep 30, 2017 at 9:59 AM ]
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Happens to white people all the time. Yes, there's an issue with police brutality in America.

Going in circles now.

When one group commits more serious crime such as murder, gun violence and visible drug sales in the street that demographic will get more police contact.

Some police are too agressive, yes, but these conditions manifested in response to choas in the streets.

We need to address the choas in the streets before we can expect cops to treat everyone with a soft hand. Right now many cops are paranoid, worried that they'll be shot, killed or beaten to death on the job. They use overwhelming force in order to dominate the situation before they lose control.

They'll do this to white suburban moms, people in wheelchairs... even blind people. When people put up any sort of resistance many cops will use overwhelming force. All facts.

Some cops are so parnoid about being shot that they'll use preemptive force. Why doesn't this happen in Western Europe? Because there's not thousands of people shot each year in western European nations.

Our nation is extremely violent. Agressive policing is a side effect. A reaction to this widespread violence.

There's also a very small % of cops that are just horrible people. All professions will have a small percentage of bad people mixed in. We do need to do a better job weeding these people out but by in large changing culture in America is the best solution.

It's not a small percentage because there are more poor people mostly minorities who can't afford legal representation like for example the harrassing of Eric Gardner, so they don't fall under those statistics. I see it.. I just provided you with facts that police can legally take you pocessions house, car with no due process????

Is this America???

Just admit it, this country attacks the weak. The sooner we stop going in circles, the sooner we move on.
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 10:03 AM ]
Wu, spamming the thread with non-stop links isn't going to further the conversation.

In fact, I don't even think conversation is possible. Not within the framework set up by BLM.

Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Wu, spamming the thread with non-stop links isn't going to further the conversation.

In fact, I don't even think conversation is possible. Not within the framework set up by BLM.

Your spamming because you cant take facts.. I'm bring facts that tge law is abusing their authority.

I dont run with blm but I do support my civil liberties as you should.. I have plenty of white educated men as friends who understand whats at stake here. I'm sorry for whatever your reasons are you can't accept it.

People mention military? I bring them from their words.. not mine.

People talk police? I bring it from their words..

Hiw is that spamming?? How is seizing property legally with no due process spamming??
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 10:11 AM ]
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Happens to white people all the time. Yes, there's an issue with police brutality in America.

Going in circles now.

When one group commits more serious crime such as murder, gun violence and visible drug sales in the street that demographic will get more police contact.

Some police are too agressive, yes, but these conditions manifested in response to choas in the streets.

We need to address the choas in the streets before we can expect cops to treat everyone with a soft hand. Right now many cops are paranoid, worried that they'll be shot, killed or beaten to death on the job. They use overwhelming force in order to dominate the situation before they lose control.

They'll do this to white suburban moms, people in wheelchairs... even blind people. When people put up any sort of resistance many cops will use overwhelming force. All facts.

Some cops are so parnoid about being shot that they'll use preemptive force. Why doesn't this happen in Western Europe? Because there's not thousands of people shot each year in western European nations.

Our nation is extremely violent. Agressive policing is a side effect. A reaction to this widespread violence.

There's also a very small % of cops that are just horrible people. All professions will have a small percentage of bad people mixed in. We do need to do a better job weeding these people out but by in large changing culture in America is the best solution.

It's not a small percentage because there are more poor people mostly minorities who can't afford legal representation like for example the harrassing of Eric Gardner, so they don't fall under those statistics. I see it.. I just provided you with facts that police can legally take you pocessions house, car with no due process????

Is this America???

Just admit it, this country attacks the weak. The sooner we stop going in circles, the sooner we move on.

Do you know what the national crime victimization survey is? Did you know this nations arrest numbers by race closely match the crime victimization survey? (Which identifies the race of perpetrators)

Atop of that, black people committed 53% of this nations murders for 20+ years. A majority of this nations gun violence (not counting suicide) also comes out of black neighborhoods.

You've been ignoring this data since I started posting in this thread. Why?

Police give more attention to people in high crime areas. The suburbs simply aren't generating warzone murder rates or extremely high rates of armed robbery and gun violence.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Do you know what the national crime victimization survey is? Did you know this nations arrest numbers by race closely match the crime victimization survey? (Which identifies the race of perpetrators)

Atop of that, black people committed 53% of this nations murders for 20+ years. A majority of this nations gun violence (not counting suicide) also comes out of black neighborhoods.

You've been ignoring this data since I started posting in this thread. Why?

Police give more attention to people in high crime areas. The suburbs simply aren't generating warzone murder rates or extremely high rates of armed robbery and gun violence.

You continue to change the narrative.


Based on student observations of 70 hours of Bloomfield municipal court and an analysis of tickets handed out in the township between Sept. 1, 2014 and Aug. 31, 2015, the Seton Hall report found that a "disproportionate number" of tickets were given to people who appeared to be black and Latino.

The study found:

78 percent of residents who answered tickets at Bloomfield municipal court over a month-long period last year were black or Latino, and 20 percent were white. Those numbers, the study found, sharply contrasted the racial make-up of the town , which the study says is about 60 percent white. (That figure is based on Census data that includes white-Hispanics. According to 2014 Census estimates, about 44 percent of Bloomfield residents identify as white non-Hispanics).
Based on an analysis of 9,715 tickets that were given out in Bloomfield over the year prior to the study, the researchers found that about 88 percent of tickets were given out in the southernmost third of the township, which borders Newark and East Orange.
Ticket distribution "shows that the Bloomfield Police target specific areas within Bloomfield, acting as a de facto 'border patrol.' By stopping and ticketing those who crossover into Bloomfield from East Orange and Newark, the police are effectively functioning as a deterrent to African American and Latino residents."
According to the student observations, 28 percent of the tickets were given to Bloomfield residents; 30 percent to people from majority "black-border" towns; 11 percent to people from majority "white-border" towns; and 31 percent to people from elsewhere.
The township is making a "significant" amount of money off of the tickets. At an average of $137 per ticket, the report estimates that over the course of a year, tickets to African Americans and Latinos brought in more than $1 million to municipal court.
"There is overwhelming data that they are pulling people over based on race," said Professor Mark Denbeaux, the director of Seton Hall Law's Center for Policy and Research who lead a group of 21 law students in the yearlong study.

Seton Hall Study says otherwise? I don't know but these are facts done by respectable colleges around the country.. They actually went out and came up with facts..

I don't consider facts spamming... I don't.

Keyword "Overwhelming data" the professor said it not me..
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 10:23 AM ]
Originally posted by tondiman:
Sorry man, there are many forms of respect. So when a player is hurt on the field EVERYONE should kneel to show their respect? So you at home watching, you're disrespectful if you don't kneel? I mean common dude, that's flat out nonsense.

I understand the flag has a deeper meaning to some people, but that doesn't justify them to condemn others for not feelingvthe same way. Just like there are differentcways of showing love, there are different ways of showing respect. Those who WANT and CHOOSE to portray players as disrespectful are doing so just as unjustifiably as cops are murdering innocent african americans (and others).

Lastly, just as Trump is creating a smoke screen by attacking the nfl and players, people who don't accept and respect our AMERICAN rights to protest are also creating a smoke screen by using the "military" or "disrespectful" card as way of masking what we all should really be talking about. Police brutality, people getting away with murder, and a justice system that doesn't abide by our constitution in delivering justice to people who are segregated, harassed, and murdered by the people who should be protecting us.

I'm saying it now. Put one of these cops in jail and charge him for the murder they commited and you will see less police brutality, and hence less protests.

I completely agree, how is it justice for all if they get to play by different rules. IMO, most officers are the kids who got picked on in highschool on power trips.
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Wu, spamming the thread with non-stop links isn't going to further the conversation.

In fact, I don't even think conversation is possible. Not within the framework set up by BLM.

Your spamming because you cant take facts.. I'm bring facts that tge law is abusing their authority.

You're the one that's spamming. Good lord. I'm posting facts from memory. Facts you're welcome to check at any time. I'm not relying on partisan articles written by left/right "journalists" I rely on hard data. Hard data that can't be twisted, warped or lied about.

The fact remains, high crime areas generate higher levels of police contact. This should be common sense. There has been a disproportionate amount of violence coming out of black neighborhoods. Crimes such as murder, gun violence and armed robbery. The police can't just ignore it.

80% of white gun deaths are suicide while about 90% of black gun deaths are homicide. Gun violence is the driving force for higher rates of police contact. That and visible drug sales on the streets. Armed robbery is also spreading like wildfire.

We simply don't see these crimes every day in middle class suburbs. You understand this on some level but would rather say "cops prey on the weak" (poor).

Murder is the leading cause of death for all black people age 14-35. Who is preying on who? What's the #1 threat to black lives?
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