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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

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Poll: Like or Dislike Players Protesting During the National Anthem?

Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Getting tired need to sleep. Anyway, anytime a journalist says some like 'Michael Brown, victim of racism by American police' I can't take them serious. Michael Brown robbed a store and attacked a police officer that was responding to the call. when he tried to walk away after attacking the police officer the officer pulled his weapon and order him to freeze. Michael Brown turned around are came after the officer again and was shot. No racism by the cop or innocence by Michael Brown. Sorry I won't except that. Hands up don't shoot is the biggest lie that has been perpetuated by the left and media.

And you know all this how?
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Wu, spamming the thread with non-stop links isn't going to further the conversation.

In fact, I don't even think conversation is possible. Not within the framework set up by BLM.

Your spamming because you cant take facts.. I'm bring facts that tge law is abusing their authority.

You're the one that's spamming. Good lord. I'm posting facts from memory. Facts you're welcome to check at any time. I'm not relying on partisan articles written by left/right "journalists" I rely on hard data. Hard data that can't be twisted, warped or lied about.

The fact remains, high crime areas generate higher levels of police contact. This should be common sense. There has been a disproportionate amount of violence coming out of black neighborhoods. Crimes such as murder, gun violence and armed robbery. The police can't just ignore it.

80% of white gun deaths are suicide while about 90% of black gun deaths are homicide. Gun violence is the driving force for higher rates of police contact. That and visible drug sales on the streets. Armed robbery is also spreading like wildfire.

We simply don't see these crimes every day in middle class suburbs. You understand this on some level but would rather say "cops prey on the weak" (poor).

Murder is the leading cause of death for all black people age 14-35. Who is preying on who? What's the #1 threat to black lives?

I just actually presented studies from professors from an Ivy league college like Seton Hall... Stating there is "Overwhelming data" not a small percentage.. "Overwhelming"..

I presented the military support Keapernick when posters say he is disrespectful of the military.. Ok their words say otherwise?

I presented facts that our law enforcement can take property with no due process..

I presented facts of black men holding up their hands, not reaching for a gun, not being a threat saying i cant breathe when posters say that was a myth.

I presented law enforcement stating there is a problem attacking minorities and or the poor using racism..

I'm sorry you interpret it as spamming.. I can only control what I say, I can't control how you process this data or facts.
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 10:33 AM ]
What no one is talking about is that Kap was benched,upset about it,doing what spoiled young kids do and decided to sit out the anthem. It wasn't until he got called out on it did he come up with his bu*$#it excuse about racial in equality, think about it,this is just a joke
Originally posted by chainsawblitz:
What no one is talking about is that Kap was benched,upset about it,doing what spoiled young kids do and decided to sit out the anthem. It wasn't until he got called out on it did he come up with his bu*$#it excuse about racial in equality, think about it,this is just a joke

His posts on instagram says otherwise, I believe he has been supporting this issue for a while. He is giving money out to the charities and you don't see him begging for a job neither.

He is up to 700k in charity donations and of course no one like to talk about that either. 300k away from his million dollar goal. I believe it was 47 charities across the country??

He is talking the talk and walking it but of course that means nothing in this day and age.
That retarded decision was on chip and dumbsula. Where is Blaine Gabbert at now, I believe he is a backup.
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 10:45 AM ]
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Do you know what the national crime victimization survey is? Did you know this nations arrest numbers by race closely match the crime victimization survey? (Which identifies the race of perpetrators)

Atop of that, black people committed 53% of this nations murders for 20+ years. A majority of this nations gun violence (not counting suicide) also comes out of black neighborhoods.

You've been ignoring this data since I started posting in this thread. Why?

Police give more attention to people in high crime areas. The suburbs simply aren't generating warzone murder rates or extremely high rates of armed robbery and gun violence.

You continue to change the narrative.


Based on student observations of 70 hours of Bloomfield

One cities traffic violations don't represent nationwide trends of "cops killing black people in the streets".

The fact remains, we see much higher rates of gun violence, murder and drug sales coming out of the black community. Same with the Hispanic community to a lesser extent. Hispanics have been harder to track since they're lumped in with whites in the crime data.

If black people on average weren't committing much higher rates of homicide, gun violence, armed robbery and drug sales cops wouldn't be targeting that demographic. Cops do indeed "fish" for violations by pulling people over. In some cities more people of color are pulled over because people of color commit more crimes.

How many Asians were pulled over in that city relative to their population numbers? How many crimes are Asians committing in that town and surrounding area? I'm willing to bet not many in both cases. What are the crime rates in Bloomfield? What's the race of offenders on average?

That sort of data wont be included in your article.

Anyhow, I don't support cops "fishing" for violations by pulling people over unless the person being pulled over is actually breaking a law. Traffic law or otherwise. Maybe black/hispanic drivers in Broomfield commit more traffic violations? Maybe cops in that town are trying to keep their crime rates low via "broken windows" policing?

If black/hispanic people generated the exact same crime rates as whites yet were pulled over more frequently you may have a point.
Originally posted by CO9er4life:
Originally posted by Born9erFan:
Getting tired need to sleep. Anyway, anytime a journalist says some like 'Michael Brown, victim of racism by American police' I can't take them serious. Michael Brown robbed a store and attacked a police officer that was responding to the call. when he tried to walk away after attacking the police officer the officer pulled his weapon and order him to freeze. Michael Brown turned around are came after the officer again and was shot. No racism by the cop or innocence by Michael Brown. Sorry I won't except that. Hands up don't shoot is the biggest lie that has been perpetuated by the left and media.

And you know all this how?

He knows this because Obama's DOJ investigated the case and they wrote a detailed report which is available online.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.

I was responding to the quote below

Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.

Tell me this, why do you think black males committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years?

Conditions created by generations living with Jim Crow Laws, housing discrimination, discriminatory justice system...

Like I said, you advocate critical race theory. (Blaming white people for some black peoples behavior in the 21st century)

Now do you understand why I brought up CRT? Anticipating your response to my posts isn't hard.

Jim Crow laws didn't impact black people in LA, Chicago, Oakland, NY etc. Even so, crime rates were nowhere near as high as they are today back in the 1950's and into the early 1960's, even in the Jim Crow south (SOUTH) where people actually faced some sort of oppression each day.

No amount of mid 20th century Southern (systemic) racism forces a person to commit murder in the 21st century.

In fact, CA had similar laws impacting Asians yet we don't see Asian American communities generating warzone murder rates.

Here's where you move on to blaming slavery. At what point do we hold people accountable for their own actions? At what point do people like you realize cultural accountability is the only way this street level murder culture will be minimized? (Along with targeted spending on education/jobs) At what point do you realize what impact this culture has on policing in black neighborhoods?

How did this culture manifest? It began to take off after we replaced black fathers with welfare checks. As well meaning as welfare was at the time it did extraordinary damage to the black nuclear family.

Kids from single parent households are far more likely to commit crime. In 1960 22% of black kids lived in single parent households. Now it's 67%. 91% of these single parent households are single women.

Black kids from single parent households, as Obama said, are 20 times more likley to end up in prison compared to black kids from two parent households.

Jim Crow laws, as bad as they were, didn't destroy the black nuclear family. That was liberals (with good intentions). What will your good intentions cause in the 21st century? Well, right now your good intentions have this nation on the brink of chaos.

Tmi am not advocating critical race theory. You are subscribing me to a theory so that you can argue againstbthst theory. You are regurgitating the same argument you have made before and I have seen this argument made elsewhere.

I think Jim Crow laws, segregation, discrimination and dehumanization over generations are contributing factors to inner city violence. You don't which means we disagree.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
One cities traffic violations don't represent nationwide trends of "cops killing black people in the streets".

The fact remains, we see much higher rates of gun violence, murder and drug sales coming out of the black community. Same with the Hispanic community to a lesser extent. Hispanics have been harder to track since they're lumped in with whites in the crime data.

If black people on average weren't committing much higher rates of homicide, gun violence, armed robbery and drug sales cops wouldn't be targeting that demographic. Cops do indeed "fish" for violations by pulling people over. In some cities more people of color are pulled over because people of color commit more crimes.

How many Asians were pulled over in that city relative to their population numbers? How many crimes are Asians committing in that town and surrounding area? I'm willing to bet not many in both cases. What are the crime rates in Bloomfield? What's the race of offenders on average?

That sort of data wont be included in your article.

Anyhow, I don't support cops "fishing" for violations by pulling people over unless the person being pulled over is actually breaking a law. Traffic law or otherwise. Maybe black/hispanic drivers in Broomfield commit more traffic violations? Maybe cops in that town are trying to keep their crime rates low via "broken windows" policing?

If black/hispanic people generated the exact same crime rates as whites yet were pulled over more frequently you may have a point.

Your looking for every way to change the subject or continue to change the narrative.

There's alot of injustice based on nationality in these police stations accross the country and you continue to deny it.

Ok I didn't want to take it here but you obviously bringing in guns into the topic. I guess you haven't heard of the contra scandal huh? Let's talk guns and drugs then since you want to highlight other issues.

"There is a long and expanding history of American tax payer dollars being used to help certain people get rich off of illicit drug sales"
"There is a well-documented history of the U.S. government supplying weapons and arms to both friends and foe for political purposes and for profit. In addition to publicly known global arms deals to U.S. political allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, revelations about the rise of ISIS indicate that U.S. arms and military trainees have been a critical factor in the rise of the terror group."

"Thousands of young Black men are serving long prison sentences for selling cocaine -- a drug that was virtually unobtainable in Black neighborhoods before members of the CIA's army started bring it into South Central in the 1980s at bargain basement prices," wrote Mercury News reporter Gary Webb, in the first installment of the shocking series of reports."

Gary Webb was a Patriot of this country and died exposing these cowards.
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 11:08 AM ]
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.

I was responding to the quote below

Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.

Tell me this, why do you think black males committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years?

Conditions created by generations living with Jim Crow Laws, housing discrimination, discriminatory justice system...

Like I said, you advocate critical race theory. (Blaming white people for some black peoples behavior in the 21st century)

Now do you understand why I brought up CRT? Anticipating your response to my posts isn't hard.

Jim Crow laws didn't impact black people in LA, Chicago, Oakland, NY etc. Even so, crime rates were nowhere near as high as they are today back in the 1950's and into the early 1960's, even in the Jim Crow south (SOUTH) where people actually faced some sort of oppression each day.

No amount of mid 20th century Southern (systemic) racism forces a person to commit murder in the 21st century.

In fact, CA had similar laws impacting Asians yet we don't see Asian American communities generating warzone murder rates.

Here's where you move on to blaming slavery. At what point do we hold people accountable for their own actions? At what point do people like you realize cultural accountability is the only way this street level murder culture will be minimized? (Along with targeted spending on education/jobs) At what point do you realize what impact this culture has on policing in black neighborhoods?

How did this culture manifest? It began to take off after we replaced black fathers with welfare checks. As well meaning as welfare was at the time it did extraordinary damage to the black nuclear family.

Kids from single parent households are far more likely to commit crime. In 1960 22% of black kids lived in single parent households. Now it's 67%. 91% of these single parent households are single women.

Black kids from single parent households, as Obama said, are 20 times more likley to end up in prison compared to black kids from two parent households.

Jim Crow laws, as bad as they were, didn't destroy the black nuclear family. That was liberals (with good intentions). What will your good intentions cause in the 21st century? Well, right now your good intentions have this nation on the brink of chaos.

Tmi am not advocating critical race theory. You are subscribing me to a theory so that you can argue againstbthst theory. You are regurgitating the same argument you have made before and I have seen this argument made elsewhere.

I think Jim Crow laws, segregation, discrimination and dehumanization over generations are contributing factors to inner city violence. You don't which means we disagree.

You don't have to know what CRT is in order to advocate it's principles. Your answer to my question concerning homicide rates was directly in line with critical race theory.

I knew that would be the case because I've seen you pushing these excuses on this site for some time. I have also seen you advocate white privilege theory.

Your world view impacts everything you have to say on racial issues in America. Generally speaking you'll look for excuses rather than promote personal responsibility and cultural accountability.

At the end of the day you'll blame white people for all the problems black people face. Just admit it. Openly. Get to the point.

Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
You don't have to know what CRT is in order to advocate it's principles. Your answer to my question concerning homicide rates was directly in line with critical race theory.

I knew that would be the case because I've seen you pushing these excuses on this site for some time. I have also seen you advocate white privilege theory.

Your world view impacts everything you have to say on racial issues in America. Generally speaking you'll look for excuses rather than promote personal responsibility and cultural accountability.

At the end of the day you'll blame white people for all the problems black people face. Just admit it. Openly. Get to the point.

Le these are not called excuses, These are called facts..

"There is a well-documented history of the U.S. government supplying weapons and arms to both friends and foe for political purposes and for profit. In addition to publicly known global arms deals to U.S. political allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, revelations about the rise of ISIS indicate that U.S. arms and military trainees have been a critical factor in the rise of the terror group."

"Thousands of young Black men are serving long prison sentences for selling cocaine -- a drug that was virtually unobtainable in Black neighborhoods before members of the CIA's army started bring it into South Central in the 1980s at bargain basement prices," wrote Mercury News reporter Gary Webb, in the first installment of the shocking series of reports."

Gary Webb was a Patriot of this country and died exposing these cowards.

The problem here is whether you choose to accept facts. And it doesn't look like you can.

Nobody want special privileges, just want to be able to live peacefully without dying from an idiot. Tell the cia to stop dumping this s**t in our inner cities!!
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 11:14 AM ]
Originally posted by Wu-5Rings:
"There is a well-documented history of the U.S. government supplying weapons and arms to both friends and foe for political purposes and for profit. In addition to publicly known global arms deals to U.S. political allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, revelations about the rise of ISIS indicate that U.S. arms and military trainees have been a critical factor in the rise of the terror group."

"Thousands of young Black men are serving long prison sentences for selling cocaine -- a drug that was virtually unobtainable in Black neighborhoods before members of the CIA's army started bring it into South Central in the 1980s at bargain basement prices," wrote Mercury News reporter Gary Webb, in the first installment of the shocking series of reports."

Gary Webb was a Patriot of this country and died exposing these cowards.

Here we go with the conspiracy theories. Placing blame on exterior forces.
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Here we go with the conspiracy theories. Placing blame on exterior forces.

"After The Associated Press reported on these connections in 1985, for example, more than a decade before Webb, then-Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) launched a congressional investigation. In 1989, Kerry released a detailed report claiming that not only was there "considerable evidence" linking the Contra effort to trafficking of drugs and weapons, but that the U.S. government knew about it.

According to the report, many of the pilots ferrying weapons and supplies south for the CIA were known to have backgrounds in drug trafficking. Kerry's investigation cited SETCO Aviation, the company the U.S. had contracted to handle many of the flights, as an example of CIA complicity in the drug trade. According to a 1983 Customs Service report, SETCO was "headed by Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros, a class I DEA violator."

"In March, 1983, Plumlee contacted my Denver Senate Office and … raised several issues including that covert U.S. intelligence agencies were directly involved in the smuggling and distribution of drugs to raise funds for covert military operations against the government of Nicaragua," a copy of a 1991 letter from Hart to Kerry reads. (Hart told HuffPost he recalls receiving Plumlee's letter and finding his allegations worthy of follow-up.)

"Plumlee flew weapons into Latin America for decades for the CIA. When the Contra revolution took off in the 1980s, Plumlee says he continued to transport arms south for the spy agency and bring cocaine back with him, with the blessing of the U.S. government."

Denying facts Again...🤔

You continue to reach and change narratives, it doesn't work with me.
[ Edited by Wu-5Rings on Sep 30, 2017 at 11:22 AM ]
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.

I was responding to the quote below

Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.

Tell me this, why do you think black males committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years?

Conditions created by generations living with Jim Crow Laws, housing discrimination, discriminatory justice system...

Like I said, you advocate critical race theory. (Blaming white people for some black peoples behavior in the 21st century)

Now do you understand why I brought up CRT? Anticipating your response to my posts isn't hard.

Jim Crow laws didn't impact black people in LA, Chicago, Oakland, NY etc. Even so, crime rates were nowhere near as high as they are today back in the 1950's and into the early 1960's, even in the Jim Crow south (SOUTH) where people actually faced some sort of oppression each day.

No amount of mid 20th century Southern (systemic) racism forces a person to commit murder in the 21st century.

In fact, CA had similar laws impacting Asians yet we don't see Asian American communities generating warzone murder rates.

Here's where you move on to blaming slavery. At what point do we hold people accountable for their own actions? At what point do people like you realize cultural accountability is the only way this street level murder culture will be minimized? (Along with targeted spending on education/jobs) At what point do you realize what impact this culture has on policing in black neighborhoods?

How did this culture manifest? It began to take off after we replaced black fathers with welfare checks. As well meaning as welfare was at the time it did extraordinary damage to the black nuclear family.

Kids from single parent households are far more likely to commit crime. In 1960 22% of black kids lived in single parent households. Now it's 67%. 91% of these single parent households are single women.

Black kids from single parent households, as Obama said, are 20 times more likley to end up in prison compared to black kids from two parent households.

Jim Crow laws, as bad as they were, didn't destroy the black nuclear family. That was liberals (with good intentions). What will your good intentions cause in the 21st century? Well, right now your good intentions have this nation on the brink of chaos.

Tmi am not advocating critical race theory. You are subscribing me to a theory so that you can argue againstbthst theory. You are regurgitating the same argument you have made before and I have seen this argument made elsewhere.

I think Jim Crow laws, segregation, discrimination and dehumanization over generations are contributing factors to inner city violence. You don't which means we disagree.

You don't have to know what CRT is in order to advocate it's principles. Your answer to my question concerning homicide rates was directly in line with critical race theory.

I knew that would be the case because I've seen you pushing these excuses on this site for some time. I have also seen you advocate white privilege theory.

Your world view impacts everything you have to say on racial issues in America. Generally speaking you'll look for excuses rather than promote personal responsibility and cultural accountability.

At the end of the day you'll blame white people for all the problems black people face. Just admit it. Openly. Get to the point.

Now you just want to attack me personally and make up arguments I did not make.
Why not just argue with yourself? Have fun.
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by LeProfessionnel:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:

Evidently you have the urge to argue with someone about "privilege theory" so you brought it up our if the blue and attributed it to me and demanded I defend it.

Respond to specific points in the post you quote if you want discussion.

I was responding to the quote below

Originally posted by TheWooLick:

I support community programs to curve violence in communities.

Tell me this, why do you think black males committed 53% of this nations homicides for 20+ years?

Conditions created by generations living with Jim Crow Laws, housing discrimination, discriminatory justice system...

Like I said, you advocate critical race theory. (Blaming white people for some black peoples behavior in the 21st century)

Now do you understand why I brought up CRT? Anticipating your response to my posts isn't hard.

Jim Crow laws didn't impact black people in LA, Chicago, Oakland, NY etc. Even so, crime rates were nowhere near as high as they are today back in the 1950's and into the early 1960's, even in the Jim Crow south (SOUTH) where people actually faced some sort of oppression each day.

No amount of mid 20th century Southern (systemic) racism forces a person to commit murder in the 21st century.

In fact, CA had similar laws impacting Asians yet we don't see Asian American communities generating warzone murder rates.

Here's where you move on to blaming slavery. At what point do we hold people accountable for their own actions? At what point do people like you realize cultural accountability is the only way this street level murder culture will be minimized? (Along with targeted spending on education/jobs) At what point do you realize what impact this culture has on policing in black neighborhoods?

How did this culture manifest? It began to take off after we replaced black fathers with welfare checks. As well meaning as welfare was at the time it did extraordinary damage to the black nuclear family.

Kids from single parent households are far more likely to commit crime. In 1960 22% of black kids lived in single parent households. Now it's 67%. 91% of these single parent households are single women.

Black kids from single parent households, as Obama said, are 20 times more likley to end up in prison compared to black kids from two parent households.

Jim Crow laws, as bad as they were, didn't destroy the black nuclear family. That was liberals (with good intentions). What will your good intentions cause in the 21st century? Well, right now your good intentions have this nation on the brink of chaos.

Tmi am not advocating critical race theory. You are subscribing me to a theory so that you can argue againstbthst theory. You are regurgitating the same argument you have made before and I have seen this argument made elsewhere.

I think Jim Crow laws, segregation, discrimination and dehumanization over generations are contributing factors to inner city violence. You don't which means we disagree.

You don't have to know what CRT is in order to advocate it's principles. Your answer to my question concerning homicide rates was directly in line with critical race theory.

I knew that would be the case because I've seen you pushing these excuses on this site for some time. I have also seen you advocate white privilege theory.

Your world view impacts everything you have to say on racial issues in America. Generally speaking you'll look for excuses rather than promote personal responsibility and cultural accountability.

At the end of the day you'll blame white people for all the problems black people face. Just admit it. Openly. Get to the point.

Now you just want to attack me personally and make up arguments I did not make.
Why not just argue with yourself? Have fun.

That wasn't the case at all and you know it. I didn't attack you personally I anticipated your response to my posts. Perfectly.

There's no point in discussing things with people perpetually seeking to blame exterior forces. It's like alcoholics in denial. Everything is everyone else's fault.

Don't you see how that will only perpetuate the same behavioral patterns? The same culture. This is one reason I say you do more harm than good. Too many on the left seek to shift blame which only perpetuates cultural decay.
[ Edited by LeProfessionnel on Sep 30, 2017 at 11:38 AM ]
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