Originally posted by genus49:
Originally posted by Geeked:
Originally posted by genus49:
Originally posted by Young2Rice:
Its not so much that they've slept with a bunch of guys. Its that they let a bunch of guys, sometimes more than one at a time, penetrate each hole and video tape it for the world to see forever.
Thats a red flag in my book.
I'll be worried about his decision making if I find out he's dating her officially or putting a ring on it. If he's taking her out for a quick nut then who cares?
If you're looking to go on a joy ride to have a good time would you rather take a prius or a ferrari?
And as all cars there are preferences. Wouldn't be what I'm looking for in a ferrari but it would drive pretty nice regardless.
To Y2R's point, there does seem to be that Cuck element which is a bit hard to understand for most people.
The whole Cuck thing is hilarious. Every dude wants to be the only guy a chick sleeps with...and every guy wants a great fuk in the process. Well practice helps not just when it comes to football.
As long as you're not wifing them then no big deal. Honestly the "girl next door" could be taking just as much dick as a porn star, she's just not doing it in public but she's also not getting tested on the regular.
I got over that in my late 20's. I don't care what other people think of me, and as long as she makes me happy now I'm not all that interested in her past. When I was dating I wrapped it up religiously, and if I am going to marry a woman I'll have been with her long enough to know if she's ill or not before unwrapping.
As for athletes, I don't see any difference between dating a porn star, or a shy girl next door that nobody has heard of. As long as their business is kept private, as with any relationship, then there's no problems.