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Jimmy Garoppolo, QB, Los Angeles Rams

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Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by SkyZer0:
except we're only discussing how clutch he has been for us all of last season and before that. you can use that game from this year to facilitate your ALEX argument, but not over the context of a full season clearly when it comes to showing examples like that rams game.

what happens to the ALEX stat when he converts to 3rd and 16's like that?

also that Rams game isnt the reason he got that contract, silly. you know better.

How does throwing the ball at one of the shortest distances in the league make you clutch? Especially when you're throwing INTs at such a high rate?

Dude the ALEX stat is from 2019 lol. What do you think FOs and next generation stats are lying? Nah dude it's data they don't care about fan-hood.

If he actually throws it 16 yards on 3rd down it pushes up his ALEX score. Those passes vs LA were awesome...It's all about from the LOS. If he throws a 2 yard screen to Mostert on 3rd and 15 and they get a 1st down that lowers his ALEX stat. IMO he did little to earn that 3rd down conversion. That's on the playmakers which did a lot of the work.

Yeah he got a $137M deal because of 4 games my bad.

5 games* and that carried over (for the most part) in 2019.

"That's usually where quarterbacks earn their money," 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan said. "You can do a lot of things on first and second down. You can mix in run or pass to even out the game, but on third down, that pass rush is coming. They always have their best coverages and blitzes called. You need a good guy back there."

we were better on 3rd downs with Jimmy behind center rather than anybody else under Shanahan. but if you want to dissect it show me more plays like in that video where it was all YAC and nothing else.

you put all your eggs into 1 basket with this score too much, and missed a lot of games from last year where it was all Jimmy for the most part.

you would lean more toward the playmakers doing most of the work because you're incapable of giving Jimmy over 50% of the credit for anything.

Josh Allen's ALEX stats dipped? dude sucks now i guess.
[ Edited by SkyZer0 on Dec 2, 2020 at 10:56 AM ]
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by SkyZer0:
except we're only discussing how clutch he has been for us all of last season and before that. you can use that game from this year to facilitate your ALEX argument, but not over the context of a full season clearly when it comes to showing examples like that rams game.

what happens to the ALEX stat when he converts to 3rd and 16's like that?

also that Rams game isnt the reason he got that contract, silly. you know better.

How does throwing the ball at one of the shortest distances in the league make you clutch? Especially when you're throwing INTs at such a high rate?

Dude the ALEX stat is from 2019 lol. What do you think FOs and next generation stats are lying? Nah dude it's data they don't care about fan-hood.

If he actually throws it 16 yards on 3rd down it pushes up his ALEX score. Those passes vs LA were awesome...It's all about from the LOS. If he throws a 2 yard screen to Mostert on 3rd and 15 and they get a 1st down that lowers his ALEX stat. IMO he did little to earn that 3rd down conversion. That's on the playmakers which did a lot of the work.

Yeah he got a $137M deal because of 4 games my bad.

He got it off 5 games and what was your reaction to the deal at the time?

That's what happens when you have a guy who played great in your offense with your roster and won you games as he happens to head into free agency. They get paid.

It's the way the NFL works. Let's not act like he's Brock Osweiler Houston version.

Our roster and offense goes a long way towards that ALEX score. The idea that Jimmy putting the ball where it needs to go on 3rd down when the defense knows you're throwing shouldn't give him any credit because his receivers get YAC is silly and absurd.

It's one thing to bring up his contract and his injuries or his issues with the deep ball but to get hung up on the whole ALEX stat thing when he was the #1 guy last year at converting 3rd downs is bonkers dude.
Originally posted by thl408:
I made this post a few days ago but I wanted to add it to your post, which I think is very fair.

Jimmy not playing and not being able to avoid injury is my biggest concern with him. He already lost out on 3.5 years holding a clipboard for Brady. Then he lost 2018 to the ACL and now he lost half of 2020 to the ankle. That's 4+ years not playing, not getting live reps to develop. Using hindsight, I think him balling out going 5-0 to end 2017, then getting a large contract based off of those 5 games was a terrible thing to happen to him from the standpoint of perception.

His development path should have been similar to Brady, RWilson, and Big Ben. Young QBs on contending teams, supported by a run game/defense as they played the role of game manager while developing into the passers that they are now. But those three QBs didn't have large contracts when they were young in their development, so when they game managed their way to their first SB during those early years, it was okay that they didn't throw for 4K yards - they were young and developing. There were no expectations to be THE focal point of the offense. Jimmy with his large contract does not get that patience from the fanbase.

I am not saying Jimmy will be the QB Brady/Wilson/Ben is, I am saying his development path should have been like theirs. Some will say that Jimmy is not a young QB - age wise I agree. But playing time wise, he is not the typical 30 year old QB that has had 5+ seasons of starting under his belt.

He needs to play to develop, but this habit of missing time due to injury is severely hurting his development.

Develop what though? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages...I mean maybe he can improve there with more snaps. It's not like he's been unfortunate with coaching staffs or not having talent around him either.

Sometimes QBs actually go the other way with more snaps. Look at Wentz right now

I'm really bummed because I was expecting massive improvement from our $137M investment in 2020. So far just more injuries and shaky play.

Hopefully he can come back and we can see if he can improve over the last couple games and fingers crossed playoffs.
Originally posted by genus49:
He got it off 5 games and what was your reaction to the deal at the time?

How in the hell are you counting the week 17 LA game when they benched all their starters?
  • thl408
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  • Posts: 32,522
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by thl408:
I made this post a few days ago but I wanted to add it to your post, which I think is very fair.

Jimmy not playing and not being able to avoid injury is my biggest concern with him. He already lost out on 3.5 years holding a clipboard for Brady. Then he lost 2018 to the ACL and now he lost half of 2020 to the ankle. That's 4+ years not playing, not getting live reps to develop. Using hindsight, I think him balling out going 5-0 to end 2017, then getting a large contract based off of those 5 games was a terrible thing to happen to him from the standpoint of perception.

His development path should have been similar to Brady, RWilson, and Big Ben. Young QBs on contending teams, supported by a run game/defense as they played the role of game manager while developing into the passers that they are now. But those three QBs didn't have large contracts when they were young in their development, so when they game managed their way to their first SB during those early years, it was okay that they didn't throw for 4K yards - they were young and developing. There were no expectations to be THE focal point of the offense. Jimmy with his large contract does not get that patience from the fanbase.

I am not saying Jimmy will be the QB Brady/Wilson/Ben is, I am saying his development path should have been like theirs. Some will say that Jimmy is not a young QB - age wise I agree. But playing time wise, he is not the typical 30 year old QB that has had 5+ seasons of starting under his belt.

He needs to play to develop, but this habit of missing time due to injury is severely hurting his development.

Develop what though? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages...I mean maybe he can improve there with more snaps. It's not like he's been unfortunate with coaching staffs or not having talent around him either.

Sometimes QBs actually go the other way with more snaps. Look at Wentz right now

I'm really bummed because I was expecting massive improvement from our $137M investment in 2020. So far just more injuries and shaky play.

Hopefully he can come back and we can see if he can improve over the last couple games and fingers crossed playoffs.

Develop into a better quarterback.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by jonnydel:
What did my cap breakdown have to do with backing Jimmy?

Wishful thinking? There's going to be at least 380 free agents next year(I think each team has about 12 spots to get to 51 on average), collectively, if the salary cap remains as is for next season the league will have a total of about 217 million in cap space.....of all the teams put together.

The minimum salary for a player with over 1 year of experience and NOT more than 2 is 685k. 380x685k = 260 million. So, even if teams were to keep existing contracts, fill out rosters with players who don't have more than 2 full years of experience on minimum contracts the league doesn't have the cap space by 43 million. These are estimates as I'm not going through each team and counting free agents down to the number. I think there's going to be more than 380 though. That was a rough estimate after looking at about 16 teams.

To create space, teams have to create more roster spots to fill, carry dead money and you will have big name free agents coming available.

So, let's stop and actually think about this, not just accuse someone of "wishful thinking" because it doesn't agree with the argument that we need to move on from Jimmy for cap reasons because of what it looks like. The NFL and NFLPA will not let this happen. Currently, the CBA gives players 47% of revenue - owners are carrying lower costs and revenues this year and so they're going to have to suck it up, as well as players taking cuts across the board because of COVID. There's no other way around it. space will be created and teams know it.

The Bears had 680k in space for next year 10 days ago, they've signed extensions and now are negative 10 million. Why would they do that if they believe the cap will be LOWER than next year?

They already had a collective bargaining agreement on what they will do with the cap in 2021. They tapped it at a min of $175 (would probably be lower) if the revenue generated this year is more than that, they will use that...with games being played in mostly empty stadiums and a massive revenue losses, why in the world would you assume the owners will "suck it up" lol. When have they ever done that?

If anyone is gonna have to "suck it up" it will be and always has been the players. Contracts will be shorter with less gtd cash and backloaded...That's what happens when you tie your piece of the pie into overall revenue of the business. It's capitalism man. When it's good it's real good, next yr is gonna be a lean yr. is what it is. Adapt and adjust

IMO 2021 is gonna be a hard yr for teams overall. I wouldn't be shocked if some guys sit out the yr if they don't get the cash they want.

They agreed to a floor, meaning they don't know the revenues with the uncertainty but all agreed that anything below 175 mil would destroy the league as the revenues on a per team average could be as low as 270 million.

That doesn't mean they agreed to a cap. To me, it's a good faith gesture by the owners to set the precedent with the union that they're willing to bypass the 47% cap calculation to protect the game - but will then expect players to do their part and agree to a league wide pay-cut claused into all contracts to try and maintain the market values of players.

I get that it's capitalism, but the NFL is also a product based game. They've worked for their audience for decades and while we can act like owners are just greedy guys, they're business men first and foremost and entertainment business men. You protect your audience - that's your real product. That's what they sell advertisers. They don't sell advertisers the games or the scores, they sell the audience. If you lose your audience, you lose your product.

They're not going to further risk losing an audience because once you lose an audience, it's very, very hard to get them back - just ask WCW or WWF/E, if you're familiar with wrestling, how easy it is to get the 11 million people who were watching in 1998 and aren't watching now, to come back.

If you allow the league to be gutted of dozens and dozens of playmakers and fill out teams with 1 year players or UDFA's because of the cap, the audience will leave and your product is less valuable.
I wonder when and how many of these new stats they keep coming up with will be incorporated into the overall QB rating? That formula is already hard to figure out.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by thl408:
I made this post a few days ago but I wanted to add it to your post, which I think is very fair.

Jimmy not playing and not being able to avoid injury is my biggest concern with him. He already lost out on 3.5 years holding a clipboard for Brady. Then he lost 2018 to the ACL and now he lost half of 2020 to the ankle. That's 4+ years not playing, not getting live reps to develop. Using hindsight, I think him balling out going 5-0 to end 2017, then getting a large contract based off of those 5 games was a terrible thing to happen to him from the standpoint of perception.

His development path should have been similar to Brady, RWilson, and Big Ben. Young QBs on contending teams, supported by a run game/defense as they played the role of game manager while developing into the passers that they are now. But those three QBs didn't have large contracts when they were young in their development, so when they game managed their way to their first SB during those early years, it was okay that they didn't throw for 4K yards - they were young and developing. There were no expectations to be THE focal point of the offense. Jimmy with his large contract does not get that patience from the fanbase.

I am not saying Jimmy will be the QB Brady/Wilson/Ben is, I am saying his development path should have been like theirs. Some will say that Jimmy is not a young QB - age wise I agree. But playing time wise, he is not the typical 30 year old QB that has had 5+ seasons of starting under his belt.

He needs to play to develop, but this habit of missing time due to injury is severely hurting his development.

Develop what though? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages...I mean maybe he can improve there with more snaps. It's not like he's been unfortunate with coaching staffs or not having talent around him either.

Sometimes QBs actually go the other way with more snaps. Look at Wentz right now

I'm really bummed because I was expecting massive improvement from our $137M investment in 2020. So far just more injuries and shaky play.

Hopefully he can come back and we can see if he can improve over the last couple games and fingers crossed playoffs.

yeah the niners kind of screwed draft hopes for next year with last week's win lol
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by thl408:
I made this post a few days ago but I wanted to add it to your post, which I think is very fair.

Jimmy not playing and not being able to avoid injury is my biggest concern with him. He already lost out on 3.5 years holding a clipboard for Brady. Then he lost 2018 to the ACL and now he lost half of 2020 to the ankle. That's 4+ years not playing, not getting live reps to develop. Using hindsight, I think him balling out going 5-0 to end 2017, then getting a large contract based off of those 5 games was a terrible thing to happen to him from the standpoint of perception.

His development path should have been similar to Brady, RWilson, and Big Ben. Young QBs on contending teams, supported by a run game/defense as they played the role of game manager while developing into the passers that they are now. But those three QBs didn't have large contracts when they were young in their development, so when they game managed their way to their first SB during those early years, it was okay that they didn't throw for 4K yards - they were young and developing. There were no expectations to be THE focal point of the offense. Jimmy with his large contract does not get that patience from the fanbase.

I am not saying Jimmy will be the QB Brady/Wilson/Ben is, I am saying his development path should have been like theirs. Some will say that Jimmy is not a young QB - age wise I agree. But playing time wise, he is not the typical 30 year old QB that has had 5+ seasons of starting under his belt.

He needs to play to develop, but this habit of missing time due to injury is severely hurting his development.

Develop what though? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages...I mean maybe he can improve there with more snaps. It's not like he's been unfortunate with coaching staffs or not having talent around him either.

Sometimes QBs actually go the other way with more snaps. Look at Wentz right now

I'm really bummed because I was expecting massive improvement from our $137M investment in 2020. So far just more injuries and shaky play.

Hopefully he can come back and we can see if he can improve over the last couple games and fingers crossed playoffs.

How can anyone say that when you have Tom Brady doing what he's doing? You think Drew Brees is much more athletically/physically gifted than Garoppolo?

These guys simply worked on the fundamentals and the mental part of the game and got better and better with limited athletic traits.

And before you come back with "So now Jimmy can be Brady/Brees" pump your breaks....simply pointing out that having a limited physical/athletic traits doesn't mean you cannot improve with more development/experience.
Originally posted by thl408:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by thl408:
I made this post a few days ago but I wanted to add it to your post, which I think is very fair.

Jimmy not playing and not being able to avoid injury is my biggest concern with him. He already lost out on 3.5 years holding a clipboard for Brady. Then he lost 2018 to the ACL and now he lost half of 2020 to the ankle. That's 4+ years not playing, not getting live reps to develop. Using hindsight, I think him balling out going 5-0 to end 2017, then getting a large contract based off of those 5 games was a terrible thing to happen to him from the standpoint of perception.

His development path should have been similar to Brady, RWilson, and Big Ben. Young QBs on contending teams, supported by a run game/defense as they played the role of game manager while developing into the passers that they are now. But those three QBs didn't have large contracts when they were young in their development, so when they game managed their way to their first SB during those early years, it was okay that they didn't throw for 4K yards - they were young and developing. There were no expectations to be THE focal point of the offense. Jimmy with his large contract does not get that patience from the fanbase.

I am not saying Jimmy will be the QB Brady/Wilson/Ben is, I am saying his development path should have been like theirs. Some will say that Jimmy is not a young QB - age wise I agree. But playing time wise, he is not the typical 30 year old QB that has had 5+ seasons of starting under his belt.

He needs to play to develop, but this habit of missing time due to injury is severely hurting his development.

Develop what though? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages...I mean maybe he can improve there with more snaps. It's not like he's been unfortunate with coaching staffs or not having talent around him either.

Sometimes QBs actually go the other way with more snaps. Look at Wentz right now

I'm really bummed because I was expecting massive improvement from our $137M investment in 2020. So far just more injuries and shaky play.

Hopefully he can come back and we can see if he can improve over the last couple games and fingers crossed playoffs.

Develop into a better quarterback.

how? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, and I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages

Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by genus49:
He got it off 5 games and what was your reaction to the deal at the time?

How in the hell are you counting the week 17 LA game when they benched all their starters?

Why the hell wouldn't i? Did the Rams just lay down? Why would I fault Jimmy or discount a game just because the opponent decided to rest their starters? Let's not forget we should've beaten them with their starters with Hoyer if not for a bogus OPI on Trent Taylor.

But why are we even having this conversation? What was your reaction to the deal at the time?
Originally posted by genus49:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by thl408:
I made this post a few days ago but I wanted to add it to your post, which I think is very fair.

Jimmy not playing and not being able to avoid injury is my biggest concern with him. He already lost out on 3.5 years holding a clipboard for Brady. Then he lost 2018 to the ACL and now he lost half of 2020 to the ankle. That's 4+ years not playing, not getting live reps to develop. Using hindsight, I think him balling out going 5-0 to end 2017, then getting a large contract based off of those 5 games was a terrible thing to happen to him from the standpoint of perception.

His development path should have been similar to Brady, RWilson, and Big Ben. Young QBs on contending teams, supported by a run game/defense as they played the role of game manager while developing into the passers that they are now. But those three QBs didn't have large contracts when they were young in their development, so when they game managed their way to their first SB during those early years, it was okay that they didn't throw for 4K yards - they were young and developing. There were no expectations to be THE focal point of the offense. Jimmy with his large contract does not get that patience from the fanbase.

I am not saying Jimmy will be the QB Brady/Wilson/Ben is, I am saying his development path should have been like theirs. Some will say that Jimmy is not a young QB - age wise I agree. But playing time wise, he is not the typical 30 year old QB that has had 5+ seasons of starting under his belt.

He needs to play to develop, but this habit of missing time due to injury is severely hurting his development.

Develop what though? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages...I mean maybe he can improve there with more snaps. It's not like he's been unfortunate with coaching staffs or not having talent around him either.

Sometimes QBs actually go the other way with more snaps. Look at Wentz right now

I'm really bummed because I was expecting massive improvement from our $137M investment in 2020. So far just more injuries and shaky play.

Hopefully he can come back and we can see if he can improve over the last couple games and fingers crossed playoffs.

How can anyone say that when you have Tom Brady doing what he's doing? You think Drew Brees is much more athletically/physically gifted than Garoppolo?

These guys simply worked on the fundamentals and the mental part of the game and got better and better with limited athletic traits.

And before you come back with "So now Jimmy can be Brady/Brees" pump your breaks....simply pointing out that having a limited physical/athletic traits doesn't mean you cannot improve with more development/experience.

oH so now wE're compAriNg JiMMy wiTh BrAdy and bRees noW?
  • thl408
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 32,522
Originally posted by SkyZer0:
Originally posted by thl408:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by thl408:
I made this post a few days ago but I wanted to add it to your post, which I think is very fair.

Jimmy not playing and not being able to avoid injury is my biggest concern with him. He already lost out on 3.5 years holding a clipboard for Brady. Then he lost 2018 to the ACL and now he lost half of 2020 to the ankle. That's 4+ years not playing, not getting live reps to develop. Using hindsight, I think him balling out going 5-0 to end 2017, then getting a large contract based off of those 5 games was a terrible thing to happen to him from the standpoint of perception.

His development path should have been similar to Brady, RWilson, and Big Ben. Young QBs on contending teams, supported by a run game/defense as they played the role of game manager while developing into the passers that they are now. But those three QBs didn't have large contracts when they were young in their development, so when they game managed their way to their first SB during those early years, it was okay that they didn't throw for 4K yards - they were young and developing. There were no expectations to be THE focal point of the offense. Jimmy with his large contract does not get that patience from the fanbase.

I am not saying Jimmy will be the QB Brady/Wilson/Ben is, I am saying his development path should have been like theirs. Some will say that Jimmy is not a young QB - age wise I agree. But playing time wise, he is not the typical 30 year old QB that has had 5+ seasons of starting under his belt.

He needs to play to develop, but this habit of missing time due to injury is severely hurting his development.

Develop what though? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages...I mean maybe he can improve there with more snaps. It's not like he's been unfortunate with coaching staffs or not having talent around him either.

Sometimes QBs actually go the other way with more snaps. Look at Wentz right now

I'm really bummed because I was expecting massive improvement from our $137M investment in 2020. So far just more injuries and shaky play.

Hopefully he can come back and we can see if he can improve over the last couple games and fingers crossed playoffs.

Develop into a better quarterback.

how? It's not like he has all of those high ceiling traits. He's not athletically gifted, his arm talent is middle of the pack, and I wouldn't say he's a savant at reading coverages

Steroids and adderall.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Think about it...alex smith just got $71 million guaranteed and jimmy G got $74 million lol

If any one is hating on this contract they need a slap in the face

Hey NY...
Originally posted by SkyZer0:

Josh Allen's ALEX stats dipped? dude sucks now i guess.

Making silly, outlandish points that you can then defeat. Okay?

1) Is Josh Allen at the very bottom (30, 31, 32) like Jimmy was? Was he #1 or #2 last year? There is this thing in statistics called outliers. They do have enough significance to where they need a microscope. And...

2) What observations did we make about Josh's play to begin with (as we already have for 100's of pages regarding Jimmy)?

Stats are not all meant to be a ranking of who was great and who was bad. Why are you trying to force the ALEX score into this box? No one is buying that this is a legit argument. It's filler.
[ Edited by random49er on Dec 2, 2020 at 11:20 AM ]
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