Originally posted by LottDMontanaO:
Originally posted by SkyZer0:
no way to tell, bit i see where you're coming from. biggest difference is the 9ers roster is loaded with talent and basically set up to go on another run like in 2019. having Jimmy back to facilitate that via QB position with the experience and knowledge he has with the system and shanny's playbook, may have in itself justified more than we think. 49ers are in win-now and Jimmy give them a better advantage than any other stopgap/placeholder QB purely based off his experience and expertise he's gained with the offense by now
100%. And, in addition to Garoppolo's experience & knowledge with running this offense, this team has already proven it can win at a high rate w/ him at QB staying healthy.
yeah, i don't give a f**k how much he costs. i don't want dalton or flacco lol. if they're in win-now mode, why would you risk bringing in a guy who doesn't have the experience with the playbook in shanahan system?
if it's win now mode, and garoppolo gives them the best chance to win based off his longevity in the system, then who cares how much he costs.
I'm a fan. it's not like my own personal funds are at stake with the team lol. imagine getting so worked up about the financial side. it's their problem, not mine.
garoppolo has the proven-factor with this current team and its state of players being able to go on a run. in addition to that, again, he has the experience and longevity within the system to further facilitate such a run that neither dalton or flacco has/would've had
[ Edited by SkyZer0 on Jul 26, 2021 at 12:36 PM ]