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Jimmy Garoppolo, QB, Los Angeles Rams

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Originally posted by Joecool:
My only issue with Lance and the three first rounders is that he won't have any competition. Every starting QB needs someone to keep on the bench.

who was Jimmy's "competition" to keep him on the bench for the past couple yrs? Did you have an issue with that?
Originally posted by thl408:
Originally posted by brodiebluebanaszak:
Jimmy is not Aaron Rogers or Tom Brady.

Do we need a generational QB to win in Kyle's system? Hope not. Because they are not coming here.

Tom: Kyle thanks for taking the call. I just want you to know how excited I am to play for you. I really enjoy what you are doing.

Kyle: Thanks Tom, that's very kind. You will love my system. You hardly have to think. I design every option into each play so all you have to do is work the progressions built into each play.

Tom: That's incredible. I can't wait to hit the playbook. I like pre snap more anyway.

Kyle. No need for that either. Hard hats call our assignments and shifts.

Tom: Wow. This is gonna be fun. I love to audible flag routes. I see a few opportunites in your tape and I can't wait to pull the trigger.

Kyle: Sounds great Tom. Thing is, every call is designed to set up our chunk performers, and we don't go off schedule. It's all in the game plan. You'll see.

Tom: Sure, really exciting. You've got it all set up. What's a 20 year vet to do.

Kyle: Exactly. Practically nothing. Just hand off and go through your reads. Quarter of our plays are scripted anyway, so no surprises.

Tom: I don't need 15 plays to read what the D is doing. Maybe I can help out there.

Kyle: Sure. McD has tape review on Monday. Bring your ideas there. Then we'll talk on Wedensdays walk through. It's all so easy Tom. The car practically drives itself.

Tom: Alright. Thanks for taking the call. My agent will talk to your agent and we'll go from there.

Kyle: You bet Tom. Let me know if you have any more questions.

I've rode with Jimmy, but it's time to see what Lance can do. Kyle schemes open receivers and Jimmy just has to get the ball there. At times he hits them, but is too inconsistent.
Originally posted by eastie:
Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
I think he reads the field. He just, like so many, sometimes has trouble with comprehending what he's reading.

Jimmy is a plus NFL starter, with a singular elite trait. Problem is, our evaluation of "plus NFL starter" is only based relative to his peers. He is not a game changing quarterback where you immediately feel, no matter the pieces around him, that we have a shot at the playoffs and a super bowl. Not many QBs in the NFL are, and so I don't want to act like he is a complete failure because he's not that, but team should continue to look for one until they find the next Brady, Rogers etc. If we give Trey a valid opportunity and he proves to not be that guy either, and I'd hope we draft or sign another quarterback again

In a perfect world, maybe. Coaches don't have the time to 'continue to look' for that one special QB. The majority of Super Bowls are won by 'plus NFL starters'. Not many head coaches get more than two chances at finding their elite QB. If they don't get it right after drafting a QB, they are on the short list for unemployment.

Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
I think he reads the field. He just, like so many, sometimes has trouble with comprehending what he's reading.

Jimmy is a plus NFL starter, with a singular elite trait. Problem is, our evaluation of "plus NFL starter" is only based relative to his peers. He is not a game changing quarterback where you immediately feel, no matter the pieces around him, that we have a shot at the playoffs and a super bowl. Not many QBs in the NFL are, and so I don't want to act like he is a complete failure because he's not that, but team should continue to look for one until they find the next Brady, Rogers etc. If we give Trey a valid opportunity and he proves to not be that guy either, and I'd hope we draft or sign another quarterback again

It makes no sense to state that he reads the field well and then not comprehend what he is reading because the first part becomes meaningless. Non sense.

Players that read defenses well are the Bradys, the Rodgers etc That is one of the main reasons why they are so good at an old age. Brady isnt phyiscally gifted nor was Manning but they can read a defense and comprehend it too!

It seems quite obvious what JG is as a QB if you remove the bias and emotion from your opinion.

He is not a complete failure but you cannot maintain a solid core with a undeserved salary, lack of durability and meh overall performance. at the most important position on the field. The SB run was a perfect example, the stars were aligned for him. When we needed him the most he could not deliver even with a lights out defense and an unbelieable run game. He wasnt asked to carry the team . Just make the plays when we need it. He hasnt live up to his contract. Its too difficult in the salary cap era to have an underperforming QB at a high salary mark. The QB position is too importtant in the modern era. You just dont win consistently with meh and average. It just means you have to be closer to perfect everywhere else.
Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
I think he reads the field. He just, like so many, sometimes has trouble with comprehending what he's reading.

Jimmy is a plus NFL starter, with a singular elite trait. Problem is, our evaluation of "plus NFL starter" is only based relative to his peers. He is not a game changing quarterback where you immediately feel, no matter the pieces around him, that we have a shot at the playoffs and a super bowl. Not many QBs in the NFL are, and so I don't want to act like he is a complete failure because he's not that, but team should continue to look for one until they find the next Brady, Rogers etc. If we give Trey a valid opportunity and he proves to not be that guy either, and I'd hope we draft or sign another quarterback again

Ah, but you see that's the problem with generational talents, they tend to only come around once in a generation which, as I recall, is usually figured at about 25 years. Of course you also have 31 other teams looking for exactly the same thing which is a subset of the other problem which is that in any given year there are probably only four or five guys in the league who could meet the standard of the first part of your statement and for the past 20 years or so they have been pretty much the same guys, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Wilson and Peyton Manning, maybe Roethlisberger when he was younger. Mahomes and Herbert have a chance to get there if they put a few more good years together.

Finding an elite QB is incredibly difficult. This franchise was fortunate that it managed to find two back to back but even then it took several years for Young to hit his stride. Unfortunately that seems to have led to a certain degree of entitlement among 49ers fans. They have come to think that they deserve a franchise QB which is why they have a tendency to come into forums like this and crap on anyone who doesn't meet their exacting standards. Most QB's these days need the team around them to help contribute to their success and yet that is viewed in here as a detriment, "Oh, the defense had to carry him, or the running game." That's why football is perhaps the ultimate team sport. It's not like you can have a Michael Jordon or Steph Curry come out and drop 40 points to carry you over the finish line. I get people's frustration with Jimmy, the Titan's game was probably a perfect example of his strengths and his flaws but generally speaking he has been more successful than not and that isn't a small thing in today's game.

I have no doubt that if Lance doesn't turn out to be the next Mahomes he will end up getting the same treatment as Jimmy has gotten with battle lines being drawn between his supporters and detractors who I will suspect will be the same people who occupy most of the space in these current threads, just with the roles reversed. Personally I will be rooting for him to succeed because I want the team to succeed I'm not sure why Jimmy doesn't get the same consideration from some of the people in here.
Originally posted by 49ers81:
Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
I think he reads the field. He just, like so many, sometimes has trouble with comprehending what he's reading.

Jimmy is a plus NFL starter, with a singular elite trait. Problem is, our evaluation of "plus NFL starter" is only based relative to his peers. He is not a game changing quarterback where you immediately feel, no matter the pieces around him, that we have a shot at the playoffs and a super bowl. Not many QBs in the NFL are, and so I don't want to act like he is a complete failure because he's not that, but team should continue to look for one until they find the next Brady, Rogers etc. If we give Trey a valid opportunity and he proves to not be that guy either, and I'd hope we draft or sign another quarterback again

Ah, but you see that's the problem with generational talents, they tend to only come around once in a generation which, as I recall, is usually figured at about 25 years. Of course you also have 31 other teams looking for exactly the same thing which is a subset of the other problem which is that in any given year there are probably only four or five guys in the league who could meet the standard of the first part of your statement and for the past 20 years or so they have been pretty much the same guys, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Wilson and Peyton Manning, maybe Roethlisberger when he was younger. Mahomes and Herbert have a chance to get there if they put a few more good years together.

Finding an elite QB is incredibly difficult. This franchise was fortunate that it managed to find two back to back but even then it took several years for Young to hit his stride. Unfortunately that seems to have led to a certain degree of entitlement among 49ers fans. They have come to think that they deserve a franchise QB which is why they have a tendency to come into forums like this and crap on anyone who doesn't meet their exacting standards. Most QB's these days need the team around them to help contribute to their success and yet that is viewed in here as a detriment, "Oh, the defense had to carry him, or the running game." That's why football is perhaps the ultimate team sport. It's not like you can have a Michael Jordon or Steph Curry come out and drop 40 points to carry you over the finish line. I get people's frustration with Jimmy, the Titan's game was probably a perfect example of his strengths and his flaws but generally speaking he has been more successful than not and that isn't a small thing in today's game.

I have no doubt that if Lance doesn't turn out to be the next Mahomes he will end up getting the same treatment as Jimmy has gotten with battle lines being drawn between his supporters and detractors who I will suspect will be the same people who occupy most of the space in these current threads, just with the roles reversed. Personally I will be rooting for him to succeed because I want the team to succeed I'm not sure why Jimmy doesn't get the same consideration from some of the people in here.

Jimmy has gotten plenty of support when he deserves it. Sometimes even when he doesn't. Eventually everyone rises to their peak level and thr Niners and many of the fans don't think that level is high enough. Nothing wrong with wanting to get better at any position.
Originally posted by 49ers81:
Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
I think he reads the field. He just, like so many, sometimes has trouble with comprehending what he's reading.

Jimmy is a plus NFL starter, with a singular elite trait. Problem is, our evaluation of "plus NFL starter" is only based relative to his peers. He is not a game changing quarterback where you immediately feel, no matter the pieces around him, that we have a shot at the playoffs and a super bowl. Not many QBs in the NFL are, and so I don't want to act like he is a complete failure because he's not that, but team should continue to look for one until they find the next Brady, Rogers etc. If we give Trey a valid opportunity and he proves to not be that guy either, and I'd hope we draft or sign another quarterback again

Ah, but you see that's the problem with generational talents, they tend to only come around once in a generation which, as I recall, is usually figured at about 25 years. Of course you also have 31 other teams looking for exactly the same thing which is a subset of the other problem which is that in any given year there are probably only four or five guys in the league who could meet the standard of the first part of your statement and for the past 20 years or so they have been pretty much the same guys, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Wilson and Peyton Manning, maybe Roethlisberger when he was younger. Mahomes and Herbert have a chance to get there if they put a few more good years together.

Finding an elite QB is incredibly difficult. This franchise was fortunate that it managed to find two back to back but even then it took several years for Young to hit his stride. Unfortunately that seems to have led to a certain degree of entitlement among 49ers fans. They have come to think that they deserve a franchise QB which is why they have a tendency to come into forums like this and crap on anyone who doesn't meet their exacting standards. Most QB's these days need the team around them to help contribute to their success and yet that is viewed in here as a detriment, "Oh, the defense had to carry him, or the running game." That's why football is perhaps the ultimate team sport. It's not like you can have a Michael Jordon or Steph Curry come out and drop 40 points to carry you over the finish line. I get people's frustration with Jimmy, the Titan's game was probably a perfect example of his strengths and his flaws but generally speaking he has been more successful than not and that isn't a small thing in today's game.

I have no doubt that if Lance doesn't turn out to be the next Mahomes he will end up getting the same treatment as Jimmy has gotten with battle lines being drawn between his supporters and detractors who I will suspect will be the same people who occupy most of the space in these current threads, just with the roles reversed. Personally I will be rooting for him to succeed because I want the team to succeed I'm not sure why Jimmy doesn't get the same consideration from some of the people in here.

And there you go. Your opinion is not objective but sympathic Feeling bad for him and poo pooing on fans that expect to win. This is NFL not house league.

I agree picking sides is stupid. How can one be objective? Sole purpose for all of this is to win a SB regardless who is at QB.
[ Edited by TD49ers on Dec 30, 2021 at 11:52 AM ]
Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
Originally posted by eastie:
Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
I think he reads the field. He just, like so many, sometimes has trouble with comprehending what he's reading.

Jimmy is a plus NFL starter, with a singular elite trait. Problem is, our evaluation of "plus NFL starter" is only based relative to his peers. He is not a game changing quarterback where you immediately feel, no matter the pieces around him, that we have a shot at the playoffs and a super bowl. Not many QBs in the NFL are, and so I don't want to act like he is a complete failure because he's not that, but team should continue to look for one until they find the next Brady, Rogers etc. If we give Trey a valid opportunity and he proves to not be that guy either, and I'd hope we draft or sign another quarterback again

In a perfect world, maybe. Coaches don't have the time to 'continue to look' for that one special QB. The majority of Super Bowls are won by 'plus NFL starters'. Not many head coaches get more than two chances at finding their elite QB. If they don't get it right after drafting a QB, they are on the short list for unemployment.


I mostly agree with what is stated in bold. And those that have won that are not elite general do no sustatain any real competitive longevity mostly because everything has to be perfect to win when you dont gave that top level QB.
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
Originally posted by 49ers81:
Originally posted by adrianlesnar:
I think he reads the field. He just, like so many, sometimes has trouble with comprehending what he's reading.

Jimmy is a plus NFL starter, with a singular elite trait. Problem is, our evaluation of "plus NFL starter" is only based relative to his peers. He is not a game changing quarterback where you immediately feel, no matter the pieces around him, that we have a shot at the playoffs and a super bowl. Not many QBs in the NFL are, and so I don't want to act like he is a complete failure because he's not that, but team should continue to look for one until they find the next Brady, Rogers etc. If we give Trey a valid opportunity and he proves to not be that guy either, and I'd hope we draft or sign another quarterback again

Ah, but you see that's the problem with generational talents, they tend to only come around once in a generation which, as I recall, is usually figured at about 25 years. Of course you also have 31 other teams looking for exactly the same thing which is a subset of the other problem which is that in any given year there are probably only four or five guys in the league who could meet the standard of the first part of your statement and for the past 20 years or so they have been pretty much the same guys, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Wilson and Peyton Manning, maybe Roethlisberger when he was younger. Mahomes and Herbert have a chance to get there if they put a few more good years together.

Finding an elite QB is incredibly difficult. This franchise was fortunate that it managed to find two back to back but even then it took several years for Young to hit his stride. Unfortunately that seems to have led to a certain degree of entitlement among 49ers fans. They have come to think that they deserve a franchise QB which is why they have a tendency to come into forums like this and crap on anyone who doesn't meet their exacting standards. Most QB's these days need the team around them to help contribute to their success and yet that is viewed in here as a detriment, "Oh, the defense had to carry him, or the running game." That's why football is perhaps the ultimate team sport. It's not like you can have a Michael Jordon or Steph Curry come out and drop 40 points to carry you over the finish line. I get people's frustration with Jimmy, the Titan's game was probably a perfect example of his strengths and his flaws but generally speaking he has been more successful than not and that isn't a small thing in today's game.

I have no doubt that if Lance doesn't turn out to be the next Mahomes he will end up getting the same treatment as Jimmy has gotten with battle lines being drawn between his supporters and detractors who I will suspect will be the same people who occupy most of the space in these current threads, just with the roles reversed. Personally I will be rooting for him to succeed because I want the team to succeed I'm not sure why Jimmy doesn't get the same consideration from some of the people in here.

Jimmy has gotten plenty of support when he deserves it. Sometimes even when he doesn't. Eventually everyone rises to their peak level and thr Niners and many of the fans don't think that level is high enough. Nothing wrong with wanting to get better at any position.

Well, that's exactly my point isn't it. The fans think they deserve better when the reality is a much more elusive thing. As Will Muny so famously said, Deserves got nothing to do with it.

Originally posted by 49ers81:
Well, that's exactly my point isn't it. The fans think they deserve better when the reality is a much more elusive thing. As Will Muny so famously said, Deserves got nothing to do with it.

Fans expect better. Not deserve better. Especially in an organization that has won 5 SB titles. This is a good thing. Would you prefer expectation similar to the Lions fanbase.
Originally posted by TD49ers:
Originally posted by 49ers81:
Well, that's exactly my point isn't it. The fans think they deserve better when the reality is a much more elusive thing. As Will Muny so famously said, Deserves got nothing to do with it.

Fans expect better. Not deserve better. Especially in an organization that has won 5 SB titles. This is a good thing. Would you prefer expectation similar to the Lions fanbase.
it's been 5 years with jimmy and no improvement.. it's time to let go
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by TD49ers:
Originally posted by 49ers81:
Well, that's exactly my point isn't it. The fans think they deserve better when the reality is a much more elusive thing. As Will Muny so famously said, Deserves got nothing to do with it.

Fans expect better. Not deserve better. Especially in an organization that has won 5 SB titles. This is a good thing. Would you prefer expectation similar to the Lions fanbase.
it's been 5 years with jimmy and no improvement.. it's time to let go

So when do we hear more about his status? Sometime today?
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Originally posted by Fanaticofnfl:
So when do we hear more about his status? Sometime today?

An hour before kick off.

subterfuge at play.
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