Originally posted by Furlow:
It's NOTHING like going to the game or being with people in person while watching a game. Extreme reactions make sense in those situations. But taking the time to get on one's phone or computer, logging into a football forum, then typing an emotional post is something entirely different.
If someone is taking the time to do all of that, then they can deal with the consequences afterwards. What's weak is thinking you can s**t all over our team and then expect all to be forgiven when we win. No. Just no.
People post in the game day thread as SOON as something happens...you internet much lol? Go on twitter or FB and ever see a reactionary post? s**t happens literally every sec all over the world. Yeah it actually is like going to a game and being pissed, happy, nervous at any given play. The game day thread let's you do that with a bunch of people that are watching the game too.
I've been a fan of this team for over 30 yrs and spent thousands of dollars to see them play buy there stuff etc...as everyone in here likes to point out I spend a lot of time in here talking about
MY TEAM good/bad whatever for almost a decade. SO you don't get to tell anyone how the choose to express how they feel about their team, it's
NOT just yours to dictate lol.
I swear to god, I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of grade schoolers. I mean do you truly think being an ass to someone in here is gonna change how they post? Do you think it's gonna lead to some great discussion about the team? Would you seriously talk to people like these if you were watching the game with them? Get over it, we are all fans of the team. How about we have actual convos about football instead about posters...that all these threads have become.