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Jimmy Garoppolo, QB, Los Angeles Rams

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Originally posted by btthepunk:
The people who compare him to Matt Cassell and Matt Flynn should repeatedly punch themselves in the throat.

There is no comparison, at all.

Originally posted by 49erThrowback:
Congratulations, Niners! You just acquired the second coming of Matt Cassell!!!

And squandered both what will be nearly a first round pick, as well as any shot you had at Kirk Cousins next year.

A day that will live in infamy, not unlike the OJ Simpson trade that ruined the team for years.

Your NFC West rivals say

Garappolo and Cassell have nothing in common other than they played on the Patriots. You can't compare their talent or drive.

And calling a 2nd round pick a 1st round pick is just retarded. Do you consider picks #30-32 to be nearly a 2nd round pick?
[ Edited by btthepunk on Oct 30, 2017 at 10:38 PM ]
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
He doesn't have to be the guy who took over for Tom Brady, he would always be known as that guy. He can build his own legacy here.

Yup ... the stories Steve Young, could tell Jimmy G !
Smart move on his part, to kinda' force their hand. I hope it works out for all.
Originally posted by pahlerbj:
Originally posted by 49erThrowback:
Congratulations, Niners! You just acquired the second coming of Matt Cassell!!!

And squandered both what will be nearly a first round pick, as well as any shot you had at Kirk Cousins next year.

A day that will live in infamy, not unlike the OJ Simpson trade that ruined the team for years.

Your NFC West rivals say

Hmmm what's your team "49erthrowback"?
Can't be my beloved 49ers
Originally posted by StOnEy333:
A good ol fashion QB competition.

Yeah, it'll be as good as a competition between Ken Dorsey and Gio Carmazzi!
This is a fantastic trade. You need a franchise QB to win....and the price of a first round QB has never been higher. Look at the ransoms paid by the eagles, rams, chiefs, Texans, etc...

But these picks are still a crapshoot. You really don't know what you're getting...there is risk embedded. Maybe you get a franchise QB, maybe it's a bust.

A 2nd round pick is relatively cheap...this is certainly a better use than Deshone Keizer!!!

We get a promising young QB that's been an understudy to one of the best QB/Coach combos of all time....that's worth rolling the dice for...for only a 2nd!

Plus we don't have to pay Kirk Cousins...who is an above average, if not elite, QB. Is he worth max money? Is he a difference maker? I think not.....some one will regret tying up that much of their financials in him.

We can use our first on another position of need, something with a high probability of translating to the NFL...maybe a OT.

Originally posted by btthepunk:
Garappolo and Cassell have nothing in common other than they played on the Patriots. You can't compare their talent or drive.

Has to be the laziest comparison ever. Cassel wasn't even a starter in college. He was a 7th round pick who got to play for one year throwing to Randy Moss and Wes Welker in their prime. Garoppolo was a highly rated prospect coming out of Eastern Illinois who won a lot of big games in college and was highly rated by a lot of folks with good track records when it comes to QB's. When he actually played in New England, it was without Gronkowski and with a gimpy Edelman in the lineup, its not like he was surrounded by overwhelming weapons.

In every single way Garoppolo is a more talented passer than Cassel with far higher upside.
Originally posted by VaBeachNiner:

Kinda odd since the Browns that Belichick worked for became the Baltimore Ravens. The current Browns are an entirely different organization.

not sure if posted
Originally posted by mayo49:
Originally posted by kray28:
So how is Jimmy G going to do behind this 49ers' O Line? This is not the Patriots O Line.

He'll get killed, that's why I hope he sits the rest of the year and come back next year with a revamped OL
I mean, obviously that's not going to happen. Wouldn't that be funny though (hypothetically)? He spends years on the bench behind Tom Brady, and then is traded to San Francisco where he promptly... sits on the bench.

Clearly he's going to start though.

Originally posted by Jiks:
Watch Beathard come out and throw for 478 yards, 5 tds, 78 rushing yards this Sunday.

would be so apropos ...
I am so damn excited!

I am curious what Shanahan is going to have him learn because this is a complex offense that takes a lot of time and 8 Games isn't too much time. I am sure want to see what he has before we sign him to a big extension.

My guess is we sign him to a big extension with clauses/options in it OR He signs a 18-20 mil a year contract so that if he sucks everyone can part ways but if he is good he gets paid again.
Originally posted by 49erThrowback:
Congratulations, Niners! You just acquired the second coming of Matt Cassell!!!

And squandered both what will be nearly a first round pick, as well as any shot you had at Kirk Cousins next year.

A day that will live in infamy, not unlike the OJ Simpson trade that ruined the team for years.

Your NFC West rivals say

Your joking right? Cousins has not even been playing all that great this year anyway...not worth the $$$ he wound want.... and how do you compare JimmyG that statue Cassell???? Completely different players.

Plus Jimmy also has more athleticism and a stronger arm than both of those guyd

I think We came out great from this.
[ Edited by 49ers18 on Oct 30, 2017 at 10:45 PM ]
Originally posted by Phoenix49ers:
Originally posted by VaBeachNiner:

Kinda odd since the Browns that Belichick worked for became the Baltimore Ravens. The current Browns are an entirely different organization.

Bad memories from that 95 season will do that to you.
Originally posted by 49erThrowback:
Congratulations, Niners! You just acquired the second coming of Matt Cassell!!!

And squandered both what will be nearly a first round pick, as well as any shot you had at Kirk Cousins next year.

A day that will live in infamy, not unlike the OJ Simpson trade that ruined the team for years.

Your NFC West rivals say

What don't you like about him and who did you want?
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