Originally posted by Dsoto87:
Originally posted by 49ers81:
Originally posted by TD49ers:
It's not petty. Strw clearly is looking forward for the drama around JG to be done. Me too. Since the message from the front office still is that JG is not apart of the future....count on.
It is petty, and infantile, and all it does is perpetuate the drama that you claim you both want to see an end to by trolling and baiting people who actually don't have a problem with Jimmy's tenure here but, at the same time, are cognizant of the fact that Lance is the choice moving forward, and don't have a problem with that either. It has become the height of this thread's hypocrisy that it is consistently trending at the top of this forum primarily because of a handful of posters who apparently don't have anything better to do with their time then come in and rip Jimmy for no other reason then they know that it will piss other people off. Like I said, petty and infantile.
Why not just add him to your block list instead of whining for pages on end and bringing more attention to posts that you clearly dont like.
Its amazing the emotion that JG bring to some WBzers. Very strange. It's a head scratcher.