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Jimmy Garoppolo, QB, Los Angeles Rams

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Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by 49ers81:
You see, this is where you keep getting yourself in trouble. You always claim you're just being objective about something which you assert is an "obvious" truth, which is that Jimmy is an average QB. That's you're opinion and you're entitled to it but that doesn't make it true. It is a common theme in this thread and, from the opposite side posted by others in the Lance thread. People keep mistaking their opinions for some hard truth and so they feel compelled to have to endlessly debate their point to convince everyone else that their opinion is the correct one, and everyone else is just too stupid to realize it, when in fact it's just your opinion.

It's like the hypocrisy of another poster in here who has been going on about how he and others don't REALLY dislike Jimmy, they are just offering valid "criticisms" of his play. Spending ten pages worth of posts arguing about whether or not a pass that Jimmy threw to Deebo against Chicago last year, that resulted in a TD that helped them win the game was a good pass or not. That's not just "criticism" that's pathological. Jimmy threw it, Deebo caught it, they scored a TD, who cares.

It's also like an idea, that is popular in here and is often echoed among some of the talking head class on TV, looking at you Dan Orlovsky, which claims that it's the defense and Kyle's scheme that are primarily responsible for the team's success and that Jimmy has virtually nothing to do with it and is just along for the ride. If that were true then just about any QB of average skill should be able to do it, but so far that hasn't been the case. They win with Jimmy and lose with everyone else. Does Jimmy have his shortcomings? Absolutely, but so far he has been the only one that has manged to keep the team competitive through the course of a whole season.

Now of course the hope with Lance is that he will have a higher ceiling than Jimmy in terms of his ability to attack down the field more frequently, which seems to be the only thing that some people in here care about. They will go on about how the threat of the deep ball puts more pressure on opposing defenses and forces them to defend the whole field and yadda, yadda, yadda. But if you read between the lines a bit you will usually find that they just think it's more "entertaining" to watch a QB throw the ball all around the field then the ground and pound, short passing game which seems to have been the team's philosophy for the past few year's. I will let guys like Jonnydel sort all of that out because he clearly has more insight on it.

The book on Lance has yet to be written. I think it is everyone's hope that he will turn out to be everything the team believed he could be when they drafted him, but he is still, clearly, a work in progress, People say that the conditions in the Chicago game were a big factor in that loss. Probably, but there was a game against Washington in 2019 where it was also pouring down rain and the team had five turnovers and yet they still found a way to win it with Jimmy at the helm.

Although it was a very limited sample size, the offense did not look particularly dynamic in the first couple of drives against Seattle. They were running the ball well but there was just something about it that seemed a bit off. It was pointed out by some analyst I was watching that on Deebo's long run on a read option Lance made the wrong read on that play and should have kept the ball himself. Deebo's skill turned what looked like a sure loss into a huge gain so it worked out, which I am cool with, but it was still, apparently the wrong call by Lance, which is just his inexperience, So now this whole experiment has been put on hold for another year, which is unfortunate in some ways but may allow for the short term benefit of the team being more competitive this year.

This whole situation is an odd one with a lot of competing narratives. Steve Young, who lost two straight NFC championship games as I recall because of ill timed picks, is telling anyone who will listen that Jimmy got "fired" from the job, which is hard to argue with. Dan Orlovsky, is telling anyone who will listen that Jimmy is just along for the ride and can't get the team over the hump. This from a guy who I don't think ever took his team to an NFL playoff game. However there is someone else out there, whose name escapes me for the moment, pointing out that one of the underlying dynamics at play here is that Lance was handed the job, because of his draft status, without the benefit of actually having earned it which is something that may have led to some of the recent talk being rumored to have come out of the locker room.

When Jimmy's status was still unclear as training camp approached and the team was saying, at least publicly, that they weren't going to release him I suggested that if that were the case they should just bring him back to camp and let he and Lance compete for the job and may the best man win. That would help ease any unspoken issues among the team about who should start and might have been beneficial in terms of Lance's development in terms of making him compete for a job that he had already planned on being his. I mean, if Lance is destined to be so much better than Jimmy than he shouldn't have had any problem beating him out in camp, right?

But that's not the way things worked out and now Jimmy is back as QB1 and we'll see how far he can take us. I am of the camp who believes that Jimmy is perfectly capable of taking the team to the Super Bowl and winning it but that it will require his consistently best play to do so. There seem to be a couple of pretty good teams out there at the moment so this may well be a tougher get than their 2019 run. But, if they can pull it off, that will just make it that much sweeter. Go Niners!

I'm sorry but how can anyone proclaim anything outside of that at this point in his career with the film and data backing it up? That's like me saying Jared Goff is anything more than an avg starting QB. I don't think that's a horrible thing either, like I said there's starting QBs right now that have no business being starters. There's some pretty s**tty QB play right now in the league overall.

the first two drives we rolled right down the field, not sure what else you want. Didn't get into the end zone but there was zero issues outside of that. Seattle is awful vs the run. So we ran the ball. And yeah most objective fans would understand a QB in his 2 start as the #1 might take a little longer to get everything rolling just right. It's not instant 99% of the time.

I don't think Lance made the wrong read. There was free defenders on both sides on the line. Lance would have gotten hit if he kept it all the same (#13 was untouched). Hand it off to your dynamic playmaker.

reports were last yr that he was well on his way to beating Jimmy in camp before breaking his finger (Jim Trotter reported it). Jimmy is gonna get paid more by someone else in FA. Lance will be the starter and fans will have to have some sort of patience.

The only thing I have an issue with is making definitive statements about either Jimmy or Trey without them having a chance to defend themselves.

It's extremely hypocritical, once again, to act like calling Jimmy an average QB or the reviewing negative film is the worst examples of bias on this thread when everyone can see how many people were calling Trey a bust, or he's not ready, or he's inaccurate, he has a scared look in his eye, the team was relieved when he got injured, or we're gonna trade him next season, or that he wouldn't have made the playoffs, especially given his circumstances with a broken finger last year and his only full game this season was in a monsoon.

Posters like 81 had no problem with comments last season like, "Trey's not ready" or "starting Trey Lance this season would result in a wasted season" or "Jimmy's way ahead of Trey in his reads", all while knowing they've yet to see him play a down in a regular season game in the NFL.

That's why posts like this one remain very hollow to me. I have yet to see many posters who were high on Jimmy ever call out others for statements that would surely be considered hate, but since it's Trey, they remain silent.

I can already see this forum going back to how it was last season. Where a group of posters will label you a hater for reviewing film, but those same posters have no issue or never confront others about things they claim they care about, when it's about Trey. That's the problem. You gotta be consistent. And you're not.

Jimmy's had many years to prove himself. I've seen a couple posters on here who were dishing out the "Jimmy hater" label all of last season, come to realize the "hate" was never about Jimmy, it's always about the starting QB of the 49ers.

It's not other posters responsibility to make you feel good about a player. I see no problem in calling out others for making definitive claims about a player that they cannot prove with facts. But please, just stop acting like reviewing negative film is a bad thing. If you think there's too much negative film being reviewed, then post some positive film and state your case. I've repeatedly requested to see all the bad film from Trey in Chicago. Does that make me a Trey hater? Because I've yet to be called one. Which should be telling since you think it's such a big deal, but no one cared enough about Trey's negative film to call me out on that.
Originally posted by Strwy2Hevn:
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Jimmy Garoppolo's record is 3-7 when he has passed the ball more than 30 times and the run game has failed to gain 100 yards on the ground. This does not include games he did not start or did not finish.

Makes sense. If hes not getting carried we lose.

I wouldn't say carried. That seems like an unfair description. Jimmy is great at completing 3rd downs and keeping drives alive as long as the run game is productive. But it seems when the run game isn't working and he has to attack defenses in other areas besides the short to intermediate middle of the field, he struggles to move the chains and put points on the board.
[ Edited by YACBros85 on Sep 22, 2022 at 11:44 AM ]
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
He is available and he wins.

Those are what concern me.

100%. When Jimmy is healthy, this team wins A LOT.

This year, with him at QB along with this D and improved ST, I'll very much like this team's chances going into any game vs. any team, home or away.
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by thl408:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by thl408:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by thl408:
Originally posted by jonnydel:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Ultimately this comes down to the delicate balance of recognizing Kyle is a control-freak within his offense, which shouldn't shock anyone, vs. trying to weed out how much control/freedom his QB (Jimmy) really has within it.

Jimmy's own quotes over the years give great insight into that. In fact, Kyle's own quotes saying Jimmy had a good game in post game interviews (when we as fans may think otherwise) gives more credence to Jimmy doing what he's instructed within the play designs.

Kyle's head is buried in his playbook and playsheet. This is who he is. He controls every aspect of the offensive personnel and how it operates. It's why we hired him!

But I have this sneaky suspicion Kyle is about to let go a tad and let Jimmy incorporate his own style and preference even more now. Less blind PA's, more receiving options out there, etc. We'll see!

Mike was the same way. Steve said he used to call him, Mike "go over it one more time" Shanahan because he would sit there and hammer in the exact way to react to each and every situation with Steve. They'd go through the play calls, this is the read vs this, this is the read vs this, this is the read vs this for 300 plays. They went through it twice the morning before the super bowl. Steve said it was like Rain man.

I don't understand how this makes a coach a control freak. Are there coaches that tell their QB, "if it's Cover2 do this and this, but if you don't want to then that's okay too".
Pass plays have adjustments and progressions and reads built into them. There are route conversions by the WRs, hot routes where if it's a blitz then adjust the play accordingly.

I'll let you guys get into the details but it sure sounds like QB's are given varying degrees of "control" within their offenses. Some spread offenses are driven by the QB, so-to-speak, while other QB's are nothing but a video game controller for their HC/OC. We've seen that from Walsh to Roman to Shanahan. To the other side, you can have two QB's coached up within the same exact play design, differently. JT O'Picks-A-Lot speaks to that all the time. Sometimes that could be because of the strengths of the QB and sometimes it's dictated by the game situation (ahead or behind, strength of that defense, etc.). I think the Shanahan's are both at one extreme.

Perhaps a coach won't allow a QB to audible out of a playcall. That's the first thing I think of when I think 'control freak'. But when it comes to individual pass plays, there has to be structure to the play design so that every player is on the same page. Progressions tell the QB where to look versus what coverage. This is the NFL, there isn't a playcall that tells the QB "do whatever you want, this play diagram with progressions are just suggestions".

I gotcha. I'm talking more about game planning input, audible out, how's he's coached up within each play, etc. Kyle's biggest thing is trust my plan. My primary will be open. I don't care if you came from another system and you're most comfortable in it. This is my world now.

So when Garoppolo speaks to being the good soldier and simply doing what's asked of him by Kyle, what do you think that's referring too from your opinion?

I guess there are several areas where a coach can be a 'control freak'. Gameplanning is one that I hadn't thought of so perhaps that's a possibility to what Jimmy is referring to.
The point of contention I have is when it comes to individual plays. A coach that wants the play executed a certain way is just being a coach. I don't see anything control freakish about that. I truly don't know what Jimmy is referring to. A QB that isn't very good at ad-libbing should not be allowed to ad-lib. Maybe Jimmy doesn't agree with Kyle when it comes to this, if this is indeed what Jimmy is talking about.

Totally agree with the bold.

That's a really solid guess. 2017 the plays installed were most likely picked by Jimmy as ones he's most comfortable with and like you noted, most of his passes actually ended up becoming ad libs for a variety of reasons.

Then Kyle had his hands on him all next off season so naturally, his goal is to convert Jimmy into his system. His way. His style. His offense.

Jimmy off the bench for Trey? He didn't even know some of the play calls as they were designed for Trey so he just "played." Picked his 1on1 matchups and won (like in a spread).

Maybe Kyle and he can find a more comfortable balance now?
stop making guesses as fact.. you don't have to do this
[ Edited by 49AllTheTime on Sep 22, 2022 at 11:44 AM ]
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
we still trying blame everyone else due to jimmys limitations .. just call the spade a spade and move on

He is available and he wins.

Those are what concern me.
beating inferior teams is fun in all, but he doesn't win when it counts due to his limitations and constant mistakes

i really hope he can change that this year, but it's year 6 now

He has won a ton of games when it counts against top teams.

The team with him has been good enough to win 2 SBs.
a ton of games that count.. would mean we won 2 SBs at least

i agree the team is good enough, but not good enough to win without the QB showing up.
Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:
Jimmy has fewer "limitations" than people think. He is not some weak armed Chad Pennington. He has the arm to be elite.

This is right on the money. Anyone who says Jimmy is "just an average NFL QB" tells me all I need to know about their NFL QB knowledge.
I love NY85 and his viewpoints, but this is the opposite of objective "I will also be objective and know he's an avg starting NFL QB, which isn't horrible but the truth,"

That's like my wife stating "I cannot have an affair with the hot young pool boy Nathan tonight. I will root for you as my husband to help me achieve orgasm, but I know you are average in the bedroom. I will temper my expectations."
Originally posted by 49ersRing:
Originally posted by dj43:
Originally posted by thl408:
Originally posted by eastie:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
beating inferior teams is fun in all, but he doesn't win when it counts due to his limitations and constant mistakes

i really hope he can change that this year, but it's year 6 now

That's a dumb comment. He has taken this team to TWO NFC Championship games in the last three years and one Superbowl. That's the very definition of winning when it counts. Your hate for the player is clouding what you see.

The way some folks feel about Jimmy is how I feel about Kyle. Be lucky we have him even if he is flawed. Except I think Kyle can improve since he's a young coach.


I will add that JG is still relatively young in terms of actual playing time. Both Kyle and Jimmy have time to improve. Some of the passes Garoppolo threw in this last game were not passes he has often attempted in previous games. (I'm thinking particularly about the 40-yard sideline throw to Aiyuk that went through his hands, and the 50/50 ball to Gray.) If Kyle will evolve and let Jimmy open up a bit more, perhaps they both reach their goal. One thing is sure, you can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expect the result to change.

dj in the Jimmy thread: "JG is still relatively young in terms of actual playing time [after nearly 40 starts]. Both Kyle and Jimmy have time to improve."

dj in the Trey thread: "He's UNDENIABLY not ready [after 5 quarters of play]."

it's easy to see his bias, seen it all to plenty years ago
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Just like the O line thread and harping about not bringing the QB into it. Lets keep this about the QB.

You don't think Mahomes or Allen would still thrive as passers if they were in the Shanny system and the run game wasn't working?

Even in a run first system, there are going to be games that you need to depend on your QB to carry the offense when the run game isn't working.

I am. I'm saying if you took the passing game away from higher end QB's like the aforementioned, could the TEAM win by playing to their weakness? It's all about how you're built. Your strengths. We just saw Stafford play under identical circumstances to Jimmy in the NFCCG, who's more talented, completely s**t the bed and could only score 10 points. Could the Rams just switch gears and win with the running game if their passing game is shut down?

That's what you're saying here. If we have to play outside our formula and how this team is built, of course we're less likely to win. They don't spend countless hours in the passing game like a pass centric offense would do.

I don't see this as a Jimmy stat but how a team is constructed to win.
[ Edited by NCommand on Sep 22, 2022 at 11:58 AM ]
Originally posted by Silky:
I love NY85 and his viewpoints, but this is the opposite of objective "I will also be objective and know he's an avg starting NFL QB, which isn't horrible but the truth,"

That's like my wife stating "I cannot have an affair with the hot young pool boy Nathan tonight. I will root for you as my husband to help me achieve orgasm, but I know you are average in the bedroom. I will temper my expectations."
You're wife is pretty smart and humble

Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Just like the O line thread and harping about not bringing the QB into it. Lets keep this about the QB.

You don't think Mahomes or Allen would still thrive as passers if they were in the Shanny system and the run game wasn't working?

Even in a run first system, there are going to be games that you need to depend on your QB to carry the offense when the run game isn't working.

I am. I'm saying if you took the passing game away from higher end QB's like the aforementioned, could the TEAM win by playing to their weakness? It's all about how you're built. Your strengths. We just saw Stafford play under identical circumstances to Jimmy in the NFCCG, who isn't as talented, completely s**t the bed and could only score 10 points. Could the Rams just switch gears and win with the running game if their passing game is shut down?

That's what you're saying here. If we have to play outside our formula and how this team is built, of course we're less likely to win. They don't spend countless hours in the passing game like a pass centric offense would do.

I don't see this as a Jimmy stat but how a team is constructed to win.

Not even kind of true
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Just like the O line thread and harping about not bringing the QB into it. Lets keep this about the QB.

You don't think Mahomes or Allen would still thrive as passers if they were in the Shanny system and the run game wasn't working?

Even in a run first system, there are going to be games that you need to depend on your QB to carry the offense when the run game isn't working.

I am. I'm saying if you took the passing game away from higher end QB's like the aforementioned, could the TEAM win by playing to their weakness? It's all about how you're built. Your strengths. We just saw Stafford play under identical circumstances to Jimmy in the NFCCG, who isn't as talented, completely s**t the bed and could only score 10 points. Could the Rams just switch gears and win with the running game if their passing game is shut down?

That's what you're saying here. If we have to play outside our formula and how this team is built, of course we're less likely to win. They don't spend countless hours in the passing game like a pass centric offense would do.

I don't see this as a Jimmy stat but how a team is constructed to win.
idk.. We're built with better pass catching options than runners..
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Just like the O line thread and harping about not bringing the QB into it. Lets keep this about the QB.

You don't think Mahomes or Allen would still thrive as passers if they were in the Shanny system and the run game wasn't working?

Even in a run first system, there are going to be games that you need to depend on your QB to carry the offense when the run game isn't working.

I am. I'm saying if you took the passing game away from higher end QB's like the aforementioned, could the TEAM win by playing to their weakness? It's all about how you're built. Your strengths. We just saw Stafford play under identical circumstances to Jimmy in the NFCCG, who isn't as talented, completely s**t the bed and could only score 10 points. Could the Rams just switch gears and win with the running game if their passing game is shut down?

That's what you're saying here. If we have to play outside our formula and how this team is built, of course we're less likely to win. They don't spend countless hours in the passing game like a pass centric offense would do.

I don't see this as a Jimmy stat but how a team is constructed to win.

Not even kind of true

Same exact pressure rate and same low ypc.

But if you feel the need to continue to defend Stafford, go for it you Rams fan.
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Just like the O line thread and harping about not bringing the QB into it. Lets keep this about the QB.

You don't think Mahomes or Allen would still thrive as passers if they were in the Shanny system and the run game wasn't working?

Even in a run first system, there are going to be games that you need to depend on your QB to carry the offense when the run game isn't working.

I am. I'm saying if you took the passing game away from higher end QB's like the aforementioned, could the TEAM win by playing to their weakness? It's all about how you're built. Your strengths. We just saw Stafford play under identical circumstances to Jimmy in the NFCCG, who isn't as talented, completely s**t the bed and could only score 10 points. Could the Rams just switch gears and win with the running game if their passing game is shut down?

That's what you're saying here. If we have to play outside our formula and how this team is built, of course we're less likely to win. They don't spend countless hours in the passing game like a pass centric offense would do.

I don't see this as a Jimmy stat but how a team is constructed to win.
idk.. We're built with better pass catching options than runners..

But we don't access them like a pass centric team. At best, Kyle will draw up one receiver per game. With our league leading rushing attempts, there's only room for one primary. Sometimes Kyle highlights Kittle, other times its Deebo or Aiyuk. But Kyle isn't taking rushing snaps away to increase passing attempts just to get 2 receivers to 100+ yards each. It can still happen but usually, it's outside "the winning formula."
[ Edited by NCommand on Sep 22, 2022 at 12:03 PM ]
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Just like the O line thread and harping about not bringing the QB into it. Lets keep this about the QB.

You don't think Mahomes or Allen would still thrive as passers if they were in the Shanny system and the run game wasn't working?

Even in a run first system, there are going to be games that you need to depend on your QB to carry the offense when the run game isn't working.

I am. I'm saying if you took the passing game away from higher end QB's like the aforementioned, could the TEAM win by playing to their weakness? It's all about how you're built. Your strengths. We just saw Stafford play under identical circumstances to Jimmy in the NFCCG, who isn't as talented, completely s**t the bed and could only score 10 points. Could the Rams just switch gears and win with the running game if their passing game is shut down?

That's what you're saying here. If we have to play outside our formula and how this team is built, of course we're less likely to win. They don't spend countless hours in the passing game like a pass centric offense would do.

I don't see this as a Jimmy stat but how a team is constructed to win.

Not even kind of true

Same exact pressure rate and same low ypc.

But if you feel the need to continue to defend Stafford, go for it you Rams fan.

I don't give a s**t about the pressure rate. The ram OL play game one was nothing close to the niner OL play in the NFCCG. Was infinitely worse and not one unbiased person would think otherwise . No need for exaggerated takes ti try and defend a position
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