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Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Haha. You obviously don't listen much to him then. Nice spin. Lombardi only references PFF. Like I said. You lied. That was not his opinion. He referenced that metric.

Don't call me a lier. 30:40 he said exactly what I put in parentheses.

You lied when you said it was his "opinion." You are the spin artist.

Lol you lied when you said it was PFF advanced metrics. I said it was his opinion that it was all Jimmy G. I listened to the damn podcast so cut the b******t

When he's referencing "advanced stats" that is PFF. Again, you deflect. That was NOT an opinion but a reference to a metric.
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by 49AllTheTime:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Haha. You obviously don't listen much to him then. Nice spin. Lombardi only references PFF. Like I said. You lied. That was not his opinion. He referenced that metric.

Don't call me a lier. 30:40 he said exactly what I put in parentheses.
classic NC.. its always "you didn't listen or watch"

i remember when DL had to cherry pick DVOA to prop jimmy.. NC had no clue

Haha. The one 9ers4eva just referenced?
didn't see what he ref.. this thread really moving and i can't keep up.. damn you work !

Haha. I can barely keep up myself with you, Hoov, 9ers4eva, YAC and NY. It's a lot of work. LOL
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Because you can't put all the blame on them anymore. Now you want to put it all on Kyle. Then accuse everyone else of what you do.

The lack of self awareness is pretty amusing
Lol the list of posters keeps growing.
Originally posted by NCommand:
When he's referencing "advanced stats" that is PFF. Again, you deflect. That was NOT an opinion but a reference to a metric.

No it's not lol. It can be half a dozen other data sites same as pro-reference, who has an advanced stat database all the same. Make an assumption then calling me a lier after he never said PFF? That's lame man.

deflecting? I said it was his opinion stating that it was all Jimmy on 3rd downs. There is no data to back up that it was all him…like I said it's not like Kyle doesn't call plays on 3rd down.
Originally posted by Hoovtrain:
Lol the list of posters keeps growing.

I wonder why?
Originally posted by NCommand:
Haha. I can barely keep up myself with you, Hoov, 9ers4eva, YAC and NY. It's a lot of work. LOL

Been there especially tough once someone gets you off topic then next shark jumps in. You sir, are an oak!
No one is really off topic. Just stating that you can't say kyle was to blame for early downs, but had to part in 3rd down success. Dude calls plays on all 3 downs last I checked.

and as far as Lombardi and his expertise…he said advanced stats no saying from where.. so assuming what it was then calling some a lier is chicken s**t.

NC does it to himself, he deflects and moves goalposts so much that we all end up debating about something completely different.
Originally posted by krizay:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Haha. I can barely keep up myself with you, Hoov, 9ers4eva, YAC and NY. It's a lot of work. LOL

Been there especially tough once someone gets you off topic then next shark jumps in. You sir, are an oak!

Haha. Notice how they always come in together at the same time like a bunch of girls going to the bathroom together?
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by krizay:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Haha. I can barely keep up myself with you, Hoov, 9ers4eva, YAC and NY. It's a lot of work. LOL

Been there especially tough once someone gets you off topic then next shark jumps in. You sir, are an oak!

Haha. Notice how they always come in together at the same time like a bunch of girls going to the bathroom together?

That is some low blow s**t right there, NC. But I still have love ya.

How someone couldn't see the hypocrisy in saying kyle was the problem on the first two downs, but played no part in the success on third downs, is beyond me
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Not trying to sound like an a*****e but I really don't give a s**t about what some youtuber says. They are a dime a dozen and all have their own opinions which are usually all over the place. I want your assessment. Your researched evidence to back up your claims. So what about 2nd down do you believe is a negative on Kyle Shanahan the playcaller?

I just listened to it, it was Lombardi's opinion nothing more…yes I'd like to know what on 1st or 2nd down was negative from a play calling aspect (we already pointed out audibles from Jimmy) AND what on 3rd down was not…because guess what Kyle still calls plays on 3rd down, shocker I know 🙃

Im curious about the audible argument.

"Can" calls are switching to the 2nd play called in, not necessarily an audible. It can be a run to a run, a run to a pass a pass to a different pass. Without knowing the parameters of the gameplan, we can't know if it's a Jimmy or Kyle "can" and why.

"Oscar" is flipping the play from one side to the other.

"Rhino" is changing the snap count to, "on one".
Originally posted by YACBros85:
That is some low blow s**t right there, NC. But I still have love ya.

Love him too.
Its worth noting, we underperformed vs the Chargers un the run game, compared to their season average. We overperformed in the pass game compared to their season average.
Originally posted by YACBros85:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by krizay:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Haha. I can barely keep up myself with you, Hoov, 9ers4eva, YAC and NY. It's a lot of work. LOL

Been there especially tough once someone gets you off topic then next shark jumps in. You sir, are an oak!

Haha. Notice how they always come in together at the same time like a bunch of girls going to the bathroom together?

That is some low blow s**t right there, NC. But I still have love ya.

Haha. That wasn't at you and NY...already been talking to you two.

Kyle's a REALLY sensitive topic so I get it that too (see the poll).

I just try to note observations and patterns and the ONE podcast I happen to listen to today working out also covered it so brought it here as well.

It's easy as a fan to look at a QB. It's far more difficult to look at an OC.
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