Originally posted by TreyDeyEeyDey:
Originally posted by JaggedJ:
Originally posted by TreyDeyEeyDey:
Originally posted by JaggedJ:
Prediction: Jimmy has a statistically better year but looses more games than normal, and both sides of the Jimmy argument continue to point fingers at each other just with an extra layer of confusion.
I'd be willing to bet Raiders are a borderline playoff team IF he stays healthy(I wouldn't bet on that though). I'd be genuinely surprised if he doesn't at the very least win more than the 6 Carr won.
But will he win as much as SF Jimmy?
For Jimmy: He was statistically better on a worse team, this proves the only reason he didn't win as many games is that the Raiders suck and Kyle was handcuffing him.
Against Jimmy: But he still lost more games, what happened to "Jimmy just wins", this proves it was the team not Jimmy that got us to the SB/NFCCG.
The future is not set, however only Jimmy winning 10+ games and/or having a deep playoff run while staying healthy can alter it's course.
No because the overall talent is much much better. Jimmy will be good enough to win games but he's not the elite QB that can completely change a franchise. I think he'll do what Alex did. Maybe not to the same extent but I think he will come in and stabilize the position, play better than Carr(not statistically as I don't buy the fantasy stats the guys use around here) and help the team progress. Like Alex he will manage the game enough to have the team in position to win games.
And as a huge Jimmy guy, Jimmy lost us the SB and NFCC. I'm not a hypocrite like others that change their stance based on whatever makes Jimmy look good or bad. Many good QB's have lost SB's and NFCC's. It sucks but at least he got us there. Some teams haven't even had a chance in many many many years to have a QB and team as successful as Jimmy and the team were during his stint here.
Personally I think our fans have been spoiled rotten and complain too much instead of just enjoy it. Was Jimmy amazing? No but he was every bit as good as Jeff Garcia imo. Better than Alex and Kap for certain, and I was a huge fan of them too.
I don't disagree with the assessment, I'm just predicting the direction of this thread will go once the season starts unless Jimmy wins with higher statistics.
Based on the WZ history I think the odds are in my favour.