Originally posted by GhostOfBaalke:
So he hates the two teams that gave him an opportunity when not many would . Especially niners who cashed him out like 5 times more than any teams ever did. Dude seems really emotional. Had that drama with the patriots too. Hate to see what would happen if that dime piece left him.
KS should be hating him for placing so much faith in him last year.
I still think they just liked seeing his girl. Cuz she's a certified dime piece.
Originally posted by GhostOfBaalke:
So he hates the two teams that gave him an opportunity when not many would . Especially niners who cashed him out like 5 times more than any teams ever did. Dude seems really emotional. Had that drama with the patriots too. Hate to see what would happen if that dime piece left him.
KS should be hating him for placing so much faith in him last year.
I still think they just liked seeing his girl. Cuz she's a certified dime piece.
Lol@ Tubby Banta.
Didn't he leave for NE and have like 10-15 sacks or something?
When I see some of those defensive numbers... I have to remind myself what division the Patriots play. That division, offensively, has been a s**t show for almost two decades outside of the patriots. Basically 6 games guaranteed a year to look like a stat sheet God. And that's not including the non-divisional hot s**t that they have scheduled.
This. During our run, the Rams, Falcons, or Saints would show something every few years and sometimes you'd get two other good teams in the same year.
Our division was also bad in the 80s. Not as bad as the Pats, but still bad. But that shouldn't take anything away, we still had to play 10 other teams and beat good teams in the playoffs. Plus, theres a cap now, wasnt one back then.
Tom Segura is a famous comedian/podcaster. Cassius bought his LA mansion and Tom had him on. He talks about the nfl in the beginning and being in Seattle, patriots, 49ers. The 49ers part was short, but some cool inside info.
Guy is a clown. Give the officials space and allow them to do their job. When you're coming off the field go around the officials. The ref is standing flat footed not moving and Marsh gets within a foot and the ref stars contorting awkwardly because Marsh is way too close. Marsh then whined to the media about the ref hitting him. Certified clown. The football field is 100 yards wide and you have to get within a foot of the official? Then to b**ch about it to the media like woe is me the official hit me. Oh my god.
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Guy is a clown. Give the officials space and allow them to do their job. When you're coming off the field go around the officials. The ref is standing flat footed not moving and Marsh gets within a foot and the ref stars contorting awkwardly because Marsh is way too close. Marsh then whined to the media about the ref hitting him. Certified clown. The football field is 100 yards wide and you have to get within a foot of the official? Then to b**ch about it to the media like woe is me the official hit me. Oh my god.
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Guy is a clown. Give the officials space and allow them to do their job. When you're coming off the field go around the officials. The ref is standing flat footed not moving and Marsh gets within a foot and the ref stars contorting awkwardly because Marsh is way too close. Marsh then whined to the media about the ref hitting him. Certified clown. The football field is 100 yards wide and you have to get within a foot of the official? Then to b**ch about it to the media like woe is me the official hit me. Oh my god.
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Guy is a clown. Give the officials space and allow them to do their job. When you're coming off the field go around the officials. The ref is standing flat footed not moving and Marsh gets within a foot and the ref stars contorting awkwardly because Marsh is way too close. Marsh then whined to the media about the ref hitting him. Certified clown. The football field is 100 yards wide and you have to get within a foot of the official? Then to b**ch about it to the media like woe is me the official hit me. Oh my god.
Yeah, I know.. poor guy. He doesn't even know.
The entire football viewing world would disagree with every word of his post.
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
It was a bad call.
Yeah but no clue why Marsh felt he needed to go through the refs backside to get off the field. Deserves a flag for contacting an official. Maybe next time he'll go around. No reason to get that close. Watch the tape. Ref standing not even moving and Marsh takes a path of going right through another man. Can't do that. Once Marsh takes a hard step straight at the ref, the ref moves like damn I need to get out of the way.
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
It was a bad call.
Yeah but no clue why Marsh felt he needed to go through the refs backside to get off the field. Deserves a flag for contacting an official. Maybe next time he'll go around. No reason to get that close. Watch the tape. Ref standing not even moving and Marsh takes a path of going right through another man. Can't do that. Once Marsh takes a hard step straight at the ref, the ref moves like damn I need to get out of the way.
That's not the point, though. And besides, I see players brush by referees ALL the time getting on or coming off the field. This judge had a vendetta against Marsh for some reason... he deserves to be reprimanded for his actions.