Originally posted by 49erBigMac:
Uh, that's why it's called a gamble!!!! We have had enough first round busts that failed, yes it sets the team back but there's a number of reasons people fail.
We got a top 5 talent at 31 because he had issues, we believed we could solve his issues and were right (during the season) now it looks like we were wrong.
It was a calculated risk, that seems, for now, to have backfired. How many Ravens fans wanted Ray Lewis off the team with his early legal struggles? Turned out ok for them didn't it?
But seriously with regards to Foster, one could argue even Foster himself tried to help Lynch out by indirectly telling him not to draft him.
Just think about this for a moment, even as late a stage as the combine, the guy still had the audacity to submit a diluted urine sample and getting physical with a medical staff whereby he had to be kicked out and sent home. I mean is it just me or you don't need to be a rocket scientist to work out this dude really has issues?! I mean is like Foster was screaming at Lynch, hey John don't draft me, you will only regret it. And what happened? Lynch still insisted to draft him. That was Lynch's second draft pick with the 9ers after his inauguration speech of "I will rebuild the 49ers with high character guys" only a couple of months before hand. Come on!!
There needs to be some sort of established guidelines on what players you can or cannot take. Otherwise, what happens if Lynch picks another rotten apple again and again? You are just going to sit there and give me the same story about hey listen we took calculated risks, but just too bad?
Give you another example, when Baalke was here, I was never a fan of taking ACL players. Personally, I would rather not take ACL guys if I can help it. Sure, I might miss out on some bargains and gems, but at least I won't set myself up for failures, for example Marcus Lattimore. But, going back to Foster, this is a much bigger deal whenever you involve such a high pick. Is just too much risk. You only have one or two ( that is if you trade up such as in this case) 1st round picks every year, once gone, it affects your roster for the next few years.
Just ask yourself this, when is enough gamble too much gamble? After we have fxxked up 2 x 1st round picks in a row? 3? 4? Tell me, when is enough, enough? Surely, you would have some sort of an approach right? I tell you what, if you have to second guess yourself all the time, then just don't do it.
[ Edited by Rascal on Apr 16, 2018 at 4:51 AM ]