"The 2022 NFL season was set to be the final year of the four-year $134 million contract extension that Rodgers signed in 2018. The deal was originally supposed to run through the 2023 season, but Rodgers and the Packers negotiated a deal that voided after 2022. Rodgers was due to count $46.664 million against the cap this season before signing the new deal. The new contract that Rodgers and the Packers signed changes things significantly. The deal is officially viewed as a three-year. $150.815 million contract extension. That includes a reported incredible, fully-guaranteed, base salary of $59.5 million in 2023 and $49.3 million that is not guaranteed in 2024.
There are then also two option years on the back end that carry salaries of $15.85 million and $10 million along with two $5 million roster bonuses.
Those options must be picked up in the 2023 and 2024 offseason. There are mechanisms in the contract to make it difficult for the Packers to do that without carrying huge dead money numbers further into the deal.
The three-year contract extension does not officially begin until 2024. That is because there were still the 2022 and 2023 seasons left on the old contract. That all means that Rodgers is under contract for five years, through the conclusion of the 2026 season. However, expect Rodgers' contract to change multiple times between now and then."
No way Rodgers gives up the almost $60 million guaranteed next season. It would have to be a trade and maybe further extension/re-work - would get complicated for the cap numbers for both teams involved. I also can't see Rodgers playing beyond 2026 if he even plays that long. He hitched his wagon to the Packers and got seriously paid.....I suppose anything can be unraveled, but it would have have been much easier to move on before the extension, obviously.

[ Edited by 49erBrodie70 on Nov 7, 2022 at 7:07 AM ]