Originally posted by SunDevilNiner79:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Tax it and regulate it. This is totally stupid to criminalize people for this. If personal use of Marijuana is legal than why not this?
Yes trafficking is wrong. But that is on the pimps and traffickers if that is what is happening. Simple soliciting for a older lonely guy is so stupid to criminalize. As long as it's consenting adults and he is paying them and they want to be paid why is that wrong? We live in such a strange society. In Europe, Asia, South America, Central America, Mexico and Africa such transactions are in large part just considered legal. Again as long as it's 2 consenting ADULTS and no trafficking involved.
But we live in a very weird puritanical society where we try to regulate everybody on morality.
Again human trafficking is wrong if that is what is happening and that's a whole different thing. But a transaction between 2 adults. Person A wants an experience. Person B wants some money. They agree on the exchange. They are both adults. They practice safe practices. How is this wrong and why is this wrong for society? This seems so stupid to me. People in Amsterdam would just think we are completely crazy and out of our minds.
"What once looked like a revolutionary approach to prostitution in Holland is now clearly seen as a disaster, by all except those who seek to make a profit"
So? You found 1 article by 1 lady who doesn't like it. Wow. I can find 10,000 articles in support of it and how it works too. So what's your point? Your article is 1 opinion piece by 1 lady.
[ Edited by SanDiego49er on Feb 22, 2019 at 10:40 AM ]