Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by TheGore49er:
Originally posted by KittleMeThis:
Originally posted by TheGore49er:
Originally posted by ayleswbj11:
I think this elbow is serious, I think Grant Cohn reported that it maybe very serious
was it the same elbow that he already wears a brace on?
Good question, hope not
Me too. Had some key whiffs flying in there. Way to many 3rd and way longs ended in 4th and 1.
Ya, but that's his game and that's how he's able to be a playmaker for us at times. This is definitely not the first game that I've seen him fly off my TV screen, and it won't be the last either. Definitely needs to play a bit more composed at times, but he's still young and should improve in that aspect.