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Katie Sowers Offensive Assistant

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Originally posted by thl408:
I thought team planes had all good seats.

Yeah it's not like you are sitting next to a crying baby and people kicking your seat from behind.
Originally posted by thl408:
I thought team planes had all good seats.

Exactly bro, It's a team plane!!!
Originally posted by 49ers808:
Originally posted by thl408:
I thought team planes had all good seats.

Exactly bro, It's a team plane!!!

Unless you're flying in the Indian Express from Major League.
Originally posted by pdfortune:
She should have kept it in house (if it was a real problem), but she complained to her sister (that should not f'up her sisters gig). I assume that the first class seats were filled so somebody had to sit elsewhere, and she is an assistant to an assistant. Also, she became an assistant last year so she is low on the priority list and got treated like any other coach in her position would. Some people only want to be treated "fairly" when it is to their advantage. Which person's seat should she have taken? The 49ers have 26 coaches/coaching administrators, and most first class sections are 20 max.

Absolutely right, a couple commercials and now she wants Kyle's seat. smh, I'm sure other coaches were in coach as well. I'll take her job if she doesn't want it and you can put me anywhere on the plane and get no complaints from me. Like you said " an assistant to an assistant" for 1 year, earn your stripes, get some seniority before you complain
Originally posted by Oscar8325:
Originally posted by pdfortune:
She should have kept it in house (if it was a real problem), but she complained to her sister (that should not f'up her sisters gig). I assume that the first class seats were filled so somebody had to sit elsewhere, and she is an assistant to an assistant. Also, she became an assistant last year so she is low on the priority list and got treated like any other coach in her position would. Some people only want to be treated "fairly" when it is to their advantage. Which person's seat should she have taken? The 49ers have 26 coaches/coaching administrators, and most first class sections are 20 max.

Absolutely right, a couple commercials and now she wants Kyle's seat. smh, I'm sure other coaches were in coach as well. I'll take her job if she doesn't want it and you can put me anywhere on the plane and get no complaints from me. Like you said " an assistant to an assistant" for 1 year, earn your stripes, get some seniority before you complain
I suspect she chewed her sister out for posting about it, and that's why it was taken down. Katie seems like the kind of person that wants equal treatment (favorable or unfavorable) regardless of her gender.
Originally posted by ltrain:
Originally posted by 49ers808:
Originally posted by thl408:
I thought team planes had all good seats.

Exactly bro, It's a team plane!!!

Unless you're flying in the Indian Express from Major League.
Originally posted by mattster03:
I suspect she chewed her sister out for posting about it, and that's why it was taken down. Katie seems like the kind of person that wants equal treatment (favorable or unfavorable) regardless of her gender.

she was just probably venting in private to her sister about sitting in economy for a long flight, as anyone would. her sister doesn't sound too bright though
What a bunch of malarkey
So I looked up the 49ers coaching tree, it started at the top with Kyle Shannahan, and then it went progressivily down on the web site. katie was Number 24, and only 3 coaches listed after her. So assuming Jed York and John Lynch and Parag are in first class, 27 people are higher on the totem pole than her. Its simple numbers, when you get to be higher up you will get asked.
She can always quit if she is really offended. I don't know how many seats are first class but maybe there weren't enough for everyone. She's probably smaller than most of the guys and doesn't need as much room. I'm sure Belichick would love to hear her complain.
So we are supposed to feel bad that a human who gets paid handsomely to perform great job and have a great life didn't get to sit first class?
How's she going to feel when on the next flight she's up in first class? She just proved she expects certain privileges because she's a women. Maybe her laugh annoys the coaches when they are on a long flight going over film or trying to rest. This story reminds me of balke's daughter.
It sounds like the 49ers use chartered flights rather than their own plane like Pats and other teams use.

Seems cheap to stick players in those tiny coach seats.
  • Sickaa
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Originally posted by ninerfan4life:
Maybe the coaches were telling dirty jokes and didn't want her around lol

Originally posted by Sickaa:
Originally posted by ninerfan4life:
Maybe the coaches were telling dirty jokes and didn't want her around lol


Why she could join in on it, she likes the same thing
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