Football is an alpha male franchise run by egotistical wealthy men and coached by men that for the most part played the sport at some level in their lives.
It's not realistic for a person who didn't actually play the sport and that suffered through the physical pain as well as the mental pain of competing against other men that you had to maintain their level, even if you weren't at that level.
Playing a sport for years when every next play or practice could end your life as you know it or even end your life.
The alpha male men that this sport is built on, will never accept or respect a woman coaching them that didn't play at their level. Sure, women play in football leagues and there are some amazing athletes, but unfortunately it's still the day in age where when it comes to men vs women, there are Ray Rice's in the league that will KO his own lady and drag her by her arm through a public hallway

Just my opinion, but I don't see that day coming very soon.