Originally posted by SteveWallacesHelmet:
Originally posted by glorydayz:
Originally posted by NineFourNiner:
Originally posted by glorydayz:I'm sure they did. By all accounts they each had a good relationship with him.
I think it's crazy that Kap & Mahomes didn't reach out to Alex or maybe they did privately.
He helped them both become pros and take his job.
So based on the situation, the logical assumption would be that Alex would be the bitter one, not the other two. And we all know Alex isnt wired like that. So kind of an odd thing to say.
I don't know Alex so we all don't know what the ______ we are talking about most of the time, or at least that would be my assumption. We know Alex about the same as we knew Aaron Hernandez or O.J Simpson.
Now, what I was saying is that they both (Kap & Mahomes) owe Alex a bit of gratitude for the tutoring/mentoring they received. Therefore I am not sure what you are talking about when you say "odd thing to say".