Originally posted by evil:Originally posted by Snitch:Is this a serious question? A majority of people in this country look at the flag as a representation of people who have died for this country. So seeing an entitled millionaire athlete sit and kneel during the anthem to them is showing he's pissing on their graves. It's really not that hard to understand but I've noticed in these conversations that Kaep supporters and liberals have no understanding why people are upset. They chose the lazy "racism" accusation.
I have to admit, whenever I do argue with people over this topic, I notice that Kaep supporters seem to be the dumbest people on earth and one of the most closed minded. Just like the two guys above me have a combined 20 words and threw racism out multiple times. It's lazy and dishonest. You're unwillingness to understand why people are upset about what Kaep did is a reason why you don't get why people "care" why a dips**t like Kaep would kneel.
Id' suggest getting more educated on the topic before commenting.
Plus, this topic has been beaten to death. Protesting the Anthem is old news and was horribly ineffective. Hence the reason why the only people that do it now are ones that are looking for attention.
This is a chosen perception of kneeling. I don't ever recall a time before the anthem protest where kneeling was viewed as a disrespectful action one takes, yet some chose to see players kneeling during the anthem as such. If a man gets on one knee to pray, to pay respects at a grave site or to ask for your daughters hand in marriage do you see it as a sign of disrespect?
Kap started his protest by sitting but he quickly moved to kneeling after a conversation with an ex Green Beret. He asked him if there would be a better gesture than sitting and Nate Boyer suggested kneeling.
As I said I couldn't care less anymore outside of a few post here or there but what I disagreed with was using the anthem as a protest piece not the kneeling. I see the anthem much different than others though. I see it as a moment we put all the stuff behind us and become unified as a nation regardless of a the crazy outside world. It's a moment of unity to me that has no gender, color, political affiliation, ect...
It bothered me for a bit but now, whatever. People can do whatever they want, it's a free country, which is another meaning to the anthem in my eyes. Just don't expect anyone to come rushing to get behind the cause when when they don't even take others into consideration.