Originally posted by tjd808185:Originally posted by English:Well, it's a theory. How about, as an alternative theory, that the government and the NFL between them get the season going before a vaccine is developed and several of the best players contract and die of the virus. And as a result the NFL gets sued into oblivion. I would imagine the NFL's lawyers are giving this possibility some serious consideration, wouldn't you?
And I don't see how the NFL can operate with distancing requirements.
Regarding stopping society for 18 months for a vaccine, I am not sure how you can be so dogmatic. The current scientific discussion over here is speculating that the immunity as a result of contracting the virus may be very short lived, although they are hoping that immunity as a result of vaccine might last longer. Might. Nobody knows any of the answers for sure right now. So consider the possibility that, if society is not stopped for 18 months awaiting a vaccine, the virus could stop society.
The chance that a professional athlete at 20-30 years old with extreme testing in place to identify and treat anyone with the disease as soon as possible is going to die from a disease that largely feasts on senior citizens with other health issues is a risk leagues will be willing to take because It's next to nothing odds.
I'd say the bigger concern they're going to deal with on a player concern is asking them to stay away from their families as well as a players catching the disease then having to be quarantined during the season but those are issues they will be willing to fight thru.
Well, I have said my piece and I am not going to just argue. For the record, though, two points:
1. I hope you are right.
2. Your assessment of "next to nothing odds" remains to be seen. Again, I hope you are right. Scientific opinion, though, seems to have doubts.
Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO's Covid-19 technical lead, said: 'We are seeing more and more younger people who are experiencing severe disease."