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Do you support NFL change in policy to support protesting during the national anthem

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Do you support NFL change in policy to support protesting during the national anthem

  • fryet
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When Colin Kaepernick sat/kneeled during the national anthem the NFL pushed back to various degrees. Now the NFL is apologizing and taking steps to support BLM type issues during the anthem/game. As a fan, do these changes have an impact on how you view the NFL and your likelihood to watch games?
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  • thl408
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The only thing that would change my viewership is if there is evidence the refs are paid off.
Originally posted by thl408:
The only thing that would change my viewership is if there is evidence the refs are paid off.

There isn't evidence already?
  • Jiks
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Used to care now I just laugh and shrug. This kneeling is nothing more than a useless gesture for nothing to change. If people really wanted change they could do more than absolutely nothing.
[ Edited by Jiks on Aug 24, 2020 at 11:51 AM ]
  • dj43
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Originally posted by thl408:
The only thing that would change my viewership is if there is evidence the refs are paid off.

I agree.

I would add that to continue to allow demonstrations during the anthem will cost some viewership. Also, it detracts from the product. Just play the game and move on.
Could care less
as long as they continue to play the National Anthem, they (players) can do whatever they want.
It has no impact on my Fandom
TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!!! All these people apologizing, making comments about how "wrong this brutality wrought upon Black People in America" is so horrible! I have a number of quotes from different DIVISION 1 head coaches whom I've NEVER heard address these atrocities before. This didn't start in January of 2020! This has been going on for HUNDREDS of years! And NOW you want to address it!!! Allow me to be frank here. The Wealth of white people was created through the Labor of Black people. We have never sought revenge, only equity. So, in light of these facts, the very best thing to do is to change the life destroying policies which are in place against US, and instill laws in which a Black Man can feel he can go ANYWHERE in this country and be assured he can go home when he is ready.
Originally posted by NinerTy:
TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!!! All these people apologizing, making comments about how "wrong this brutality wrought upon Black People in America" is so horrible! I have a number of quotes from different DIVISION 1 head coaches whom I've NEVER heard address these atrocities before. This didn't start in January of 2020! This has been going on for HUNDREDS of years! And NOW you want to address it!!! Allow me to be frank here. The Wealth of white people was created through the Labor of Black people. We have never sought revenge, only equity. So, in light of these facts, the very best thing to do is to change the life destroying policies which are in place against US, and instill laws in which a Black Man can feel he can go ANYWHERE in this country and be assured he can go home when he is ready.

9moon? That you?
Originally posted by dj43:
I agree.

I would add that to continue to allow demonstrations during the anthem will cost some viewership. Also, it detracts from the product. Just play the game and move on.

I doubt that it will have an effect on viewership. People are used to it now and more people support it than they did 3 years ago. I have to question why they even do the anthem since no fans are at the games. Even with fans there is no law that says the anthem must be played. It's become a way for washed up singers and wannabes to screw it up by trying to make it into a pop song.
Originally posted by Waterbear:
9moon? That you?

No, Waterbear. BlackCrow ~ Susquehanna
Neutral leaning towards yes.

I wish they would just not do the anthem at games.
  • fryet
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 3,184
Looking at the 23 votes so far, it is a net negative for the NFL to take this move from a profitability standpoint. But I think there may be 2 things that are still driving them to do it. The primary reason is the composition of their workforce. They are black (at least a higher percent than the 13% that makes up the US as a whole), and young. 2 groups that are much more likely to support BLM. The wind is currently in the sails of BLM and for the NFL to push against it would result in alienating a large portion of their employee base. The last thing the NFL wants right now is a strike. So they may have made the calculation that losing some viewership is more desirable than a strike.

The second issue, I am not sure how much affects the NFL, but certainly affects the media. So it may have some impact on the NFL, although I think this is a secondary reason. I would rate this higher, but it isn't like the ownership has changed much since Colin was doing his protests, and they pushed against him. The motivation is they believe they are right. They believe that America is oppressing blacks. They are willing to lose some money to support The Cause tm. You see the same thing in the media that pushes societal change through their constant preaching in the media that they create. It doesn't help them in sales, and most likely hurts them. But it doesn't matter, because they believe they are on the "right side of history."
Originally posted by fryet:
Looking at the 23 votes so far, it is a net negative for the NFL to take this move from a profitability standpoint. But I think there may be 2 things that are still driving them to do it. The primary reason is the composition of their workforce. They are black (at least a higher percent than the 13% that makes up the US as a whole), and young. 2 groups that are much more likely to support BLM. The wind is currently in the sails of BLM and for the NFL to push against it would result in alienating a large portion of their employee base. The last thing the NFL wants right now is a strike. So they may have made the calculation that losing some viewership is more desirable than a strike.

The second issue, I am not sure how much affects the NFL, but certainly affects the media. So it may have some impact on the NFL, although I think this is a secondary reason. I would rate this higher, but it isn't like the ownership has changed much since Colin was doing his protests, and they pushed against him. The motivation is they believe they are right. They believe that America is oppressing blacks. They are willing to lose some money to support The Cause tm. You see the same thing in the media that pushes societal change through their constant preaching in the media that they create. It doesn't help them in sales, and most likely hurts them. But it doesn't matter, because they believe they are on the "right side of history."

It might hurt them financially for a while, but long term wise it's the right move. I'm sure NBA/MLB/NFL, you name it, lost a lot of revenue when they allowed black players to play and where standing up for social issues, and basically got involved in politics.

Now this isn't financially as bad, we don't have so many open racists as we did 50 years ago. So their financial hit won't be as bad. And in the end, they will be on the right side of history. Just like they already admitted to this Kap issue, this is just the beginning of it.

20-30 years from now, NFL, NBA, even Nascar, will be applauded for their stance, and the new generation won't be offended because some black players took a knee 30 years ago. It's smart business if you can afford some short term consequences, and these major league teams have more than enough money to deal with the pissed of redneck for a couple years.
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