Originally posted by JoseCortez:
Originally posted by random49er:
Originally posted by JoseCortez:
Even the honeybadger is laughing at you Mac haters.
You're completely lost on the context. The context is a superstar player that has a history with the media, mocking them and the way they operate.
Lol nothing about fans that aren't big fans of him.
His point was about media coverage
What the hell is this spin? He was speaking generally to everyone who doubted him. And if I remember correctly, it was the fans, not the media, who were hating on Mac Jones.
Lol yes,...The Honey Badger has nothing better to do -- much like us -- so he sits around during offseasons reading fan comments.
"Mac Jones wasn't trendy enough for y'all at first huh now y'all love him…. Man, y'all funny!!! Day in and day out!!! Y'all should be on Comedy Central,"
Trendy enough as in trendy enough to cover and gain cool points covering/talking about. You haven't seen the coverage the guy's been getting,...especially since his last game? It couldn't be any more apparent that the about face coverage he's getting that the dude's attacking that,...right along with covering "what looks cool" (to gain viewers and listeners) vs. what's really legit.
"He don't throw side arm or run fast so people knocked him….. dude can play QB! Period," Mathieu wrote in a second tweet, which was a response to ESPN analyst and former NFL QB Dan Orlovsky.
Again,...he's not talking about his avid reading of messageboards.
He's talking about media coverage. They watch and listen to stuff just like we do.
You're not new to sports, are you? A number of athletes have "a thing" with the media, their storylines, and what they decide to cover vs. what they do not. Did you see the coverage and hype that "other" young Jets QB was starting to get after 1 good game? The Jets stunk the last game, so they're off to cover something else.
The moment Mac looks like crap for a couple games alot of the coverage will hop off the hype train and hop onto something else. And again,...
a number of players like Matthieu cant stand that sh**.