Originally posted by pdizo916:
Originally posted by 9ers4eva:
Any rational sports fan should hate Boston sports on principal.
it depends what market you're in. Of course new yorkers should hate Boston sports and maybe vice versa but the bay area vs boston rivalry is non existent imo
Giants>red sox
49ers> patriots
Warriors>celtics (within the past 10 years)
Boston sports team play second fiddle pretty well.
True and rivalries aren't borne out of are these teams better than these teams. They are either division rivalries, proximity rivalries, or rivalries from two clubs keep meeting each other in a conference or league final. We don't share a division with the Pats, we have no proximity, and we have faced them in the Super Bowl a grand total of zero times.
Accepted 49ers rivalries:
NFC West clubs
Maybe Bears / Vikings
Maybe Ravens if you consider the Harbaugh years