Originally posted by gold49digger:
To be fair I don't think any other QB besides Mahomes could. He is only 25... He will win a superbowl one day.
As for Mac I think he will be just fine. Not a top 5 QB but I think with this coaching staff he will be a top 12 QB imo.
So basically Kirk Cousins. What most have been saying before the Niners even made their pick and why we were freaking out at the rumors of Mac being the pick at 3. He's fine at 15 if you didn't give up anything to move up to there. Pats fans probally won't admit this but if they traded multiple 1st RD picks to move up 3 and took Mac Jones they would have been just as upset as most Niner fans would have been if we took him at 3. But having him fall into your lap at 15, not having to give up anything to get him, They don't have much to lose.