Originally posted by FL9er:
The Browns had to know that this year was probably a throw away year. Very risky contract. Kinda convenient his 1st game is against the Texans.
Yeah, the Browns knew. It's why they structured the 1st year of his contract the wat they did. They suspected that he might be suspended the first year, so the first year of his contract is only $1 million, which really pissed the owners off.
But my question, again, to many calling Watson a "predator" is: if he is indeed a sexual predator, why did TWO grand juries decline to indict him? Grand juries are prosecutors' home turf. We've seen prosecutors use grand juries in some of the most despicable ways, for example, to obfuscate prosecuting obviously guilty law enforcement officers. ("Watch out Batman, it's a trap!"). Grand juries only see only what prosecutors want them to see. If it's true that "prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich", and with SO many women coming forward with allegations of sexual illegalities committed by Watson, how could a prosecutor NOT be able to convince TWO separate grand juries to return a bill of indictment against [trigger warning] a BLACK MAN accused of "me too", "cancel culture"-ready allegations where white women are involved? How could this be? Surely not ALL 20+ women are lying, right? We are living in a time where many men are serving long prison sentences on the sole word of a woman. After all, this is the "me too", "believe all women", "cancel" culture we're living in. What is it about this case, these allegations, that made it so difficult for Watson to not be held criminally accountable? Why didn't "me too", "believe all women", NOT work in court in this case? Why?!?!?