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Dallas Cowboys QB Trey Lance Thread

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I remember we played GB week 1 (I think it was 2012) and it was right before half. Harbaugh had Kap come in for one snap. GB had limited knowledge of Kap at this point, but they knew he had a big arm and they were out of FG range at that point. GB's defense played "prevent" and Kap had like a 15-yd run up the middle, leading to a 62-yd fg by David Akers. I think that's what we should expect. Either long pass play possibilities or designed scrambles.
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Originally posted by crusher49er:
Originally posted by Midbay:
Originally posted by NYniner85:

Fascinating if true. Did it come directly from Shannhan or Lynch or is this more media nonsense?

makes sense, he's familiar with all our concepts and comfortable playing under center. His mechanics aren't broken and have vastly improved from his tape to now (never worked with QB coaches before, big difference in his mechanics over the past 6 months). i'm not worried about his accuracy.

I guess, if being closer to starting games means you weren't surrounded by an all-star cast and having half your games against cupcakes.
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Cohn says we're going to the bullies of the NFC West, I say BLUDGEON
Lance: May 9, 2000. Fields (May '99) TLaw (Oct '99), Wilson (Aug '99), Jones (Sept '98).
From .
Originally posted by Joecool:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by krizay:
I think his accuracy concerns are underblown. I literally just went back and rewatched 4 of his games on youtube and man! I still don't see how he was the pick over Fields if they wanted a dual threat. For all the talk of him running bootlegs and stuff. His ball placement on those boots rarely leads to YAC to wide open guys. The best thing about his deep balls is he underthrows them to get pass interference.

I tried finding the positive in this pick and I just don't see how he was picked over the other 2. Nothing about his passing suggests he should have been a top 5 pick.

I think it was the mental stuff (Fields vs Lance). I think Fields goes through his progressions and has a great football IQ, I just think Lance is better. He's just a faster processor overall and you know how much I love me some Fields.

While not having a s**t ton of reps is a bummer, it also means he doesn't have a bunch of bad habits ingrained into him as well. You could just see the improvements in his mechanics over the past 5+ months (it was impressive) That WILL improve his overall accuracy. His footwork looked amazing from everything we've seen and more reps will make it more consistent. I actually think he's got a better base (starting point) then Allen or Mahomes when they came out of college.

We complain about "accuracy" in the same fashion that people complained about Watson/Herbert's "accuracy issues" coming out of college just as well. Lance is younger then them. IMO If Lance stayed in school he would have been the #1 pick in 2022. SF just gets to work with him a yr earlier.

Kid's film is that of a 19 yr old and overall it's pretty darn impressive, now get him in SF with Kyle and watch the improvement...he's still a pup but has elite traits. This is a long-term investment and I love it

I think the fact that Trey is 2-3 years younger than Fields made the biggest difference. The kid is very mature for a 19 year old and already has a Pro Style foundation. Not often to NFL coaches get a chance to mold a 19 year-old QB that hasn't been "corrupted" by the college gimmicks.

Peter King article (good read), Kyle was obsessing about what he could do with this type of QB to the point where he wasn't able to sleep.

We are in a good place. We have a legit NFL starting QB in Jimmy and Kyle gets to mold a bright talent.
Originally posted by ComeOnDeberg:
The order that Jones, Fields, and Lance will see the field first.


If Jones wins a Superbowl with New England before Lance with the 49ers, both Lynch and Shanahan need to be escorted out of the Santa Clara building by security, and have all their belongings tossed in the street.

I'd say it depends on the actual Week 1 schedule.
Definitely think Fields is more accurate but the rumors of him not processing well could be true.

Lance does a lot of things better than Fields and if Shanny likes him then so be it.

I liked Lance at 12 but excited to see what this kid can do.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Midbay:
Originally posted by NYniner85:

Fascinating if true. Did it come directly from Shannhan or Lynch or is this more media nonsense?

I find that believable. For one, they met with both players and tested them over zoom and via aptitude tests, so they're the ones that would know.
Only film I saw was his last game... imo his accuracy issues have to do with his base, to use a technical term its "loosey goosey"... he has a weird stutter or bounce before he delivers the ball on intermediate throws when he is the pocket and has time to throw (didn't see this on long balls or short passes), hard to be accurate if your base is moving like that... I suspect they will clean that up and fortunately its a fixable mechanical flaw
Originally posted by Joecool:
I don't think the accuracy is a concern as long as his footwork is sound. Fields seems to have the breakaway speed but that is not a good trait to have as a QB. You want your QB to be mobile/fast, but every QB should run controlled rather than Olympic style full speed. This is mainly because you want them to always be in a position to throw.

SIS had Fields and Lance tied from an accuracy standpoint by their advanced passing metrics, which in essence try to take the receiver out of the equation. The receivers Fields was working with hauled in more catches that were rated off target than any other prospect.
Fields has had professional QB coaching for years now. I think an interview with one of those QB coaches said as far back as 7th grade.

Lance just started getting that level of help.

The bet on Lance was potential. He has the best mix of the athleticism of intelligence/qb processing
Originally posted by thl408:
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
When teams evaluated Lance, there were 3 things that were common in their appraisal. One was he only played a few games and needs more time. Two was that he has a very high ceiling. Three was he has a high football IQ. I understand the first two but I'm curious about the third one.

Can anyone tell me how they determine a player's football IQ. I'm sure they watch tapes but are there questions they ask during the interview that are specific like "what would you do in this situation or that situation" or is it more of a general feel they get when talking football? Do they show him some plays and ask him what he sees? It's probably different with each team but I'm sure there are some common things as well. I know they give them that stupid test but that doesn't tell them about their football IQ.

I think it's exactly what you said. Whiteboard sessions help a team determine whether a QB understands play concepts.

Good point. I remember after the draft Shanahan said that what blew him away about Lance was that he was perfect in breaking down his NDSU offense and what was expected of him.
The main issue I have with Lance is accuracy. On tape he's missed easy 5-yard throws and threw several passes well out of bounds on sideline throws.

Josh Allen dramatically improved his accuracy, but I would rank Lance's accuracy a lot of worse than Kaepernick at this point, and Kap has taken a good amount of flack for some inaccurate throws before.
Originally posted by 49ersRing:
Originally posted by ComeOnDeberg:
If Jones wins a Superbowl with New England before Lance with the 49ers, both Lynch and Shanahan need to be escorted out of the Santa Clara building by security, and have all their belongings tossed in the street.

That's a bit extreme.

I'd say the more likely 3-5 year progression is NE tries to get back into playoff contention but not in it for a superbowl. NE was desperate this offseason spending like fools in free agency to have one last gasp of hope in the BB era. They signed Bourne and paid him like a WR2 and lost Edelman. I think BB retires in around 5 years and the team reboots while we are on a hopefully much different path. The 3 other teams in the AFC east are getting better, so it is no longer a gimme playoff spot for NE.
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Originally posted by NYniner85:

Not really surprising. This is what we had been talking about in the Lance Draft Room thread - that he is just as (if not more) pro-ready than Mac Jones. He played in an offense that was similar to pro-style offense - he played under center - he played with FB - he played in I formation - he is excellent at play-action - he called his protections - he changed plays at LOS - so he is already comfortable doing all these things whereas - other QBs have to spend quite a bit of their time in this condensed off-season on those things.

Now, Lance has to work on accuracy and that has it's own timeline - I believe some of that can only be ironed out by reps - but as far as above those things are concerned - he already has a leg up on other QBs that went in 1st round in this draft.
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