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Dallas Cowboys QB Trey Lance Thread

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Originally posted by Goatie:
Playing scout team is playing football. It is part of the stepping stone up the ladder which Trey is scaling right now one step at a time.

I am sure Kyle has learned from his mistakes from RG3, JG, CJ, Mullens, Hoyer and is mindful of the 49ers investment and aspirations for Trey and does not want to stuff it up by being as caviller as you want him to be.

Playing scout team is literally what you have your 3rd string QB do...CJ was doing that when we had Jimmy/Nick as the starters.

What you learn being the scout QB is minimal at best. Being a scout QB is not getting you ready to be the franchise QB IMO. Waiting for Jimmy to get hurt (which will always happen) then tossing him out there was/is the opposite of developing and preparing him. That's on Kyle. Running a bunch of power/pistol run plays because he hasn't even really gotten to run plays with the 1st team ever, that's on Kyle. He got Lance hurt in the process.

Like I said if he would have gotten 1st string reps all through the process (like other rookies) come week 5 vs AZ he would have been MUCH further a long in his development. There isn't a damn person that can tell me otherwise. Did Lance look like he was "developed" at all in the AZ game? That's 5 months right there, for what?

You got the same people that said he should red shirt calling him a bust after that one starter, which is so contradictory to what they were preaching prior to that game. IMO that's a BS bias take. You don't get to claim he's a bust if you think he should sit a yr.

People expecting Lance to magically become Mahomes because he held a clipboard for a yr will be very underwhelmed come 2022. He needs passing attempts, he needs live game speed reps (11 on 11) he needs to be running THIS scheme. He's doing none of that and will be basically a rookie next yr and we wasted a whole yr of development.

IF I'm wrong and he comes out and plays lights out in 2022, I'll gladly eat crow over that...but if he doesn't you don't get to call him a bust or the wrong pick either because he's a year behind every rookie that was drafted the same yr (probably more because he will not have played football for two freaking yrs).
Originally posted by Dsoto87:
So what's the answer? By your word, Trey is a bust and Jimmy ain't 2012 Alex smith so where do we go?

If Jimmy ain't the answer then why not play Trey with the hopes that he can improve? Jimmy is who is at this point. He's not returning next year and he hasn't improved at all so what good does it do sticking with him especially when sticking with him isn't producing wins?

By my word? Where did I say "Trey is a bust"?

In fact, I did say that we don't have enough intel on Trey yet. And I have posted here in the past - I.E. during the Arizona game - that as bad as Trey Lance looked, he wasn't the problem. The problem goes much deeper than the QB position, whether Jimmy or Trey, although it is very much rooted in the QB position.

The problem has been Kyle and Lynch's obsession with moving away from the 1 QB their regime has had even a sniff of success with, to the point that they have sabotaged the rest of the roster. The secondary has been neglected, the defensive line has nearly been depleted, the wide receiver corp is non-existent outside of one guy, and all of this has been neglected SOLELY BECAUSE THEY ARE SINGLE MINDED FOCUSED ON MOVING ON FROM JIMMY.

I'm not saying Jimmy is irreplaceable, and quite frankly, at this point, whatever the cause of the struggles (which are far more nuanced than "jiMmY sUcKs"), we aren't succeeding *with* him, so yea, if Trey were to be put in at this point, I wouldn't be completely upset.

But the other fact remains that people have been looking at this as a single minded issue - "wE nEeD a nEw qB bEcAuSe jiMmY iS hOLdiNg uS bAcK"

Jimmy isn't the problem. Never was. He is no longer the answer. But replacing Jimmy with Trey - even if Trey develops successfully - is not going to fix the woes of this team. The woes of this team being bad move after back move after bad move being made in roster building, and then throwing the responsibility of all those failures on the QB.

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan and Lynch passed on Deshaun Watson and Patrick Mahomes in favor of Solomon Thomas and the thought of Kirk Cousins?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Reuben Foster was a domestic abuser?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Mike McGlinchey is disappointing as a 1st round OT?

Is it Jimmy's fault that George Kittle is injured almost as much as he is?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan and Lynch traded away Deforrest Buckner and replaced him with Javon Kinlaw, who is dangerously close to being a bust?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan has, for whatever reason, decided to completely sabotage his 1st round WR and promising playmaker because reasons?

Is it Jimmy's fault that the secondary is injured just as frequently as he is, and instead of trying to address the issue, Shanahan and Lynch invested FOUR high end draft picks (that could be used to fix the secondary) into his replacement because that has been their single minded focus - move on from Jimmy at all costs?

Is it Jimmy's fault that when Trey Lance has played, Kyle Shanahan has treated him like if it was Mike Alstott was behind center?

Even if Trey Lance develops the way we hope he can, it doesn't fix all of the aforementioned issues. Even if Trey Lance develops the way we hope he can, it doesn't change the fact that we don't have a 1st round pick for 2 more seasons (nor a 3rd round pick for 1 of those seasons), and much needed roster additions won't be able to be made.

Blaming Jimmy for 2020, and for 2021, and beyond, is simple minded. The media hypes that up because in the year 2021, the simplest takes are the easiest to digest. How many clicks can you get in 140 characters...

But when you dig even the slightest bit beyond the surface... you see that Jimmy isn't the issue. Never was. And again, we are now seeing that more many reasons, he is also no longer the answer, so should he continue to start? I mean, at this point, I think the arguments in favor of him starting are far less relevant than they were over the summer, so should he be benched, maybe it's not the worst thing. Maybe it's time to just rip the band-aid off. I'm not calling for him to be benched, but at this point I'm not 100% sure that I'll be upset if he is. Jimmy & SF is non-salvageable. Kyle tried to have it both ways, and it has backfired. A change might actually be best for both parties at this point - SF gets to move forward with the QB they really want, and Jimmy can go someplace that's not actively sabotaging him at every step.

But it's not going to solve the problem. It's not going to solve the problem of 2021, nor will it solve the problems of 2022, 2023, or beyond.

Things don't have to be black and white. Nuance is a thing. Truth can lie in multiple areas, where Jimmy is not the problem, nor is he the answer, and benching him now is not going to fix the real cause of the issues moving forward. Jimmy is the symptom, not the disease. Replacing Jimmy is nothing more than a band-aid. It looks nice for 140 character headlines, and fans can think that the problem is solved. But they'll soon find out that the problem was never Jimmy. He was a symptom of the problem.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Goatie:
Playing scout team is playing football. It is part of the stepping stone up the ladder which Trey is scaling right now one step at a time.

I am sure Kyle has learned from his mistakes from RG3, JG, CJ, Mullens, Hoyer and is mindful of the 49ers investment and aspirations for Trey and does not want to stuff it up by being as caviller as you want him to be.

Playing scout team is literally what you have your 3rd string QB do...CJ was doing that when we had Jimmy/Nick as the starters.

What you learn being the scout QB is minimal at best. Being a scout QB is not getting you ready to be the franchise QB IMO. Waiting for Jimmy to get hurt (which will always happen) then tossing him out there was/is the opposite of developing and preparing him. That's on Kyle. Running a bunch of power/pistol run plays because he hasn't even really gotten to run plays with the 1st team ever, that's on Kyle. He got Lance hurt in the process.

Like I said if he would have gotten 1st string reps all through the process (like other rookies) come week 5 vs AZ he would have been MUCH further a long in his development. There isn't a damn person that can tell me otherwise. Did Lance look like he was "developed" at all in the AZ game? That's 5 months right there, for what?

You got the same people that said he should red shirt calling him a bust after that one starter, which is so contradictory to what they were preaching prior to that game. IMO that's a BS bias take. You don't get to claim he's a bust if you think he should sit a yr.

People expecting Lance to magically become Mahomes because he held a clipboard for a yr will be very underwhelmed come 2022. He needs passing attempts, he needs live game speed reps (11 on 11) he needs to be running THIS scheme. He's doing none of that and will be basically a rookie next yr and we wasted a whole yr of development.

IF I'm wrong and he comes out and plays lights out in 2022, I'll gladly eat crow over that...but if he doesn't you don't get to call him a bust or the wrong pick either because he's a year behind every rookie that was drafted the same yr (probably more because he will not have played football for two freaking yrs).

Definitely true. We can either let him get experience now or next year, but either way he's going to make a lot of mistakes early due to his inexperience. I'd rather see him go through that now if we can since this team is not going anywhere this year.
  • Goatie
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Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Goatie:
Playing scout team is playing football. It is part of the stepping stone up the ladder which Trey is scaling right now one step at a time.

I am sure Kyle has learned from his mistakes from RG3, JG, CJ, Mullens, Hoyer and is mindful of the 49ers investment and aspirations for Trey and does not want to stuff it up by being as caviller as you want him to be.

Playing scout team is literally what you have your 3rd string QB do...CJ was doing that when we had Jimmy/Nick as the starters.

What you learn being the scout QB is minimal at best. Being a scout QB is not getting you ready to be the franchise QB IMO. Waiting for Jimmy to get hurt (which will always happen) then tossing him out there was/is the opposite of developing and preparing him. That's on Kyle. Running a bunch of power/pistol run plays because he hasn't even really gotten to run plays with the 1st team ever, that's on Kyle. He got Lance hurt in the process.

Like I said if he would have gotten 1st string reps all through the process (like other rookies) come week 5 vs AZ he would have been MUCH further a long in his development. There isn't a damn person that can tell me otherwise. Did Lance look like he was "developed" at all in the AZ game? That's 5 months right there, for what?

You got the same people that said he should red shirt calling him a bust after that one starter, which is so contradictory to what they were preaching prior to that game. IMO that's a BS bias take. You don't get to claim he's a bust if you think he should sit a yr.

People expecting Lance to magically become Mahomes because he held a clipboard for a yr will be very underwhelmed come 2022. He needs passing attempts, he needs live game speed reps (11 on 11) he needs to be running THIS scheme. He's doing none of that and will be basically a rookie next yr and we wasted a whole yr of development.

IF I'm wrong and he comes out and plays lights out in 2022, I'll gladly eat crow over that...but if he doesn't you don't get to call him a bust or the wrong pick either because he's a year behind every rookie that was drafted the same yr (probably more because he will not have played football for two freaking yrs).

Shanahan disagrees with you and said so today. He said scout team reps are great for Trey for a number of reasons and many rookies QBs have benefited greatly from that.

I am going with Shanahan on that rather then your view, with all due respect
Originally posted by Scooper1:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Hahaha oh okay...

So yeah you two are right...there's no chance in hell if Lance got all the snaps the past 5+ months and played with the first string team all season that he would have looked any better then he did week 5 vs AZ. IN FACT according to you guys, he would look worse because he didn't sit.

OH and yeah totally only a luxury for teams to be able to sit a QB for a yr, I mean they invest high end draft capital in the most important position in sports, are banking on a game-changing QB that can literally change a franchise, BUT they don't have the "luxury" to sit know if sitting them is the best approach to getting success out of them.

I mean I guess Banks/Sermon/Thomas are just gonna be rock stars next yr because they're getting red shirt too.

AND NO I listen to plenty of people in here, one's who opinion I value and actually learn from.

Oh pipe down. This has been explained to you 100 times by several poster who have given valid reasons over and over again. You're just the objective guy on the board tho pfft. So objective that practice throwing the football isn't even important to you. Trey is an inaccurate thrower of the football with poor mechanics. He doesn't need to throw to the 1st team to practice these things he could be throwing to a f**king post. I want see lance play and have stated as much. However, shanahan doesn't believe the time is right. The guys job and reputation in the league is tied to Trey lance's success. You don't f**king think if he thought he was ready in any sense that he'd put him in the game?????

nah you pipe down don't get to call me some militant who only listens to himself and not expect me to defend myself.

LOL explained by who? Some random fans that just say hey look at Mahomes? I'm sorry if I don't agree with that take. I don't see those as valid reasons at all...hence my stance and debate constantly over it. There are plenty of people that agree with my take just as well.

It's been explained by people that actually do this s**t for a living (or been around it) that you don't improve your mechanics in-season. YES throwing the football, running the offense, playing with the guys that you will actually be playing with on Sunday matter. He's doing next to nothing there. Kyle just said that Lance getting to play in that AZ was so valuable.
Originally posted by Goatie:
I agree with that statement but he said today that FO is on the same page as him on Trey's development and at another point said in effect you do what those higher up (the boss) want. I am sure Kyle has learned from his mistakes re RG3, CJ, Mullens and JG's development and that FO have made it clear about their position on Trey's development. It is clear they are taking a long term approach and if this season sucks they are not going to panic and put the rookie in that they have just sold the farm for.

They are going to wait till he is ready first.

Which is fine. I'm totally on board with that. I just hope Trey is the exception, not the rule (when it comes to QBs developed by KS).
[ Edited by Polkadots on Oct 27, 2021 at 1:32 PM ]
  • Goatie
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Originally posted by Polkadots:
Originally posted by Goatie:
I agree with that statement but he said today that FO is on the same page as him on Trey's development and at another point said in effect you do what those higher up (the boss) want. I am sure Kyle has learned from his mistakes re RG3, CJ, Mullens and JG's development and that FO have made it clear about their position on Trey's development. It is clear they are taking a long term approach and if this season sucks they are not going to panic and put the rookie in that they have just sold the farm for.

They are going to wait till he is ready first.

Which is fine. I'm totally on board with that. I just hope Trey is the exception, not the rule (when it comes to QBs developed by KS).

I think everybody here is hoping that as well.
Originally posted by Goatie:
Shanahan disagrees with you and said so today. He said scout team reps are great for Trey for a number of reasons and many rookies QBs have benefited greatly from that.

I am going with Shanahan on that rather then your view, with all due respect

Right and Aiyuk stinks and shouldn't be getting targets too…kyle is killing it right now.

thinking getting scout reps is gonna help you become the FQB is ridiculous. No one is buying that junk. Did it look like being the scout QB helped Lance run the offense vs AZ? Come on dude let's be real here.
  • mayo49
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The impotant thing is that he's back at practice.
  • Goatie
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Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by Goatie:
Shanahan disagrees with you and said so today. He said scout team reps are great for Trey for a number of reasons and many rookies QBs have benefited greatly from that.

I am going with Shanahan on that rather then your view, with all due respect

Right and Aiyuk stinks and shouldn't be getting targets too…kyle is killing it right now.

thinking getting scout reps is gonna help you become the FQB is ridiculous. No one is buying that junk. Did it look like being the scout QB helped Lance run the offense vs AZ? Come on dude let's be real here.

LOL I am not buying the junk you say is the way to go
  • JMC52
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Originally posted by mayo49:
The impotant thing is that he's back at practice.

Yay!!! Looking for this answer
  • Goatie
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Originally posted by Franchise408:
Originally posted by Dsoto87:
So what's the answer? By your word, Trey is a bust and Jimmy ain't 2012 Alex smith so where do we go?

If Jimmy ain't the answer then why not play Trey with the hopes that he can improve? Jimmy is who is at this point. He's not returning next year and he hasn't improved at all so what good does it do sticking with him especially when sticking with him isn't producing wins?

By my word? Where did I say "Trey is a bust"?

In fact, I did say that we don't have enough intel on Trey yet. And I have posted here in the past - I.E. during the Arizona game - that as bad as Trey Lance looked, he wasn't the problem. The problem goes much deeper than the QB position, whether Jimmy or Trey, although it is very much rooted in the QB position.

The problem has been Kyle and Lynch's obsession with moving away from the 1 QB their regime has had even a sniff of success with, to the point that they have sabotaged the rest of the roster. The secondary has been neglected, the defensive line has nearly been depleted, the wide receiver corp is non-existent outside of one guy, and all of this has been neglected SOLELY BECAUSE THEY ARE SINGLE MINDED FOCUSED ON MOVING ON FROM JIMMY.

I'm not saying Jimmy is irreplaceable, and quite frankly, at this point, whatever the cause of the struggles (which are far more nuanced than "jiMmY sUcKs"), we aren't succeeding *with* him, so yea, if Trey were to be put in at this point, I wouldn't be completely upset.

But the other fact remains that people have been looking at this as a single minded issue - "wE nEeD a nEw qB bEcAuSe jiMmY iS hOLdiNg uS bAcK"

Jimmy isn't the problem. Never was. He is no longer the answer. But replacing Jimmy with Trey - even if Trey develops successfully - is not going to fix the woes of this team. The woes of this team being bad move after back move after bad move being made in roster building, and then throwing the responsibility of all those failures on the QB.

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan and Lynch passed on Deshaun Watson and Patrick Mahomes in favor of Solomon Thomas and the thought of Kirk Cousins?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Reuben Foster was a domestic abuser?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Mike McGlinchey is disappointing as a 1st round OT?

Is it Jimmy's fault that George Kittle is injured almost as much as he is?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan and Lynch traded away Deforrest Buckner and replaced him with Javon Kinlaw, who is dangerously close to being a bust?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan has, for whatever reason, decided to completely sabotage his 1st round WR and promising playmaker because reasons?

Is it Jimmy's fault that the secondary is injured just as frequently as he is, and instead of trying to address the issue, Shanahan and Lynch invested FOUR high end draft picks (that could be used to fix the secondary) into his replacement because that has been their single minded focus - move on from Jimmy at all costs?

Is it Jimmy's fault that when Trey Lance has played, Kyle Shanahan has treated him like if it was Mike Alstott was behind center?

Even if Trey Lance develops the way we hope he can, it doesn't fix all of the aforementioned issues. Even if Trey Lance develops the way we hope he can, it doesn't change the fact that we don't have a 1st round pick for 2 more seasons (nor a 3rd round pick for 1 of those seasons), and much needed roster additions won't be able to be made.

Blaming Jimmy for 2020, and for 2021, and beyond, is simple minded. The media hypes that up because in the year 2021, the simplest takes are the easiest to digest. How many clicks can you get in 140 characters...

But when you dig even the slightest bit beyond the surface... you see that Jimmy isn't the issue. Never was. And again, we are now seeing that more many reasons, he is also no longer the answer, so should he continue to start? I mean, at this point, I think the arguments in favor of him starting are far less relevant than they were over the summer, so should he be benched, maybe it's not the worst thing. Maybe it's time to just rip the band-aid off. I'm not calling for him to be benched, but at this point I'm not 100% sure that I'll be upset if he is. Jimmy & SF is non-salvageable. Kyle tried to have it both ways, and it has backfired. A change might actually be best for both parties at this point - SF gets to move forward with the QB they really want, and Jimmy can go someplace that's not actively sabotaging him at every step.

But it's not going to solve the problem. It's not going to solve the problem of 2021, nor will it solve the problems of 2022, 2023, or beyond.

Things don't have to be black and white. Nuance is a thing. Truth can lie in multiple areas, where Jimmy is not the problem, nor is he the answer, and benching him now is not going to fix the real cause of the issues moving forward. Jimmy is the symptom, not the disease. Replacing Jimmy is nothing more than a band-aid. It looks nice for 140 character headlines, and fans can think that the problem is solved. But they'll soon find out that the problem was never Jimmy. He was a symptom of the problem.

That analysis is a breath of fresh air in this thread.

Football is more than 1 dimension.

The 49ers have ignored the Oline for years and the secondaries were dangerously thin on the ground. Guess what our opponents are exploiting. Trey scrambling out of the pocket is only going to delay the inevitable blindside that will hurt him. These and a lot of other problems need to be fixed. Even Ray Charles would see that if he was still around today.
  • mayo49
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Originally posted by Goatie:
Originally posted by Franchise408:
Originally posted by Dsoto87:
So what's the answer? By your word, Trey is a bust and Jimmy ain't 2012 Alex smith so where do we go?

If Jimmy ain't the answer then why not play Trey with the hopes that he can improve? Jimmy is who is at this point. He's not returning next year and he hasn't improved at all so what good does it do sticking with him especially when sticking with him isn't producing wins?

By my word? Where did I say "Trey is a bust"?

In fact, I did say that we don't have enough intel on Trey yet. And I have posted here in the past - I.E. during the Arizona game - that as bad as Trey Lance looked, he wasn't the problem. The problem goes much deeper than the QB position, whether Jimmy or Trey, although it is very much rooted in the QB position.

The problem has been Kyle and Lynch's obsession with moving away from the 1 QB their regime has had even a sniff of success with, to the point that they have sabotaged the rest of the roster. The secondary has been neglected, the defensive line has nearly been depleted, the wide receiver corp is non-existent outside of one guy, and all of this has been neglected SOLELY BECAUSE THEY ARE SINGLE MINDED FOCUSED ON MOVING ON FROM JIMMY.

I'm not saying Jimmy is irreplaceable, and quite frankly, at this point, whatever the cause of the struggles (which are far more nuanced than "jiMmY sUcKs"), we aren't succeeding *with* him, so yea, if Trey were to be put in at this point, I wouldn't be completely upset.

But the other fact remains that people have been looking at this as a single minded issue - "wE nEeD a nEw qB bEcAuSe jiMmY iS hOLdiNg uS bAcK"

Jimmy isn't the problem. Never was. He is no longer the answer. But replacing Jimmy with Trey - even if Trey develops successfully - is not going to fix the woes of this team. The woes of this team being bad move after back move after bad move being made in roster building, and then throwing the responsibility of all those failures on the QB.

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan and Lynch passed on Deshaun Watson and Patrick Mahomes in favor of Solomon Thomas and the thought of Kirk Cousins?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Reuben Foster was a domestic abuser?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Mike McGlinchey is disappointing as a 1st round OT?

Is it Jimmy's fault that George Kittle is injured almost as much as he is?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan and Lynch traded away Deforrest Buckner and replaced him with Javon Kinlaw, who is dangerously close to being a bust?

Is it Jimmy's fault that Shanahan has, for whatever reason, decided to completely sabotage his 1st round WR and promising playmaker because reasons?

Is it Jimmy's fault that the secondary is injured just as frequently as he is, and instead of trying to address the issue, Shanahan and Lynch invested FOUR high end draft picks (that could be used to fix the secondary) into his replacement because that has been their single minded focus - move on from Jimmy at all costs?

Is it Jimmy's fault that when Trey Lance has played, Kyle Shanahan has treated him like if it was Mike Alstott was behind center?

Even if Trey Lance develops the way we hope he can, it doesn't fix all of the aforementioned issues. Even if Trey Lance develops the way we hope he can, it doesn't change the fact that we don't have a 1st round pick for 2 more seasons (nor a 3rd round pick for 1 of those seasons), and much needed roster additions won't be able to be made.

Blaming Jimmy for 2020, and for 2021, and beyond, is simple minded. The media hypes that up because in the year 2021, the simplest takes are the easiest to digest. How many clicks can you get in 140 characters...

But when you dig even the slightest bit beyond the surface... you see that Jimmy isn't the issue. Never was. And again, we are now seeing that more many reasons, he is also no longer the answer, so should he continue to start? I mean, at this point, I think the arguments in favor of him starting are far less relevant than they were over the summer, so should he be benched, maybe it's not the worst thing. Maybe it's time to just rip the band-aid off. I'm not calling for him to be benched, but at this point I'm not 100% sure that I'll be upset if he is. Jimmy & SF is non-salvageable. Kyle tried to have it both ways, and it has backfired. A change might actually be best for both parties at this point - SF gets to move forward with the QB they really want, and Jimmy can go someplace that's not actively sabotaging him at every step.

But it's not going to solve the problem. It's not going to solve the problem of 2021, nor will it solve the problems of 2022, 2023, or beyond.

Things don't have to be black and white. Nuance is a thing. Truth can lie in multiple areas, where Jimmy is not the problem, nor is he the answer, and benching him now is not going to fix the real cause of the issues moving forward. Jimmy is the symptom, not the disease. Replacing Jimmy is nothing more than a band-aid. It looks nice for 140 character headlines, and fans can think that the problem is solved. But they'll soon find out that the problem was never Jimmy. He was a symptom of the problem.

That analysis is a breath of fresh air in this thread.

Football is more than 1 dimension.

The 49ers have ignored the Oline for years and the secondaries were dangerously thin on the ground. Guess what our opponents are exploiting. Trey scrambling out of the pocket is only going to delay the inevitable blindside that will hurt him. These and a lot of other problems need to be fixed. Even Ray Charles would see that if he was still around today.

[ Edited by mayo49 on Oct 27, 2021 at 1:52 PM ]
That knee looks pretty damn healthy from here. 👀

Originally posted by Heroism:
That knee looks pretty damn healthy from here. 👀

Clearly they removed his crutches with CGI.
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