Originally posted by 9ersLiferInChicago:
I am in full support of Trey Lance. But I for one was hoping that we drafted Justin Fields. And from the looks of things I think he would have been the better choice. I just didn't think the amount of development Lance would need is way too much to be trading 3 draft picks for. But Lance is our guy and I support him. I'm not too sure about the Mahomes comparison though. Time will tell.
To answer your questions:
Do you think this is a SB roster?When healthy? Yes. But since when has this team been healthy?
Do you think maybe just possibly if Lance got every starting rep from day 1 that he might be more prepared to be the starter vs getting next to nothing for half a yr?Yes, he would be. But what would be our record? Like I said, I think Fields would have been a better choice. With this roster and Fields at QB we'd have at least 8 wins at this point. But for a SB-ready team I don't think it would be smart to start a project QB. Lance needs serious time to develop (which is why he should not have been drafted #3 overall). Jimmy G, with all his warts, was the smarter option to start the season.
Now, having said that, I do think that Lance needs more playing time. I think had Jimmy G. been pulled in the 3rd quarter of the Seattle game we might have won the game. But if we lose against Cinci Lance needs to be starting the rest of the season, because I can't see this team making the playoffs if we get one more loss. Either we win out or start the Lance development project in earnest.
Do you think he's magically gonna be ready to roll in 2022 OR are you fully accepting that he will still be a rookie that will make rookie mistakes, especially one that hasn't played meaningful football for over 2 yrs?He better be ready to start in 2022, otherwise Shanny and Lynch will be in trouble, and rightfully so! To give up 3 1sts for a guy needing more than a year to develop is downright draft mis-management. There's simply no other way to put it. He's gonna make mistakes, there's no way of avoiding that. But you mortgage major draft future to move up to #3 overall for a guy. That alone suggest that he can play day one. But on a SB-ready team with a QB who's gotten you to the SB before the smart move would be to redshirt the rookie unless proven otherwise.
Given what we've given up to get Lance it would be unacceptable if he weren't ready to start in 2022. If that is the case then it was a mistake to draft him at that spot, and Shanny has a lot of explaining to do. But since we drafted him we have to accept what he comes with. We can't wait two seasons until he's "ready", not for what we paid to get him. Shanny will just have to accept that a great deal of on-the-job training will have to take place. He's not gonna be able to ask the fanbase to accept, essentially, a 2 year project at QB that costed 3 firsts.
I'm not comparing him to Mahomes...some people in here are when it comes to sitting for a year then coming into the league and lighting it up the following year. I'm saying that's a unfair expectation on Lance. Mahomes is a special talent what he did isn't normal.
I also wanted Fields, but had no issue with going Lance. We have no idea how much development he needs to determine anything at this point.
Yeah I never thought a 6 win team was a SB roster...the only position they upgraded at was center in the off season. This wasn't a run it back squad IMO now you can see what we're dealing with

Who knows what our record would be...6-6 isn't great right now regardless. Lance can hand the ball off 40x a game all the same. Saying Lance needs "serious" development is a subjective take...you or I don't really know that. IMO What he really needs is to play.
He he's gonna start...that's not the debate. People seem to think he's gonna be some all-star for the simple fact that he played scout QB all yr....Developing IS PLAYING he's not doing that...so 2022 is basically his rookie developmental year, regardless of what anyone is trying to say.
Well you're gonna have to accept that a rookie QB is gonna take time...at this point draft picks and what they spent mean nothing. Those picks could turn into another Solomon Thomas, it's all about getting it right with Lance end of the day. Once he actually get's on the field it might take more than 2022 to get that s**t figured out in part because he basically lost a season in 2021 because Kyle thought he could win a SB with Jimmy.
People wanted to forgo a season to develop Lance to try and win it all with Jimmy...doesn't look like that's gonna happen SO now you gotta deal with the process of getting Lance where he needs to be...fans can't have your cake and eat it too
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Dec 7, 2021 at 12:33 PM ]