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Dallas Cowboys QB Trey Lance Thread

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Originally posted by Young2Owens:
Originally posted by Izyniner:
Originally posted by 49erminion:
Originally posted by Izyniner:
Originally posted by 49erminion:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Izyniner:
Originally posted by 49erminion:
We had a chance to be a consistently "good" team but the 49er dumbs**t brass let Harbaws go.

Why didn't Harbaugh sign the extension that was being offered to him?


Two words: Yorks and Baalke!

Four words! Doesn't fit your agenda!

Ive always liked Harbaugh. Players love to play for him. He ressurected Alex's career. Brought us back to prominence. Obviously s**t hit the fan in his relationships with the Yorks and TB > Browns tradegate + "This meeting is for men only."

Who knows what really went down between the three and then u apparently had Tomsula undermining Jim as well.

Just wish it could have worked out. We would have been consistently good with Fangio & Roman (well look at the Ravens )

He was never going to stay with the niners it was just a place holder until the Michigan job opened up. Soon as it was rumored he shut down.

Yeah....I wish we as a fanbase can just let go of Harbaugh. Everyone pining for those days. I get it, it was mostly easy under him. But he did bounce to UM once the going started to get tough.

Him and Fangio were the perfect combination for that team. The talent was there just needed to be organized. They did an excellent job.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
I'm not comparing him to Mahomes...some people in here are when it comes to sitting for a year then coming into the league and lighting it up the following year. I'm saying that's a unfair expectation on Lance. Mahomes is a special talent what he did isn't normal.

I also wanted Fields, but had no issue with going Lance. We have no idea how much development he needs to determine anything at this point.

Yeah I never thought a 6 win team was a SB roster...the only position they upgraded at was center in the off season. This wasn't a run it back squad IMO now you can see what we're dealing with

Who knows what our record would be...6-6 isn't great right now regardless. Lance can hand the ball off 40x a game all the same. Saying Lance needs "serious" development is a subjective or I don't really know that. IMO What he really needs is to play.

He he's gonna start...that's not the debate. People seem to think he's gonna be some all-star for the simple fact that he played scout QB all yr....Developing IS PLAYING he's not doing 2022 is basically his rookie developmental year, regardless of what anyone is trying to say.

Well you're gonna have to accept that a rookie QB is gonna take this point draft picks and what they spent mean nothing. Those picks could turn into another Solomon Thomas, it's all about getting it right with Lance end of the day. Once he actually get's on the field it might take more than 2022 to get that s**t figured out in part because he basically lost a season in 2021 because Kyle thought he could win a SB with Jimmy.

People wanted to forgo a season to develop Lance to try and win it all with Jimmy...doesn't look like that's gonna happen SO now you gotta deal with the process of getting Lance where he needs to can't have your cake and eat it too

Why sell Lance short?

We all have seen Joe, Brady, Rodgers, Mahomes develop on the bench and play well once they got their chance.

Kyle wanted Lance on the bench, then he mixed him in, then he decided he should get zero game snaps. Kyle is literally the only one who has any say about it. He is going to have to deal with the expectations of fans and the Yorks.
Originally posted by random49er:
Originally posted by LottDMontanaO:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
It has been five years of this regime with one winning season.

I expect the team to win every year at this point. It is what good teams do five years into a regime.

They aren't going to get a pass for four more years.

100%. Winning seasons vs. losing seasons at this point.

6-6 right now...really hoping this team with its talent can put together some consistent winning football over these last five games. can here the anger in Woo regarding Kyle's regime. He's ready to explode,...but doesn't suggest any coaches that will replace him and be "the one."

Look who is making it personal again, it is weird behavior.

I like Kyle and don't think he should be fired.
[ Edited by TheWooLick on Dec 7, 2021 at 5:45 PM ]
Originally posted by NYniner85:
You clearly don't know my stance because you're debating something different and have been...actually you're not even debating just complaining about something that I'm not talking about.

Here all break it down for you real simple.

1. Jimmy starting fine, wanted him to take a pay cut. Talked about other options
2. Best way for a rookie QB to develop is playing (getting all reps since TC). This has been my debate.
3. now we're 13 weeks into it, we probably could be 6-6 with Lance Like Crock said.

Boy, I hardly know where to start, but I'll give it a go.

1. Jimmy starting fine, wanted him to take a pay cut. Talked about other options

It is your contention that you were okay with Jimmy starting week 1, but apparently, not week 2 or 3 or after the bye or after the first Cardinal's game or after the loss to Green Bay or when the moon was in the 7th house and Jupiter aligned with Mars. You have been beating that horse all year. Again, missing the point that Lance was NEVER going to start this year barring an injury to Jimmy or a complete an utter collapse by the team. The idea that he might start was entirely a media invention and was total BS. If you bought into that you were just fooling yourself. He was never going to beat Jimmy out in camp and Shanahan would have had a riot on his hands if he gave the team to an inexperienced rookie over a well liked vet who had recently taken the team to the Super Bowl unless the kid absolutely proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was a superior player and that simply wasn't going to happen under the circumstances that existed.

And as for wanting Jimmy to take a pay cut, just how did you envision that working out. Did you think he would come in and say, "Oh, gosh, you traded up to draft a rookie to take my place.You must be really unhappy with my play. Let me call my agent and we'll work out a deal to give you some your money back so you can sign some more players to help Lance out". Give me your address and I'll send you airfare for a ticket back to reality, And what were the other options I forget, trading him in spite of the fact that he had a no trade clause this year and very little incentive to move. "Oh, gosh, the team moved up to draft a rookie to take my place. I better ask for a trade so I can show what a quitter I am and how I am too insecure to believe that I can beat out a rookie QB with less than 318 pass attempts in his college career and hardly more than two seasons of playing time in a Division II school". Yeah, that would have had other teams lining up for his services I bet

2. Best way for a rookie QB to develop is playing (getting all reps since TC). This has been my debate.

I may be missing something here but if a rookie QB is getting all of the reps from training camp on doesn't that in fact make him the starter? I believe that was an issue we tackled in point 1

3. now we're 13 weeks into it, we probably could be 6-6 with Lance Like Crock said.

Possible, sure. Probable? That is a completely unknowable and unproveable supposition, no matter what side of the argument you are on. No one, I repeat no one, knows what kind of NFL QB Lance will be at this point in time. It is all just speculation and projection mixed in with a large dose of Magical Thinking. As long as the team is in the playoff hunt I doubt that Lance ever sees the field again this year unless they happen to be blowing someone out in the fourth quarter, or are themselves being blown out with no chance of coming back. He will just have to bide his time, learn as much as he can at practice, and work hard during the off season. He may not have a lot of practical experience but he also won't have had the crap beat out of him all year like Lawrence, Wilson and Fields. I think that probably has to count for something as far as not having his confidence too badly shaken. Now he can come into camp raring to go and ready to prove what he can do.

Regardless of what you thought the team's Super Bowl chances were this year I am pretty sure that everyone in the 49ers HQ believed they had a pretty good chance to get there and they were just never going start a rookie under those circumstances. As Woolick has pointed out, Kyle is staring down the barrel of four losing seasons out of five. I think he gets a pass on the first two years because the team was rebuilding which paid off with Super Bowl run in the third, and then the s**t storm of 2020. The problem he has this year is that the team had high expectations, valid or not, but looked kind of lost and out of synch for the first third of the season and I think that can justifiably be laid at Kyle's doorstep. It just looked like he never really had them ready to play,and that's the kind of thing that can get you fired if you're not careful.
Originally posted by 49ers81:
Originally posted by NYniner85:
You clearly don't know my stance because you're debating something different and have been...actually you're not even debating just complaining about something that I'm not talking about.

Here all break it down for you real simple.

1. Jimmy starting fine, wanted him to take a pay cut. Talked about other options
2. Best way for a rookie QB to develop is playing (getting all reps since TC). This has been my debate.
3. now we're 13 weeks into it, we probably could be 6-6 with Lance Like Crock said.

Boy, I hardly know where to start, but I'll give it a go.

1. Jimmy starting fine, wanted him to take a pay cut. Talked about other options

It is your contention that you were okay with Jimmy starting week 1, but apparently, not week 2 or 3 or after the bye or after the first Cardinal's game or after the loss to Green Bay or when the moon was in the 7th house and Jupiter aligned with Mars. You have been beating that horse all year. Again, missing the point that Lance was NEVER going to start this year barring an injury to Jimmy or a complete an utter collapse by the team. The idea that he might start was entirely a media invention and was total BS. If you bought into that you were just fooling yourself. He was never going to beat Jimmy out in camp and Shanahan would have had a riot on his hands if he gave the team to an inexperienced rookie over a well liked vet who had recently taken the team to the Super Bowl unless the kid absolutely proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was a superior player and that simply wasn't going to happen under the circumstances that existed.

And as for wanting Jimmy to take a pay cut, just how did you envision that working out. Did you think he would come in and say, "Oh, gosh, you traded up to draft a rookie to take my place.You must be really unhappy with my play. Let me call my agent and we'll work out a deal to give you some your money back so you can sign some more players to help Lance out". Give me your address and I'll send you airfare for a ticket back to reality, And what were the other options I forget, trading him in spite of the fact that he had a no trade clause this year and very little incentive to move. "Oh, gosh, the team moved up to draft a rookie to take my place. I better ask for a trade so I can show what a quitter I am and how I am too insecure to believe that I can beat out a rookie QB with less than 318 pass attempts in his college career and hardly more than two seasons of playing time in a Division II school". Yeah, that would have had other teams lining up for his services I bet

2. Best way for a rookie QB to develop is playing (getting all reps since TC). This has been my debate.

I may be missing something here but if a rookie QB is getting all of the reps from training camp on doesn't that in fact make him the starter? I believe that was an issue we tackled in point 1

3. now we're 13 weeks into it, we probably could be 6-6 with Lance Like Crock said.

Possible, sure. Probable? That is a completely unknowable and unproveable supposition, no matter what side of the argument you are on. No one, I repeat no one, knows what kind of NFL QB Lance will be at this point in time. It is all just speculation and projection mixed in with a large dose of Magical Thinking. As long as the team is in the playoff hunt I doubt that Lance ever sees the field again this year unless they happen to be blowing someone out in the fourth quarter, or are themselves being blown out with no chance of coming back. He will just have to bide his time, learn as much as he can at practice, and work hard during the off season. He may not have a lot of practical experience but he also won't have had the crap beat out of him all year like Lawrence, Wilson and Fields. I think that probably has to count for something as far as not having his confidence too badly shaken. Now he can come into camp raring to go and ready to prove what he can do.

Regardless of what you thought the team's Super Bowl chances were this year I am pretty sure that everyone in the 49ers HQ believed they had a pretty good chance to get there and they were just never going start a rookie under those circumstances. As Woolick has pointed out, Kyle is staring down the barrel of four losing seasons out of five. I think he gets a pass on the first two years because the team was rebuilding which paid off with Super Bowl run in the third, and then the s**t storm of 2020. The problem he has this year is that the team had high expectations, valid or not, but looked kind of lost and out of synch for the first third of the season and I think that can justifiably be laid at Kyle's doorstep. It just looked like he never really had them ready to play,and that's the kind of thing that can get you fired if you're not careful.

Intelligent post. You have the same view as me re Lance. He has potential but he is far from a proven starter. Some here almost believe he is already to walk into the hall of fame.

I would be the happiest fan if he realised his potential and became the next Young etc. But he has to prove himself. So far he has not won a game yet. He has not finished a game or a quarter with better then a 52% pass completion rate.

If he starts next year he is not immune from making a bunch of rookie mistakes and drawing a ton of hate from the fanbase because he did not live up to expectations.

He needs time to develop and timing to insert him in to the main game so he is firing on all cylinders when he hits the ground. It is not the time for that right now.
  • JMC52
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  • Posts: 4,090
Originally posted by Izyniner:
Originally posted by 49erminion:
Originally posted by Izyniner:
Originally posted by 49erminion:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Izyniner:
Originally posted by 49erminion:
We had a chance to be a consistently "good" team but the 49er dumbs**t brass let Harbaws go.

Why didn't Harbaugh sign the extension that was being offered to him?


Two words: Yorks and Baalke!

Four words! Doesn't fit your agenda!

Ive always liked Harbaugh. Players love to play for him. He ressurected Alex's career. Brought us back to prominence. Obviously s**t hit the fan in his relationships with the Yorks and TB > Browns tradegate + "This meeting is for men only."

Who knows what really went down between the three and then u apparently had Tomsula undermining Jim as well.

Just wish it could have worked out. We would have been consistently good with Fangio & Roman (well look at the Ravens )

He was never going to stay with the niners it was just a place holder until the Michigan job opened up. Soon as it was rumored he shut down.

Wow, almost like this isn't a Trey Lance thread.
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Why sell Lance short?

We all have seen Joe, Brady, Rodgers, Mahomes develop on the bench and play well once they got their chance.

Kyle wanted Lance on the bench, then he mixed him in, then he decided he should get zero game snaps. Kyle is literally the only one who has any say about it. He is going to have to deal with the expectations of fans and the Yorks.

I'm being realistic with THIS situation...there's no point in bringing up other players that were in different positions then Lance since college. Your already comparing him to 4 of the best QBs of all-time lol based on the simple fact that they didn't play year 1....Already setting yourself up for failure and angry time in 2022.

You know the reason he hasn't "mixed" him in, Kyle said why. The Yorks are all in with Kyle's approach and playing the long game...he doesn't need to be a star in 2022 and end of the day like you said what they say is what matters.
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
Why sell Lance short?

We all have seen Joe, Brady, Rodgers, Mahomes develop on the bench and play well once they got their chance.

Kyle wanted Lance on the bench, then he mixed him in, then he decided he should get zero game snaps. Kyle is literally the only one who has any say about it. He is going to have to deal with the expectations of fans and the Yorks.

I'm being realistic with THIS situation...there's no point in bringing up other players that were in different positions then Lance since college. Your already comparing him to 4 of the best QBs of all-time lol based on the simple fact that they didn't play year 1....Already setting yourself up for failure and angry time in 2022.

You know the reason he hasn't "mixed" him in, Kyle said why. The Yorks are all in with Kyle's approach and playing the long game...he doesn't need to be a star in 2022 and end of the day like you said what they say is what matters.

How about comparing him to three of the most successful current QBs starting in the NFL? Or even to Jimmy G?

It worked with Rodgers, Mahomes and Brady. Why sell him short of a top 3 QB?

They are great examples of current players who developed on the bench and started strong.

I don't get why you would predict he is going to suck when he becomes a starter.
Originally posted by 49ers81:
Boy, I hardly know where to start, but I'll give it a go.

1. Jimmy starting fine, wanted him to take a pay cut. Talked about other options

It is your contention that you were okay with Jimmy starting week 1, but apparently, not week 2 or 3 or after the bye or after the first Cardinal's game or after the loss to Green Bay or when the moon was in the 7th house and Jupiter aligned with Mars. You have been beating that horse all year. Again, missing the point that Lance was NEVER going to start this year barring an injury to Jimmy or a complete an utter collapse by the team. The idea that he might start was entirely a media invention and was total BS. If you bought into that you were just fooling yourself. He was never going to beat Jimmy out in camp and Shanahan would have had a riot on his hands if he gave the team to an inexperienced rookie over a well liked vet who had recently taken the team to the Super Bowl unless the kid absolutely proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was a superior player and that simply wasn't going to happen under the circumstances that existed.

And as for wanting Jimmy to take a pay cut, just how did you envision that working out. Did you think he would come in and say, "Oh, gosh, you traded up to draft a rookie to take my place.You must be really unhappy with my play. Let me call my agent and we'll work out a deal to give you some your money back so you can sign some more players to help Lance out". Give me your address and I'll send you airfare for a ticket back to reality, And what were the other options I forget, trading him in spite of the fact that he had a no trade clause this year and very little incentive to move. "Oh, gosh, the team moved up to draft a rookie to take my place. I better ask for a trade so I can show what a quitter I am and how I am too insecure to believe that I can beat out a rookie QB with less than 318 pass attempts in his college career and hardly more than two seasons of playing time in a Division II school". Yeah, that would have had other teams lining up for his services I bet

Once again you don't read very well and try to argue about something else....not sure how I can make it any more clearer for you?

1. I said once we were set at drafting a QB, I was fine with Jimmy as the starter. I didn't want to trade him...there's receipts of that and go look at my mock off-season/drafts. I said I THOUGHT that after the bye DEPENDING on how Jimmy and the team were doing, that would be a good transition point for the QBs. Once we started losing and Jimmy was playing poorly, everyone had their instant reactions to the QB situation.

He was never given the opportunity to beat out Jimmy in camp. He never got snaps with the starters...he was playing with backups. Kyle said it wasn't a competition. Saying he would have a riot if he in fact played the better QB is stupid and shows your bias. Players just want the best players playing...if that's Jimmy W1 so be it.

I would envision a pay cut after the draft as simple as saying...we're either gonna cut you or rip up your contract. We will give you say $15M fully GTD to play this year (toss in incentives to get more cash back) BUT you will then be a FA in 2022. There wasn't a single team that was gonna pay Jimmy that kind of cash. NOT ONE. He would still get to play on a good team and rebuild his stock for FA in 2022. He would have been the starter all the same. That should be his plan from the business side. Make the team around him BETTER, so he in fact can look better and make MORE money in 2022. What the f**k to do you think he's gonna get in 2022? Sure as s**t isn't gonna be $20+ million. He doesn't have a trade clause in 2022 and SF can ship him to Siberia aka the Texans if they so choose now. It would have given him more control of his future.

But instead we're stuck with joe blow playing CB, Tom Compton at RT, a collection of no names rushing from the other side of Bosa, and a WR corp that legit has to give Travis Benjamin/Sherfield snaps. All because we thought our amazing QB would play at a level to mask that and take us to a SB lol.

Originally posted by 49ers81:

2. Best way for a rookie QB to develop is playing (getting all reps since TC). This has been my debate.

I may be missing something here but if a rookie QB is getting all of the reps from training camp on doesn't that in fact make him the starter? I believe that was an issue we tackled in point 1

This is where you totally miss the point of my debate...I'm talking in general, how you develop a QB. IMO the best way for him to improve is to play football. Not hold a clipboard for a year...if there's anything Lance needs it's legit reps. That has been my debate as far as developing goes. It's more a philosophy on that, not that he HAD to start and get all the reps...the way they went about it means he will in fact TAKE LONGER to develop, that's their approach and fans need to be prepared for a rookie QB in 2022, not a second year starter. I think it was a bad way to do it, but I accepted it. EVERYONE else should accept that it will be a slow process in part because of the route they've taken. Dats it.

Originally posted by 49ers81:

3. now we're 13 weeks into it, we probably could be 6-6 with Lance Like Crock said.

Possible, sure. Probable? That is a completely unknowable and unproveable supposition, no matter what side of the argument you are on. No one, I repeat no one, knows what kind of NFL QB Lance will be at this point in time. It is all just speculation and projection mixed in with a large dose of Magical Thinking. As long as the team is in the playoff hunt I doubt that Lance ever sees the field again this year unless they happen to be blowing someone out in the fourth quarter, or are themselves being blown out with no chance of coming back. He will just have to bide his time, learn as much as he can at practice, and work hard during the off season. He may not have a lot of practical experience but he also won't have had the crap beat out of him all year like Lawrence, Wilson and Fields. I think that probably has to count for something as far as not having his confidence too badly shaken. Now he can come into camp raring to go and ready to prove what he can do.

Regardless of what you thought the team's Super Bowl chances were this year I am pretty sure that everyone in the 49ers HQ believed they had a pretty good chance to get there and they were just never going start a rookie under those circumstances. As Woolick has pointed out, Kyle is staring down the barrel of four losing seasons out of five. I think he gets a pass on the first two years because the team was rebuilding which paid off with Super Bowl run in the third, and then the s**t storm of 2020. The problem he has this year is that the team had high expectations, valid or not, but looked kind of lost and out of synch for the first third of the season and I think that can justifiably be laid at Kyle's doorstep. It just looked like he never really had them ready to play,and that's the kind of thing that can get you fired if you're not careful.

So was thinking SF was gonna go to the SB with this roster and Jimmy in 2021...possible sure, any team can say that before the season starts. That was speculation just as much as what you're saying IMO. People thought we could "run it back" with basically the same roster from 2020, I disagreed. Where did they upgrade? Alex Mack and what else? They didn't even draft for help in 2021 overall. We got our first 4 picks basically missing their first yr in the league AND Kyle said that was the plan lol WTF?

Great he didn't take his lumps this year like other rookie QBs, doesn't mean that he just won't take his lumps all the same in 2022. That's MY POINT.

Once Kyle and ownership went all in on a QB, his development NEEDED to take more precedence then it has, seems like this is where we disagree. End of the day the ownership is the one who fires the HC, not the fans. IF Jed and Co. are all in agreement with Lance and taking it slow, well that's all that matters. Not what any of us say in a fan forum page.
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Dec 8, 2021 at 6:55 AM ]
Originally posted by Goatie:
Intelligent post. You have the same view as me re Lance. He has potential but he is far from a proven starter. Some here almost believe he is already to walk into the hall of fame.

I would be the happiest fan if he realised his potential and became the next Young etc. But he has to prove himself. So far he has not won a game yet. He has not finished a game or a quarter with better then a 52% pass completion rate.

If he starts next year he is not immune from making a bunch of rookie mistakes and drawing a ton of hate from the fanbase because he did not live up to expectations.

He needs time to develop and timing to insert him in to the main game so he is firing on all cylinders when he hits the ground. It is not the time for that right now.

Well no s**t he's not a proven starter...he hasn't had a chance to do that at any point really since he's been here. People complain about lack of reps THEN say we can't play him because of that lol. WELLLL guess what he's gonna have to play at some point to get reps. sorry people.

NOT ONE PERSON has said anything about him walking into the hall of fame. NOT ONE. We talk about upside and all the tangible/intangible traits but more often then not there's a process and it takes time.

Some people said based on the way we've won, Lance might be able to do a lot of those same things. Hand the ball off 40xs and make some easy completions. Maybe not, but neither side thing that is for sure is he is the future, not Jimmy.

Your comments lead zero room for a 21 year old because deep down you either don't want him to succeed, are mad because he was chosen to replace your beloved Jimmy, or simply have unrealistic expectations to start. It's crazy with the amount of leeway you've given Jimmy for years (a vet) you're unable to give it to a 21 year old rookie.

This is how I see you're thought process....

You don't want him to play because he's a rookie who lacks reps in college/NFL. He HAS TO PROVE to you that he can play BUT you don't want him to play. ONCE he does finally get to play (after sitting and not playing for multiple years and given minimal reps) He is then NOT immune from you to hate on him. According to you he has to play great football as soon as he steps on the field or in your eyes he didn't live up to've basically throw the odds of you being on board with Lance at next to've set some pretty unattainable standards because deep down you want him to fail. You're not giving him any sort of chance or breathing room to be a rookie QB.

Holy smokes a lot of content on this page. Gonna take me all day to read.

My official stance is this: I'd rather watch Trey suck than Jimmy. I'd rather watch (potentially) Trey ball out than Jimmy at his best. We have 5 games left (potentially more) from Jimmy and I think that's a weird feeling that's starting to sink in for most fans. It's almost over. Jimmy G era is almost over. We don't owe him anymore at this point. What if the offense explodes under Trey? Even if it doesn't, most fans will understand the move and be patient.

Most fans will not forgive Shanalynch for letting Jimmy finish the season for a potential 4th rounder, 3rd at best. We'd rather see our future out there. If we had 10 wins, sure keep playing Jimmy. But we do not. The 6-6 record really solidifies this for me.
[ Edited by Silky on Dec 8, 2021 at 6:46 AM ]
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
How about comparing him to three of the most successful current QBs starting in the NFL? Or even to Jimmy G?

It worked with Rodgers, Mahomes and Brady. Why sell him short of a top 3 QB?

They are great examples of current players who developed on the bench and started strong.

I don't get why you would predict he is going to suck when he becomes a starter.

Playing worked for Wilson/Watson/Herbert/Allen/Burrow/Dak/Murray etc.

Didn't work for Quinn and Locker. I wouldn't say it's worked for Love based on his last start.

I didn't say he was gonna suck...that's your problem. It's either great or suck, you never have any grey area in your comments. I said he's gonna be a raw rookie in 2021 who hasn't played football in years with minimal snaps in college. UNLIKE your other guys in Mahomes/Rogers/Brady/Joe. IMO he will have good plays great games and will have bad plays bad games in 2022 much like MOST rookie players. Sounds like you can't live with that even though it's more than likely how it will go.

Just because you sit a year doesn't mean you're gonna be great right out the gate, yet you seem to think that based off a couple extreme examples from like the past 40 years.
[ Edited by NYniner85 on Dec 8, 2021 at 6:51 AM ]
Originally posted by NYniner85:
Originally posted by TheWooLick:
How about comparing him to three of the most successful current QBs starting in the NFL? Or even to Jimmy G?

It worked with Rodgers, Mahomes and Brady. Why sell him short of a top 3 QB?

They are great examples of current players who developed on the bench and started strong.

I don't get why you would predict he is going to suck when he becomes a starter.

Playing worked for Wilson/Watson/Herbert/Allen/Burrow/Dak/Murray etc.

Didn't work for Quinn and Locker. I wouldn't say it's worked for Love based on his last start.

I didn't say he was gonna suck...that's your problem. It's either great or suck, you never have any grey area in your comments. I said he's gonna be a raw rookie in 2021 who hasn't played football in years with minimal snaps in college. UNLIKE your other guys in Mahomes/Rogers/Brady/Joe. IMO he will have good plays great games and will have bad plays bad games in 2022 much like MOST rookie players. Sounds like you can't live with that even though it's more than likely how it will go.

Just because you sit a year doesn't mean you're gonna be great right out the gate, yet you seem to think that based off a couple extreme examples from like the past 40 years.

No, I am not sure what is the best route for Lance because there are examples of guys developing on the bench and being successful in their first year as starters and others who start immediately and succeed and others who start slow and then become good down the road.

I just don't think we need to prepare ourselves for him to do poorly in 2022 because he didn't start most of the games this year.

I don't expect him to be great but functional and a guy who can offer the team a chance to win more games than they lose seems reasonable.

Edit: also, I can live with ehatever happens, it is just a game and I have lived through the past 20nyears of this team just fine.
[ Edited by TheWooLick on Dec 8, 2021 at 7:04 AM ]
Originally posted by Silky:
Holy smokes a lot of content on this page. Gonna take me all day to read.

My official stance is this: I'd rather watch Trey suck than Jimmy. I'd rather watch (potentially) Trey ball out than Jimmy at his best. We have 5 games left (potentially more) from Jimmy and I think that's a weird feeling that's starting to sink in for most fans. It's almost over. Jimmy G era is almost over. We don't owe him anymore at this point. What if the offense explodes under Trey? Even if it doesn't, most fans will understand the move and be patient.

Most fans will not forgive Shanalynch for letting Jimmy finish the season for a potential 4th rounder, 3rd at best. We'd rather see our future out there. If we had 10 wins, sure keep playing Jimmy. But we do not. The 6-6 record really solidifies this for me.

Honestly at this point, just play Jimmy the rest of the year. They made it through 13 weeks and that was clearly the game plan. Lance should have gotten all those reps in camp if they really wanted him ready for this yr. It's tough just getting tossed out there after spending 6 months of not getting those 1st team reps and spending most of the time being a scout QB.

Jimmy is good enough to win games when everything else is sense in changing it at this point. They made their bed there hopefully they can rebound this week.
Originally posted by evil:
Stopped reading at its not rocket science.

You are using Crockys opinion to push YOUR narrative. You have pushed this narrative all season, we get it you don't believe QBs can learn much by sitting despite QBs who have sat telling you how much it helped and despite some of the brightest coaching minds who had also believed in sitting a QB until they are deemed ready.

Sorry not sorry that I trust Kyle over some webzone narratives.

I'm using Crocky's experience playing scout team in the NFL. That is NOT an opinion it's a damn fact.
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