Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:Originally posted by CharlieSheen:Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:Originally posted by CharlieSheen:Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:Originally posted by CharlieSheen:Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:Originally posted by CharlieSheen:Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:Since I know it will have to be spelled out, because people don't want to accept what is in front of their eyes, YES, Deebo juked the defensive end. But because of Lance, those two linebackers were not able to get an angle on Deebo. Either one of them could have made that an eight yard gain if they weren't worried about Lance taking it up the middle. I look forward to the laughable denial about this.
It's because of Kyles scheme and two player pulling to that side that the LBs get sucked towards that hole. You can give Trey the credit, but I honestly don't see it
You don't see it because you don't want to. There is no one in the backfield but Trey and Deebo, and Deebo is on the opposite side of where the pull is coming from. I am, literally, laughing.
You don't know the game if you don't think two lineman pulling to a certain is hole is what got those Lbs to move toward that hole
You don't know the game if you don't think defenses don't pay attention to the offensive alignment presnap. Deebo is the strong side. The pull is to the strong side. Deebo's motion at the snap is to the weak side. The QB is the threat to follow the pull. It's not a surprise play. The linebackers knew the 49ers like to run QB power. The 49ers have taken a second running back and replaced it with Trey. If there was another back on the weak side, then that running back would be the other threat. There isn't one. That makes Trey the interior threat, which is who they are filling those holes to stop.
The point? This isn't a play you run with Jimmy because Jimmy is never going to keep it. It's extra action the defense has to account for that isn't there with Jimmy. It's there with Trey, and that is why the team gains more yards per carry when he is on the field.
Kyle has been getting LBs to take the wrong step for YEARS by pulling lineman. I'm sorry but I'm not going to start giving Trey the credit for that
And yet, 4.1 yards per carry without Trey and 5.3 yards per carry with Trey. What's your magical explanation for that? That isn't some tiny amount. As I already pointed out, that's the difference between the 2nd best run team and the 25th.
The only reasonable explanation is that I'm right: defenses have an extra thing they have to pay attention to with respect to the run game with Trey is on the field. The yards per carry show it. And the film shows it. That's the most reasonable answer. I suppose maybe you can say that because he can throw deep they're not putting as many in the box, but I highly doubt that, and don't feel like rewatching two years of games and taking note about coverage for a long shot explanation. The most likely one is clear: Trey affords the team to call additional run concepts because he can take it up the middle for four, five, six yards a pop.
I just showed you a 50 yard run that had nothing to do with Trey. He is a garbage runner compared to the real dual threats. In a 4 game sample the numbers can easily be skewed by those kinds of plays. I've seen the 9ers really dominate on the ground, and Trey has never been a part of it
You showed me a 50 yard run that showed linebackers respecting a run with Trey. There was no other back in the back field and Deebo was going the opposite direction of those pulling linemen. Trey was the threat they were following.
They read the lineman and move that way without Trey. We've seen it for years but you want to give Trey credit for it, I'm not going to go that far
And you do know NFL teams run counters, right? Lance was not the only threat to come through that hole.
First 2 plays on these highlights, a 6 yard run and 30 yard run that have nothing to do with Trey. Using numbers from a 4 game sample isn't going to get you accurate projections for what Trey brings to the run game. It looks to me like Deebo just dominated bad run defenses and you're giving Trey the credit
[ Edited by CharlieSheen on May 20, 2023 at 9:47 AM ]