Originally posted by SLCNiner:
Originally posted by SmokeyJoe:
Originally posted by SLCNiner:
Answering my question? LMFAO, that's rich. You jumped into a discussion I was having with someone else, dug up a post of mine from a year ago when I had a different opinion, then demanded evidence on why I changed said opinion. Grow up man.
This is a public message board where people freely jump into conversations. We had already had one back and forth before I cited your own words as a mirror image of my answer to your question.
You guys are absolutely ridiculous.
You are NOT free to demand evidence from anyone on why they change their opinion. I actually come here because there are so many posters who bring a ton of information that I wouldn't get elsewhere, and yes, sometimes when debating with those who know more it causes me to change my mind. The fact that you are so riled up over such a thought leaves no reason to discuss anything with you. You have no intention of ever changing your position, so you must be here simply for confrontational purposes. That makes you superfluous. Like a 3rd nipple.
SLC, agree or not with Smokey, he keeps it pretty even keel, and on football. The posts he shared on are Lance, which is the topic. You aren't even pretending to mention Lance anymore, it's just pure emotion, and nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you want to communicate with him directly I would say take it PM, but I don't wish that upon Smokey. I suggest, just ignore him and move on if you can't reply to him about football or Lance without getting into a diatribe. I mean you have multiple posts explaining to him at this point, that you are done talking to him, so be it, and move on, for the rest of our sakes please, so it can get back to football.