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Dallas Cowboys QB Trey Lance Thread

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Originally posted by Dshearn:
Originally posted by Hysterikal:
Originally posted by tankle104:

Wait he threw a pick virtually every pass as scout team QB? I guess a finger injury leads to making poor decisions with the ball. SMH

eventually the truth gets out......

Jimmy Gs reaction makes more sense
the teams body language at the start of last year makes more sense
the teams reaction to Jimmy G coming back on the field in game 2 makes more sense

running Trey like he ran in college makes more sense right now

the fact Lynch and Shanny appear relived that Trey is not their problem any more makes more sense right now

I have more respect for Papa not throwing Trey under the bus while he was on the 49ers.

I said it last year right before the season started, the team didn't seem excited about Trey. It was this weird combination of them really liking Trey and wanting him to succeed, but then they also see how he was as a Qb and knew he wasn't it. I got trashed for saying it but I thought the way they talked about him (mainly) and their body language said they knew it was going to be rough.

all of this has been right infront of our faces. If you looked at it objectively, you knew something was off.

i actually respect the team for being willing to admit they made a mistake and cut their losses, instead of digging a deeper hole to save face. It sucks, and I feel for Trey as a person, but it happens. It isn't like Trey is the first first round pick here to suck, he just had the additional trade up that was used against him, not his fault.

i wish I could say I hope he does well, but I can't since he is a cowboy. I hope he leaves there and does well with another team. Lol I hope he's awful while he's there. Lol just cause it's the cowboys.
So I hadn't seen the show for a few months but I started watching a clip from the Foxsports show "Undisputed" to see what they said about this trade since it was revamped except for Skip Bayless. Out of curiosity I wanted to hear his stupid takes him being a giant Cowboys homer. The show used to be him and Shannon Sharpe but now it's a 4-person panel with Bayless, Michael Irvin, R. Sherman and Keyshawn Johnson. Man that show got weird quick.
[ Edited by ninerjok on Aug 29, 2023 at 12:32 PM ]
  • Giedi
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Originally posted by Dshearn:
Originally posted by Hysterikal:
Originally posted by tankle104:

Wait he threw a pick virtually every pass as scout team QB? I guess a finger injury leads to making poor decisions with the ball. SMH

eventually the truth gets out......

Jimmy Gs reaction makes more sense
the teams body language at the start of last year makes more sense
the teams reaction to Jimmy G coming back on the field in game 2 makes more sense

running Trey like he ran in college makes more sense right now

the fact Lynch and Shanny appear relived that Trey is not their problem any more makes more sense right now

I have more respect for Papa not throwing Trey under the bus while he was on the 49ers.

yeah, if you lose your confidence - at any level - it's tough to get it back. It's even tougher in the NFL. That was my biggest concern for Trey is that he not lose his confidence. Looks like - as you said - the truth comes out, and if all that is true. (I still reserve the right to change my mind if G.Papa is wrong). Then yes - 49ers did the correct thing and let Trey go, and let Sam be QB2, and did everything over the off season to correct the Trey Lance draft mistake.
  • Giedi
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Originally posted by pasodoc9er:
Well, as strange as the trade looked from our end, take a gander as to how it looked at DAL end. At press conference, big Jer proudly announced that neither Dak nor McCarthy knew of the trade. Later Dak showed no emotion and said, welp, it is all just business. No way our owner pulls a stunt like that. As for the HC…BIG Jer, aka Jerra, showed him what he thot of him…nothing. Gotta love the cowboys…w/ big Jer there, they will never win another Lombardi. 81 yrs old and way past being put out to pasture

yeah, I think trey's gone to a very dysfunctional team, in my opinion. he should have just stayed with the 49ers. I thought he'd take about two years to develop fully into a good QB, but if what Greg Papa said about Lance's first camps - it make take much longer than that.
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by pasodoc9er:
Well, as strange as the trade looked from our end, take a gander as to how it looked at DAL end. At press conference, big Jer proudly announced that neither Dak nor McCarthy knew of the trade. Later Dak showed no emotion and said, welp, it is all just business. No way our owner pulls a stunt like that. As for the HC…BIG Jer, aka Jerra, showed him what he thot of him…nothing. Gotta love the cowboys…w/ big Jer there, they will never win another Lombardi. 81 yrs old and way past being put out to pasture

yeah, I think trey's gone to a very dysfunctional team, in my opinion. he should have just stayed with the 49ers. I thought he'd take about two years to develop fully into a good QB, but if what Greg Papa said about Lance's first camps - it make take much longer than that.

At this point we might be in the realm of wishing for vs expecting improvement.

You can't even run a scout team like that.... the scout team QB has to have some idea what he is doing. It is no wonder the 49ers did not sign up for another year of Trey the scout team QB. No wonder Sam got that job.

I wish Trey would have just stayed at QB 3, buckled down and took his shot here next year.

Dallas is not going to humor him, the fans sure as hell are not going to humor him. Trey never got booed here....he ends on the field there and does not could get ugly quick.

His leak and trade demand, plus going to the cowboys has him on a nationwide stage now. The days of learning in the shadows and having reporters sitting on your mistakes is likely over. Screw ups are going to be very visible, and you already have talking heads penciling you in to replacing Dak sooner rather then later.

Trey will get another shot, and he damn well should seize is going to be gone quickly, and LOUDLY. SF sports reporters are teddy bears compared to what is going to follow him in Dallas.
Originally posted by Phoenix49ers:
Originally posted by tjd808185:
Dak has had injury issues a few times over the past few years and really milks his payday. You bring Lance in and you got a backup who is capable of being their next qb should they feel the need to depart from Dak.

That remains to be seen

Got to beat out Cooper Rush, not sure that happens,
Originally posted by Dshearn:

His leak and trade demand, plus going to the cowboys has him on a nationwide stage now. The days of learning in the shadows and having reporters sitting on your mistakes is likely over. Screw ups are going to be very visible, and you already have talking heads penciling you in to replacing Dak sooner rather then later.

I think Trey f**ked up big time leaking the news and forcing the events to unfold

KS and JL were completely caught off guard that it got out.

I think that is the final straw that made them say f**k it...goodbye

It doesnt do his reputation any good around the league either
Originally posted by Tigerlaw:
Originally posted by Dshearn:

His leak and trade demand, plus going to the cowboys has him on a nationwide stage now. The days of learning in the shadows and having reporters sitting on your mistakes is likely over. Screw ups are going to be very visible, and you already have talking heads penciling you in to replacing Dak sooner rather then later.

I think Trey f**ked up big time leaking the news and forcing the events to unfold

KS and JL were completely caught off guard that it got out.

I think that is the final straw that made them say f**k it...goodbye

It doesnt do his reputation any good around the league either

I think Trey was dumb to want out this year. He's in the exact same situation as he was here, but with a team that doesn't owe him anything or really have a personal relationship with him.

i think Kyle and Lynch genuinely cared about him. He has to learn a new offense with no reps all season, on the fly. Then next year, he's still third string and he better hope they like what they see from him throughout the year, or they'll just let him go/trade him away.
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by Tigerlaw:
Originally posted by Dshearn:

His leak and trade demand, plus going to the cowboys has him on a nationwide stage now. The days of learning in the shadows and having reporters sitting on your mistakes is likely over. Screw ups are going to be very visible, and you already have talking heads penciling you in to replacing Dak sooner rather then later.

I think Trey f**ked up big time leaking the news and forcing the events to unfold

KS and JL were completely caught off guard that it got out.

I think that is the final straw that made them say f**k it...goodbye

It doesnt do his reputation any good around the league either

I think Trey was dumb to want out this year. He's in the exact same situation as he was here, but with a team that doesn't owe him anything or really have a personal relationship with him.

i think Kyle and Lynch genuinely cared about him. He has to learn a new offense with no reps all season, on the fly. Then next year, he's still third string and he better hope they like what they see from him throughout the year, or they'll just let him go/trade him away.

It boggles the mind, as long as trey could suck in the shadows....Shanny and Lynch would probably live with it, they still had a benefit from Lance turning a corner. They probably would not have picked up year 5, but they might have spent a little more then they think they should have to keep a year 5 or even a year 6 turn around year as a possibility.....not even for Trey's sake, but to salvage their own reputations. They had a vested interest in keeping that door open if they could do it from a financial stand point.

None of that exists on Dallas, the dude is on his own, and now has a huge ass spot light on him as "Dak's replacement", on a team that gets TONS of nationwide coverage. The talking heads will be talking...

Originally posted by 5_Golden_Rings:

You have moved the goal posts. At first you argued Shanahan traded Trey without Trey's consent, and now you are saying it was "in their mutual interest."

Now, that still doesn't change the fact that Kyle said he told Trey they wanted him here. As it regards to this:

"It had been reported for months that we could trade him."

John Lynch said they weren't trying to do so. "Could" was mere speculation. That decision wasn't made until last week, by Trey, according to Kyle.
Originally posted by SmokeyJoe:
All that simply because he 'asked for it' and some vague public comments after the fact from people who have no incentive to tell you otherwise and every reason to soften the blow for upset fans.
5GR: The comments weren't even remotely vague. You are still arguing that Kyle was lying about what he said to Trey, and that Trey has no problem with Kyle lying about that situation. And you still have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to base that on OTHER than your narrative, which you ASSUME to be true, and thus it is your evidence. You're like a young earth creationist here. It's circular reasoning.
Originally posted by SmokeyJoe:
If we wanted to keep him we would have, and we certainly wouldn't give a player we 'liked' to a rival with all these other conditions attached. Shockingly naive.

5GR: We would if we didn't think much of his chances of hurting us. He's got two years left. He's not going to be a Cowboy beyond that. They traded for him most likely to re-trade him for higher value later. Moreover, again, Kyle has stated the preference was to keep him as QB3, but that they offered him the choice. For QUARTERBACK THREE! That's the part you're not factoring in. Why would Kyle be afraid of QUARTERBACK THREE? That is a big reason why the choice was given to Trey in the first place. It hardly hurt the team to give him away, other than depth. They sacrificed depth for a 4th round pick. Given that a 4th round pick can get second string QBs, it's not a terrible sacrifice. But on the other hand, Trey has some physical talent, which is also why they would have kept him had he wanted to stick around (per what they said).

The evidence for your narrative IS your narrative, and a whole lot of speculation which requires everyone involved to be lying either direction or by omission (Trey), all because you think the 49ers should value a THIRD STRING QB so much that the possibility that they could be happy either with him here or with a draft pick, which allowed them to give the player some agency, seems impossible to you. As I said previously, they've done more for players in the past simply because of good will built up. There is absolutely ZERO reason for either their claims to be false OR for them to lie about. None. They told the truth because they have zero incentive to lie. It's not even an unreasonable situation. There's nothing unreasonable about a team deciding that the relationship with the THIRD STRING QB is worth enough to give him the choice of whether he wants to remain as QB3 or be traded for a third day pick.

I didn't move the goalposts guy. I said the 49ers wanted to trade him and at best Trey also wanted to be traded (mutual interest). I said that from the day the trade happened. The bottom line point is we wanted to trade him. Period. We do not 'like' him as a player anymore, and we do not want him on this roster at that price. We are ripping the band-aid off, regardless of whether Trey wanted it not.

Further you are continuing to ignore the evidence (you appear to not know what evidence actually is), which I pointed out to you in the last response, and hanging on public statements after the fact as the only support for your very misguided position. Every one of your arguments are based on public statements. Moreover, your logic for the reason they would do this fails with your reasoning in the 2nd bolded line. It's contradictory. We wanted to do right by Trey because he asked for it, and this isn't Madden and he's a human being and all the other nonsense you believe, so we traded him to a place where we also believe he's no threat and not likely to play for two more years. You heard Kyle's b******t quote 'he needs an opportunity to play'. If you believe this line and think the Niners traded him out of the goodness of their heart then the 2nd bolded line in your response makes no actual sense. What does make sense is we took the best offer we could get, saved the most money we could, and jettisoned a player no longer useful to us in any capacity.

The actual evidence is the moves we made (which you addressed poorly as the result of prepping for injuries), the reporting that he could be traded for months (not addressed) and the actual fact that he was traded for peanuts to a playoff* rival and we ate a s**t ton of money, which you never thought was a possibility before it happened. I've read your posts for months-really over a full year. Of course you believe the company line now (still).
[ Edited by SmokeyJoe on Aug 29, 2023 at 5:16 PM ]
Originally posted by boast:

What a 🤡. Glad he's off the team. Go be a QB3 for the Cowgirls lol
Originally posted by boast:

Please lord, let him start in Dallas this year week 5.
  • Giedi
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Originally posted by Dshearn:
Originally posted by Giedi:
Originally posted by pasodoc9er:
Well, as strange as the trade looked from our end, take a gander as to how it looked at DAL end. At press conference, big Jer proudly announced that neither Dak nor McCarthy knew of the trade. Later Dak showed no emotion and said, welp, it is all just business. No way our owner pulls a stunt like that. As for the HC…BIG Jer, aka Jerra, showed him what he thot of him…nothing. Gotta love the cowboys…w/ big Jer there, they will never win another Lombardi. 81 yrs old and way past being put out to pasture

yeah, I think trey's gone to a very dysfunctional team, in my opinion. he should have just stayed with the 49ers. I thought he'd take about two years to develop fully into a good QB, but if what Greg Papa said about Lance's first camps - it make take much longer than that.

At this point we might be in the realm of wishing for vs expecting improvement.

You can't even run a scout team like that.... the scout team QB has to have some idea what he is doing. It is no wonder the 49ers did not sign up for another year of Trey the scout team QB. No wonder Sam got that job.

I wish Trey would have just stayed at QB 3, buckled down and took his shot here next year.

Dallas is not going to humor him, the fans sure as hell are not going to humor him. Trey never got booed here....he ends on the field there and does not could get ugly quick.

His leak and trade demand, plus going to the cowboys has him on a nationwide stage now. The days of learning in the shadows and having reporters sitting on your mistakes is likely over. Screw ups are going to be very visible, and you already have talking heads penciling you in to replacing Dak sooner rather then later.

Trey will get another shot, and he damn well should seize is going to be gone quickly, and LOUDLY. SF sports reporters are teddy bears compared to what is going to follow him in Dallas.

Well first and foremost he has to stay healthy, to even take advantage of the situation he's in. Agree with you on your statement that he'll be even more scrutinized now. I don't think he particularly leaked the news, more like his agent started talking around the NFL to help trey figure his options, and the news got out from the GM's his agent talked to. Again, what you say may be true, but Trey isn't a bad dude, from what I've seen and heard. I don't know his agent so that's where I think the fault lies with regards to leaks and whatnot.

If Jerrah give him a decent shot, I think he's talented enough to develop and take advantage of it. Greg Papa, or no Greg Papa, I saw improvement in the years that Trey was here. I've seen that with my own eyes. He'll be a good QB if he is allowed the chance to be one. I'm still a big fan of his. I wish him well at Dallas or wherever team he winds up at in the future.
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