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Dallas Cowboys QB Trey Lance Thread

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Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Originally posted by dj43:
I've heard several NFL pundits state that Lance is just the latest case in support of a developmental league. Arena ball just isn't it.

It's a very correct take imo. He needs reps, and a place where he can just air it out all day.

I love NBA G-league, depending on the make up of my favorite team, sometimes even as much as the regular season.

What I would love even more about a g-league is getting the chance to see if odd-ball sizes and skill sets could work.

Having said that, College ball is the NFL G league. No one forced Trey or any other player out of college early. No one forced SF to take Trey high in the draft.

I don't know if taking on the liability for players health (this is a violent game) is worth it to the NFL to protect teams from making dumb selections in the draft.

Odds are even if there WAS a G-League, some one like Trey might not even be in that system. I don't think the 49ers would turn over the risk of injury for a dude they just spent that much draft capital on.

Out side of QBs, kickers and punters....There is a limit to how much wear and tear a player can deal with in a season. When NFL Europe existed, teams were VERY selective who they sent over, no one wants to run a promising prospect through 30+ games a year. That is not really sustainable.

they could probably get most of the benefits of a G league, with less wear and tear and less injury injury risk by just expanding the practice squad to 25 and adding quality control coaches to each team.
  • boast
  • Hella Fame
  • Posts: 152,526
whaa whaa whine whine just move on and stop talking about this kid, his is not a part of the team anymore which makes him irrelevant, unless you're a clueless fan.
Originally posted by TreyDeyEeyDey:
Originally posted by SteveWallacesHelmet:
Originally posted by Waterbear:
I never once said I know Trey will be better than Jimmy. Not once. Your inability or refusal to to acknowledge that is the problem here, not me.

The only thing I believed was that we needed better QB play to win it all. I liked Trey as a prospect, and I have no problem admitting I was wrong about that.

Somehow this offseason, a lot of the Jimmy stans tried to pretend all of the folks who believed in Trey hated Purdy, and yet, that was not the case at all. I never once said anything negative about Purdy, I was a believer very early. Of course, there's a several fans you got political in supporting Trey, but they were outnumbered by the fans who said our season was over when Jimmy got hurt, because he was considered the main reason for our success by many, not Kyle.

The difference between you and I is that I've acknowledged when I've been wrong. Many times in fact. Your inconsistency with what you consider "hate" is so blatantly hypocritical and yet you've never acknowledged it.

You once called me a Jimmy hater for posting a stat… if I used your standard of hate I could have called you one a hundred times. But I don't because I'm not 7 years old.

So don't come here acting like you're objective in any form or fashion.. your punching bag is gone and you're still spitting on the grave.

If you're truly never going to acknowledge your hypocrisy, please block me.

I stand by my statement that there are/were very few, if any, Trey Lance superfans in our fanbase. The debates all offseason were people who think Trey is garbage against people who say its too early to tell/unknown/etc. It wasnt like the Jimmy arguments where one side thinks he is a good/great QB vs. people who think he is average/below average. But the Jimmy fans want to make it sound like it was the exact same type of debate. Its just comical.

And the Jimmy fans have zero concept of what hating or being a hater is. An overwhelming majority of the time someone uses the term "hater," they have no logical argument. Its a signal that they lost the debate.

The melodrama by these dudes is insane. I'm as big of a Trey supporter as anyone(obviously) but I just think 4 games to judge a guy is just flat out stupid. I have no clue what Trey is just as I still need to see more from Brock. I don't recall people saying Trey is going to be a superstar. I simply think he has a lot of untapped potential and we seen that potential in game 2. He just needs to play.

And sorry but there are legit Jimmy haters and legit Trey haters. It's a form of slang not that people actually hate these guys. I'm a full fledge Darnold hater. I don't hate Sam as a human, but he's a garbage football player. People who constantly b***h and moan yet can never say anything positive are haters. I say own it. If you can't even enjoy or compliment a guy that won a lot of games and helped get to multiple NFCC's and a SB you are a hater.

This is absolute nonsense! Just look at all the draft day posts. One poster called him Elway with better tools, or Steve Young 2.0, that's only the tip of the iceberg, and don't get me started on 49ers twitter. Like I said go look at the early posts
[ Edited by RiceOwensStokes on Aug 30, 2023 at 4:09 PM ]
Originally posted by boast:

Literally across the street from my office. Lol
Originally posted by RiceOwensStokes:
Originally posted by TreyDeyEeyDey:
Originally posted by SteveWallacesHelmet:
Originally posted by Waterbear:
I never once said I know Trey will be better than Jimmy. Not once. Your inability or refusal to to acknowledge that is the problem here, not me.

The only thing I believed was that we needed better QB play to win it all. I liked Trey as a prospect, and I have no problem admitting I was wrong about that.

Somehow this offseason, a lot of the Jimmy stans tried to pretend all of the folks who believed in Trey hated Purdy, and yet, that was not the case at all. I never once said anything negative about Purdy, I was a believer very early. Of course, there's a several fans you got political in supporting Trey, but they were outnumbered by the fans who said our season was over when Jimmy got hurt, because he was considered the main reason for our success by many, not Kyle.

The difference between you and I is that I've acknowledged when I've been wrong. Many times in fact. Your inconsistency with what you consider "hate" is so blatantly hypocritical and yet you've never acknowledged it.

You once called me a Jimmy hater for posting a stat… if I used your standard of hate I could have called you one a hundred times. But I don't because I'm not 7 years old.

So don't come here acting like you're objective in any form or fashion.. your punching bag is gone and you're still spitting on the grave.

If you're truly never going to acknowledge your hypocrisy, please block me.

I stand by my statement that there are/were very few, if any, Trey Lance superfans in our fanbase. The debates all offseason were people who think Trey is garbage against people who say its too early to tell/unknown/etc. It wasnt like the Jimmy arguments where one side thinks he is a good/great QB vs. people who think he is average/below average. But the Jimmy fans want to make it sound like it was the exact same type of debate. Its just comical.

And the Jimmy fans have zero concept of what hating or being a hater is. An overwhelming majority of the time someone uses the term "hater," they have no logical argument. Its a signal that they lost the debate.

The melodrama by these dudes is insane. I'm as big of a Trey supporter as anyone(obviously) but I just think 4 games to judge a guy is just flat out stupid. I have no clue what Trey is just as I still need to see more from Brock. I don't recall people saying Trey is going to be a superstar. I simply think he has a lot of untapped potential and we seen that potential in game 2. He just needs to play.

And sorry but there are legit Jimmy haters and legit Trey haters. It's a form of slang not that people actually hate these guys. I'm a full fledge Darnold hater. I don't hate Sam as a human, but he's a garbage football player. People who constantly b***h and moan yet can never say anything positive are haters. I say own it. If you can't even enjoy or compliment a guy that won a lot of games and helped get to multiple NFCC's and a SB you are a hater.

This is absolute nonsense! Just look at all the draft day posts. One poster called him Elway with better tools, or Steve Young 2.0, and that's only the tip of the iceberg, and don't get me started on 49ers twitter. Like I said go look at the early posts

Overreacting on draft day is similar to gameday threads. A bunch of overreactions in the moment. If those are your only examples of posters calling Lance a superstar in the making, your argument/evidence sucks.

Also, no one cares about twitter.
[ Edited by SteveWallacesHelmet on Aug 30, 2023 at 11:18 AM ]
Originally posted by richterkbelmont:
lmao people still talking about this kid?
It's Purdy show now. Get a life and move on.

Close the NFL forum!!!
Originally posted by jimmy3233:
Just saw all the top QB prospects immediate post-draft interviews and feel even better about Lance (Wilson is really pathetic...that kid looks like hes 15).
Lance is going to be a superstar and run this league. Think about the coverage think of it x10 once Lance starts cooking. He is a marketer's dream and media always looking for the next biggest best thing (look for some favorable calls for once).

League is ours boys enjoy it!

post #1695

2 days after he was drafted, there's an abundance of these but I am way too lazy and don't have enough patentice to go through every last post from a 2 year old thread. If you really want to see more, then go see them for yourself

Or just admit a lot of you guys were wrong about Lance, be happy with Purdy, and hope he stays healthy . It's not that big of a deal.
[ Edited by RiceOwensStokes on Aug 30, 2023 at 11:41 AM ]
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by boast:

Literally across the street from my office. Lol

Wait until they find out they wasted a 4th round pick. What's the building right there? The Cowboys building? You could literally stare in on their practices. No privacy there.
  • Kolohe
  • Hall of Fame
  • Posts: 63,520
Originally posted by boast:

……and don't come back!!!
Originally posted by boast:

Odd the trash cans in Texas are silver and blue. They are green where I live
  • Furlow
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 23,371
Originally posted by richterkbelmont:
whaa whaa whine whine just move on and stop talking about this kid, his is not a part of the team anymore which makes him irrelevant, unless you're a clueless fan.

You don't have to come in here.
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by boast:

Literally across the street from my office. Lol

Wait until they find out they wasted a 4th round pick. What's the building right there? The Cowboys building? You could literally stare in on their practices. No privacy there.

So the building directly behind it with all the windows is cowboys head quarters. All the offices and stuff are in there. The practice facility is in the back. Directly next to it is a large retail/restaurant center with a field outside and a big screen. It's actually a really cool place with some good food.

you can kind of see off to the left where the "cowboy club" is to the left side of the picture. Adjacent to the hq building. Cowboy club is on top and a nice bar wkth good food. You have to have a membership, it's expensive. My CEO has it and he takes me with him all the time.

you'll see players and coaches in there all the time and you can look down and watch practice and games will be on tv. Super beautiful womEn work in there. Lol

i was in there and walking to the restroom once and Tyron smith was next to me. Hahaha massive dude

incase anyone is curious what I'm talking about. Frisco is a nice city, the FCS championship is there every year, so it's where Trey won his chip. It's crazy, NDSU fans take over the city every year. Lll can't even get into a bar without a long wait.

5 cowboys way, unit 200, Frisco, TX - cowboy club. You can see where it is and how you can watch practice while drinking and eating, if you have an expensive membership. Jerry is up there all the time. McCarthy, players, old players. It's neat
[ Edited by tankle104 on Aug 30, 2023 at 12:47 PM ]
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by SanDiego49er:
Originally posted by tankle104:
Originally posted by boast:

Literally across the street from my office. Lol

Wait until they find out they wasted a 4th round pick. What's the building right there? The Cowboys building? You could literally stare in on their practices. No privacy there.

So the building directly behind it with all the windows is cowboys head quarters. All the offices and stuff are in there. The practice facility is in the back. Directly next to it is a large retail/restaurant center with a field outside and a big screen. It's actually a really cool place with some good food.

you can kind of see off to the left where the "cowboy club" is to the left side of the picture. Adjacent to the hq building. Cowboy club is on top and a nice bar wkth good food. You have to have a membership, it's expensive. My CEO has it and he takes me with him all the time.

you'll see players and coaches in there all the time and you can look down and watch practice and games will be on tv. Super beautiful womEn work in there. Lol

i was in there and walking to the restroom once and Tyron smith was next to me. Hahaha massive dude

incase anyone is curious what I'm talking about. Frisco is a nice city, the FCS championship is there every year, so it's where Trey won his chip. It's crazy, NDSU fans take over the city every year. Lll can't even get into a bar without a long wait.

5 cowboys way, unit 200, Frisco, TX - cowboy club. You can see where it is and how you can watch practice while drinking and eating, if you have an expensive membership. Jerry is up there all the time. McCarthy, players, old players. It's neat

That explains it all. Thanks. That's a pretty big headquarters. But I guess a lot of offices in there and team meeting rooms. I've been to Frisco and Dallas. Yeah lots of beautiful women there in Dallas and TX generally. Well above US average IMO. Sounds like a fun place. Cool that you get to go.
Originally posted by Dshearn:
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Originally posted by dj43:
I've heard several NFL pundits state that Lance is just the latest case in support of a developmental league. Arena ball just isn't it.

It's a very correct take imo. He needs reps, and a place where he can just air it out all day.

I love NBA G-league, depending on the make up of my favorite team, sometimes even as much as the regular season.

What I would love even more about a g-league is getting the chance to see if odd-ball sizes and skill sets could work.

Having said that, College ball is the NFL G league. No one forced Trey or any other player out of college early. No one forced SF to take Trey high in the draft.

I don't know if taking on the liability for players health (this is a violent game) is worth it to the NFL to protect teams from making dumb selections in the draft.

Odds are even if there WAS a G-League, some one like Trey might not even be in that system. I don't think the 49ers would turn over the risk of injury for a dude they just spent that much draft capital on.

Out side of QBs, kickers and punters....There is a limit to how much wear and tear a player can deal with in a season. When NFL Europe existed, teams were VERY selective who they sent over, no one wants to run a promising prospect through 30+ games a year. That is not really sustainable.

they could probably get most of the benefits of a G league, with less wear and tear and less injury injury risk by just expanding the practice squad to 25 and adding quality control coaches to each team.

Basketball has competition from other leagues worldwide. NFL doesn't really have much of a legitimate competition. I don't think the NFL really cares about a development league. It would be nothing but a money-sucking project.
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