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Dallas Cowboys QB Trey Lance Thread

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  • Giedi
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Originally posted by ComeOnDeberg:
I don't buy it one minute that Trey Lance was the guy all along. John Beck was asked with Lance much much later after the trade. I still think that Shanahan wanted Jones and Lance became somone others wanted. Lynch lied when they said they never made an offer to GB, meaning they weren't sold on the QBs. Aaron Rodgers even said that GB should have taken the offer. This FO was arguing about who to pick until the last minute and lying through their teeth.

I don't know. Kyle started playing with mobile QBs last year (Brock Rutter) and Josh Johnson this year. The rules for CTE will continue to evolve and I don't think they are going back to the slobberknocker years. Its all about moving the offense to the next level, and I think being beat by Pat Mahomes probably was a big factor in that.

As for Mac Jones, i can see Trey be developed by Kyle into a Mac Jones in terms of passing, because Kyle likes guys who can be pocket QBs first. Now Trey adds that other dimension we haven't had since Steve Young. I'm betting there's tons of new offensive concepts he's going to come up with to advance the passing game with Trey. I can't wait to see what Kyle comes up with.

As for Mac Jones, he's going to be a good QB, its nice that he's in the AFC.
We essentially got a 5 star recruit who doesn't have many bad habits and years of reps doing things the wrong way for Kyle to mold into an all star. This is a pick that will change our franchise. He's not a one trick pony like Kap was. This dude can read defenses, throw long, run people over. This is gonna be amazing
Originally posted by Afrikan:
It was meant to be.

Holy s**t, the Pats are gonna be gooooood!
Originally posted by BMoore56:
Thank god it wasnt mac

Amen to that!
Deon says he told them to pick Lance on the stupid NFL network's zoom reaction to the draft picks with all their dumb pretentious celebrities. That's the biggest crock of s**t ever absolutely nobody knew anything I don't care who the f**k they are. He's such an arrogant prick, f**k him.
What jersey number is he getting? I need a new jersey to torture these hawks fans with lol
Originally posted by maxsmart:
Originally posted by Afrikan:
It was meant to be.

Holy s**t, the Pats are gonna be gooooood!

That giggling fatty has already peaked.
Originally posted by ninerjok:
CBS drafttracker has their instant grades and gave the Niners a C- by far the lowest grade out of anybody. First of all they can't even know that and second of all they're probably just pissed they had no f**king idea what we were doing. That's probably Pete Prisco a total douche, motherf**king Niner hater.

It was a hell of a big gamble.
Lance looked like s**t in the only games he's played in the last year.
And he only has ~300 pass attempts in college.
The 49ers ultimately opted for Trey Lance over Mac Jones. What do you think of the pick and the fit in Kyle Shanahan's offense? Do you see him starting right away?
Graham: I always liked Lance over Jones in this situation because of Lance's ceiling, but I fell for the pre-draft okey-doke and bought into the Jones-to-SF buzz. Jones is more NFL-ready and could've started this year for San Francisco, but with Jimmy Garoppolo on the roster, Lance has room to wait and grow. Lance threw only 318 Division I-AA passes. The expectation is that he'll need extra care in adjusting to the NFL's intricacies and power, and Garoppolo provides that space.

Pompei: Lance is a different quarterback from many of the ones Kyle Shanahan has worked with. But Shanahan has worked well with different styles of quarterbacks. Lance makes sense for the 49ers because he needs time to develop, and Jimmy Garoppolo gives the 49ers the leeway to develop him. I would expect Lance will sit for one season, unless circumstances demand that he plays.

Sando: The choice was refreshing after all the speculation that Jones would be the choice. The fit should be a good one because the system is easy on quarterbacks with so much play action and with such a good play caller there. There wouldn't seem to be any reason for Lance to struggle with the system. With New England selecting Jones, the chances for Jimmy Garoppolo sticking around in San Francisco seem higher, which would give San Francisco a chance to bring along Lance at a slower pace if the team feels that is the way to go.
Originally posted by maxsmart:
Originally posted by ninerjok:
CBS drafttracker has their instant grades and gave the Niners a C- by far the lowest grade out of anybody. First of all they can't even know that and second of all they're probably just pissed they had no f**king idea what we were doing. That's probably Pete Prisco a total douche, motherf**king Niner hater.

It was a hell of a big gamble.
Lance looked like s**t in the only games he's played in the last year.
And he only has ~300 pass attempts in college.

I guess you'll have to find a new bandwagon. Good luck!
  • pd24
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Originally posted by maxsmart:
Originally posted by Afrikan:
It was meant to be.

Holy s**t, the Pats are gonna be gooooood!

Why? Cause they got Mac Jones? Lmao
Originally posted by maxsmart:
Originally posted by SanFranFanfrmVa:
Bill B playing chess while the rest play checkers. Kept his full deck and still got his QB.

Speaking of chess, Kyle is not a good poker player.
He likely could have paid a lot less and picked up Lance at pick 6-12 and Mac at pick 12.
But if he truly loves Lance it was worth the price

Originally posted by StOnEy333:
Originally posted by ComeOnDeberg:
I don't buy it one minute that Trey Lance was the guy all along. John Beck was asked with Lance much much later after the trade. I still think that Shanahan wanted Jones and Lance became somone others wanted. Lynch lied when they said they never made an offer to GB, meaning they weren't sold on the QBs. Aaron Rodgers even said that GB should have taken the offer. This FO was arguing about who to pick until the last minute and lying through their teeth.

I think you believe everything you hear in the media too much. lol

They did admit that they contacted GB about Rodgers. Though if you have the opportunity to acquire a league MVP and a future HOFer, you definitely look into it.
Originally posted by hondakillerzx:
What jersey number is he getting? I need a new jersey to torture these hawks fans with lol

Number 5 . Pinion(now with bucs) had it 2 years ago.. dont think no 1 on the active roster wore it last year.

p.s. pinon got a ring last year wtf
Originally posted by bigdawg49:
isnt this a great day where all the so called "insiders" were all proven wrong. This proves that they don't know s**t and should never be trusted especially that pothead michael silver and his boyfriend kawakami. maiocco can kick rocks as well. all of them got exposed big time

Is this really necessary? You're on thin ice dude.
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