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Dallas Cowboys QB Trey Lance Thread

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Originally posted by random49er:
Originally posted by NCommand:
2.7s is plenty of time in Kyle's 2.5s offense.

PFF's job as a business is to constantly serve up red meat. Too bad some can't understand this..... Or are just desperate and will literally post anything and everything if it seems like it supports their staff.

But until the regular season where our game plan is to actually try and win, these #s mean zilch. Even during the season they don't mean much until drop back time is able to accumulate for a legit comparison (200 drop backs or so?). But one preseason game? Lol...Seriously...

Yeah, the average time a QB gets in seconds is super subjective and meaningless.
Originally posted by 49ers808:
Originally posted by NCommand:
2.7s is plenty of time in Kyle's 2.5s offense.

That 2.5s Kyle offense will change once Trey takes over fasho

It absolutely should too!
Originally posted by a49erfan77:
Originally posted by random49er:
The unfortunate truth is our starter will miss open guys and absorb sacks as well.

Not a blitz in both cases but guys were open in both cases,....and this is without marching orders to stay put in the pocket.

They both are certainly not perfect, but then again I don't know what QB is.

Yikes, these are horrible examples.

Play #1: You're not looking for a hot route on a 4 man rush. He needs more than two seconds to throw the ball. If you don't even have time to see that the 1st read isn't open and move to the second, there isn't much you can do.

Play #2: He found the open guy and the pass was batted at the line. Not sure how that is on him.

There's nothing "random" about his disdain for Garoppolo. Very biased.
Originally posted by a49erfan77:
Yikes, these are horrible examples.

Play #1: You're not looking for a hot route on a 4 man rush. He needs more than two seconds to throw the ball. If you don't even have time to see that the 1st read isn't open and move to the second, there isn't much you can do.

Play #2: He found the open guy and the pass was batted at the line. Not sure how that is on him.

#1: Guess you skipped over the part where I said both were not blitzes...and decided to tell me that anyway? Okay. It was a bad rep... The guy was left completely open. No apologies there.

2) Throwing where there's no passing lane is when the receiver is hot on the right for what looks to be an easy 1st? Bad play. If you disagree, then I guess that's where we will leave it.
Originally posted by BamaNiner:
doesn't appear to be able to manipulate the pocket well, one of my biggest worries. Inside the pocket mobility is way more important than the ability to pull it down and run. Manning, Brady, Brees, all those guys could climb the pocket and feel pressure coming before it happened, and even read Pre snap blitzes and what not. Hopefully it comes but he has a ways to go before looking comfortable in the pocket.

You can't 'manipulate the pocket' when it is completely broken by pressure up the middle. There is no pocket at that point.
Originally posted by random49er:
Originally posted by a49erfan77:
Yikes, these are horrible examples.

Play #1: You're not looking for a hot route on a 4 man rush. He needs more than two seconds to throw the ball. If you don't even have time to see that the 1st read isn't open and move to the second, there isn't much you can do.

Play #2: He found the open guy and the pass was batted at the line. Not sure how that is on him.

#1: Guess you skipped over the part where I said both were not blitzes...and decided to tell me that anyway? Okay. It was a bad rep... The guy was left completely open. No apologies there.

2) Throwing where there's no passing lane is when the receiver is hot on the right for what looks to be an easy 1st? Bad play. If you disagree, then I guess that's where we will leave it.

There are plenty of examples of Jimmy failing to find guys that were open. I just disagree with these two choices. haha
Originally posted by random49er:
Originally posted by a49erfan77:
Yikes, these are horrible examples.

Play #1: You're not looking for a hot route on a 4 man rush. He needs more than two seconds to throw the ball. If you don't even have time to see that the 1st read isn't open and move to the second, there isn't much you can do.

Play #2: He found the open guy and the pass was batted at the line. Not sure how that is on him.

#1: Guess you skipped over the part where I said both were not blitzes...and decided to tell me that anyway? Okay. It was a bad rep... The guy was left completely open. No apologies there.

2) Throwing where there's no passing lane is when the receiver is hot on the right for what looks to be an easy 1st? Bad play. If you disagree, then I guess that's where we will leave it.

Why are you posting clips from years ago in the Trey thread?

Everything seems to come back to either bashing Jimmy or stroking Stafford for you in this thread.
My 30,000 foot summary after re-watching: He started off hot in spite of the quick pressures, then leveled off, then forced some throws towards the end of his reps.
He looked like a 21 y/o rookie with massive upside.
People really expecting a 21 year old rookie to have the pocket presence of Brady/Manning/Brees now?
That must've been a record. 3 days at least since Woo mentioned Stafford.

Originally posted by 49erBigMac:
Originally posted by grapesofrathman:
Originally posted by NCommand:
Originally posted by Kolohe:
It's literally 50/50 you could argue either way which type of QB is injured more than the other. But if you wanna talk what type of QB has more Super Bowl rings, most definitely the pocket passer!!!

That too will change over the next 20 years too.

God, can you imagine what football will be like in 20 years? LOL

To paraphrase Greg Cosell on one specific thing I've heard him say over the radio on KNBR: "structured football is and will continue to be forefront to a team's success"

By structure, we're talking game planning, scheme, and playcalling, and not so much random elements that don't involve the aformentioned. That's why I kinda don't get it when people talk about how Kyle is a master at "scheming" receivers open and whatnot. The job of an offense is to stay a step ahead of the defense (and vice-versa). I don't think the objective here is to overrely on "athletes being athletes". This does not at all mean the entire immobile pocket QBs vs mobile QBs debate, but instead something more in the vein of a QB "understanding" what a defense is doing/trying to do before the snap, and confirming it post-snap OR understanding what actually is happening post-snap vs what they showed pre-snap, as opposed to maybe not necessarily grasping what the defense did after the snap and then trying to make up for it via scrambling, or maybe having way too much faith in your arm strength and accuracy and trying to fit in throws that you may swear are actually there.

Although I agree with what you've said, you're still failing to grasp what many others are.

The goal is to find players who excel BOTH within structure and outside of it if the play breaks down, you already said sometimes the D defense is one step ahead.

Jimmy is very good within structure, and very average outside of it (most of his interceptions happen when he ad-libs)

As it stands Trey hasn't proven to be great at either, but the signs show that when he develops he'll be great at both.

I want that development to start as soon as possible.

I don't know, JG looked pretty good playing playground ball back in 2017.
  • cciowa
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Originally posted by a49erfan77:
Originally posted by BamaNiner:
doesn't appear to be able to manipulate the pocket well, one of my biggest worries. Inside the pocket mobility is way more important than the ability to pull it down and run. Manning, Brady, Brees, all those guys could climb the pocket and feel pressure coming before it happened, and even read Pre snap blitzes and what not. Hopefully it comes but he has a ways to go before looking comfortable in the pocket.

You can't 'manipulate the pocket' when it is completely broken by pressure up the middle. There is no pocket at that point.

the team best hope that trent williams is not seriously hurt or there will be no pocket at all for any quarterback we run out there and a 11 win team becomes a 6 win team in my opinion
Originally posted by Joecool:
I don't know, JG looked pretty good playing playground ball back in 2017.

Was it out of structure? Or was it just Kyle playing to his strengths?
Originally posted by 49erBigMac:
Originally posted by Joecool:
I don't know, JG looked pretty good playing playground ball back in 2017.

Was it out of structure? Or was it just Kyle playing to his strengths?

The plays we remembered, a good chunk was off schedule.
LOL. True.

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