Originally posted by bsyde82:
I'm not trying to start a debate with anyone about covid or the vaccine, and I'm sure many on here will call me a moron or whatever, but surely there must be others on here that don't simply go along with the whole covid response atm? That is, you have valid reasons for not wanting to take the vaccine. Are people aware of the growing reports on VAERS? Yes, I know it's a minimal risk, but if the worst case scenario is death, however how tiny that risk is, why would you want to take a vaccine against a virus that has no chance of harming you (a healthy athlete in their prime)? If people need reminding, the vaccines are only approved under emergency authorization, and never in history have so many people been subjected to what is an experiment (mRNA) vaccine. These are just facts. I assume there are many many others like Deandre who are figuring out what to do.
Higher risk of dying from Covid or life long lung/heart issues than dying from the vaccine. And the data is not even close.
Also, you might want to do some research on the athletes in their prime comment. Most notably NBA player Jason Tatum, who's one of the best players in the league. After he got covid, he was out for weeks and had to come back and play the season on an inhaler. So it effects athletes in their prime as well.
[ Edited by TheGore49er on Jul 23, 2021 at 6:15 AM ]