Originally posted by Pillbusta:
This stuff was sensationalized and orchestrated by those that wanted to put Watson in his place for demanding outta Houston. It was obvious to me at the outset as they classically trotted out a parade of women all at once
Its getting kinda lame at this point. Common sense tells me that rich male athletes ain't gotta harass no woman for some booty. I have cousins that went pro and I'm talking about perfect tens were throwing their panties at them trying to do whatever to get chose
Also you are right, these guys have women throwing themselves at them so it probably gets to the point where they think they can have any woman they want. This is probably what happened to Deshaun. He maybe a sex addict and was setting these "massage" sessions up with these instagram hoes and some of them may never have intended to have sex with him. He very well may have never forced himself on them and just left after the session was over and they declined his advance.
im glad he wasn't indicted if this was the case but the dude might be sex addict and has a problem much like Tiger Woods did.