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NFL Breaking News Thread-2024 Edition

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Originally posted by boast:
the way that team treated Bobby Wagner might make Watson think twice about waiving his NTC for the Seahawks

If he's saying he heard it on the news before some one in that organization gave him a notice... Sherman, Thomas, Wilson, and now Wagner all leaving on poor terms shows the Seahawks have been slowly bleeding out since that super bowl loss
Originally posted by pillageDatazz:
Originally posted by ninersrule4:
Did any of them even say they were raped? Or is the dude just a f**kin weirdo and jacked it in front of them?

He had a midget kiss it while they were both standing

This stuff was sensationalized and orchestrated by those that wanted to put Watson in his place for demanding outta Houston. It was obvious to me at the outset as they classically trotted out a parade of women all at once

Its getting kinda lame at this point. Common sense tells me that rich male athletes ain't gotta harass no woman for some booty. I have cousins that went pro and I'm talking about perfect tens were throwing their panties at them trying to do whatever to get chose
Originally posted by Pillbusta:
This stuff was sensationalized and orchestrated by those that wanted to put Watson in his place for demanding outta Houston. It was obvious to me at the outset as they classically trotted out a parade of women all at once

Its getting kinda lame at this point. Common sense tells me that rich male athletes ain't gotta harass no woman for some booty. I have cousins that went pro and I'm talking about perfect tens were throwing their panties at them trying to do whatever to get chose

You still have to look into these cases. Darren Sharper was a serial rapist and he was on tv, rich and somewhat famous.
Originally posted by Pillbusta:
This stuff was sensationalized and orchestrated by those that wanted to put Watson in his place for demanding outta Houston. It was obvious to me at the outset as they classically trotted out a parade of women all at once

Its getting kinda lame at this point. Common sense tells me that rich male athletes ain't gotta harass no woman for some booty. I have cousins that went pro and I'm talking about perfect tens were throwing their panties at them trying to do whatever to get chose

Also you are right, these guys have women throwing themselves at them so it probably gets to the point where they think they can have any woman they want. This is probably what happened to Deshaun. He maybe a sex addict and was setting these "massage" sessions up with these instagram hoes and some of them may never have intended to have sex with him. He very well may have never forced himself on them and just left after the session was over and they declined his advance.

im glad he wasn't indicted if this was the case but the dude might be sex addict and has a problem much like Tiger Woods did.
Get a 2nd from Pitt and let's move on please...
Originally posted by Pillbusta:
It's the same MO when they want to take down a brother like Cosby. They trot out all these women at the same time to give the illusion of a serial offender then at the end of the day there's no concrete evidence to convict. I'm about tired of it myself. I knew from the jump it was a setup with Watson just like with Cosby

Cosby got off cause of a loop hole in our judicial system not because he didn't rape woman.
Anyone defending Watson
I wouldn't want Watson on my team. His past actions have shown him to be unreliable and a risk for being suspended in the future. I suspect that the league will give him some type of suspension like 8 games or 4 games. He'll appeal and get it cut in half. As always. money is way more important to the league than any moral issues.
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I wouldn't want Watson on my team. His past actions have shown him to be unreliable and a risk for being suspended in the future. I suspect that the league will give him some type of suspension like 8 games or 4 games. He'll appeal and get it cut in half. As always. money is way more important to the league than any moral issues.

He can literally have scores of women in Las Vegas or at any time. It seems the money and fame creates this insatiable appetite. They've been told yes so many times they don't know how to handle no
Originally posted by Pillbusta:
Originally posted by pillageDatazz:
Originally posted by ninersrule4:
Did any of them even say they were raped? Or is the dude just a f**kin weirdo and jacked it in front of them?

He had a midget kiss it while they were both standing

This stuff was sensationalized and orchestrated by those that wanted to put Watson in his place for demanding outta Houston. It was obvious to me at the outset as they classically trotted out a parade of women all at once

Its getting kinda lame at this point. Common sense tells me that rich male athletes ain't gotta harass no woman for some booty. I have cousins that went pro and I'm talking about perfect tens were throwing their panties at them trying to do whatever to get chose

Can I hang with you and your cousins. I don't need the 10's. I'll take the 6's and 7's he don't want. After a few drinks I'll take the 4's and 5's too.
Originally posted by Jubwub88:
Originally posted by CatchMaster80:
I wouldn't want Watson on my team. His past actions have shown him to be unreliable and a risk for being suspended in the future. I suspect that the league will give him some type of suspension like 8 games or 4 games. He'll appeal and get it cut in half. As always. money is way more important to the league than any moral issues.

He can literally have scores of women in Las Vegas or at any time. It seems the money and fame creates this insatiable appetite. They've been told yes so many times they don't know how to handle no

Jimmy G knows how to do it right. And how can we say Watson is a sex addict. What if he was doing this once a month and it simply added up.
Originally posted by TheXFactor:
Get a 2nd from Pitt and let's move on please...


AND if at all possible (package deal or something), throw in Minkah. Please!

Something big about to go down?
Originally posted by Bloodless:

Something big about to go down?

  • boast
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