Originally posted by DaleGribble:
Originally posted by Waterbear:Im no Peyton fan far from it but why does he get dinged for Brees who was nowhere near a franchise QB at the time he was acquired and yet with Shanahan it s wait till he gets a franchise QB talk about hypocrisy
Originally posted by redgoldbleeder:
Peyton would be a dream, but Kyle has at least 2 years left.
Does Drew Brees come with him?
Huh? What's hypocritical? Do you think Peyton would have the same success with Jimmy that he had with Brees?
Brees had multiple solid seasons with SD before he went to New Orleans where he had about a 99 QB rating. I think Peyton is a good coach but he doesn't deserves all the credit for Brees' career. That's just silly.