Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Originally posted by SteveWallacesHelmet:
No it isnt. That is a misinterpretation of what its saying. It is saying the receiver either needs to make a football move OR he needs to have the ball long enough to make a football move.
Tom Tolbert made a comment on KNBR that if a player catches the ball and stands still like a statue for 2 seconds and the ball is then stripped, he technically didnt make a football move. While he was joking around, the "or he maintains control of the ball long enough to do so" is the rule's way of countering Tolbert's silly idea.
Making a football move has absolutely nothing to do with time. A football move (actually two) was made during this play, regardless if the football move happened in a split second or in 5 seconds.
Football moves take time. We can agree to disagree here. Any move takes time. He had the ball for a fractional second. Not one second came off the gameclock.
Agree to disagree on something you are misinterpreting. LOL ok.
The rule is about making a football move. According to how football moves are explained, the receiver made TWO of them on this play. You are missing the OR in the rule. Its football move OR the time needed to make one. The second part of this rule (the time to make one), has absolutely no bearing on this play because he already completed the first part of the rule.
Are you really not getting this? I promise you a fast WR takes exponentially less time to make a football move than say an offensive lineman. Time has never ever been a part of what a football move is.