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Originally posted by StOnEy333:
I never doubted Frank. I text my brother right before the game that he was gonna bust out.
Originally posted by HessianDud:"A lot of guys struggle with retention of what you're coaching," Rathman said. "It takes them a period of time to learn it, maybe six months, maybe two months, maybe a month, maybe a week. Frank, you can tell him something one time, and it doesn't come up till Week 11, and it had not been addressed or emphasized from Week 1 to 11, and he'll know exactly what it is."
"He was trying to show we were going to outwork everybody that was there," he said. "Frank was like, 'Don't you bend over and grab your knees; don't you quit. We're going to show them what's the difference between a 49er and the rest of the league.' "
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/10/15/SPJ11LI715.DTL#ixzz1axNtHnhm
great article at the Chron by Gwen Knapp. Also has some really interesting stuff about Denise York being close to Frank. Get this man into the playoffs!
Originally posted by HessianDud:Also has some really interesting stuff about Denise York being close to Frank.
Originally posted by English:
Originally posted by HessianDud:
"A lot of guys struggle with retention of what you're coaching," Rathman said. "It takes them a period of time to learn it, maybe six months, maybe two months, maybe a month, maybe a week. Frank, you can tell him something one time, and it doesn't come up till Week 11, and it had not been addressed or emphasized from Week 1 to 11, and he'll know exactly what it is."
"He was trying to show we were going to outwork everybody that was there," he said. "Frank was like, 'Don't you bend over and grab your knees; don't you quit. We're going to show them what's the difference between a 49er and the rest of the league.' "
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/10/15/SPJ11LI715.DTL#ixzz1axNtHnhm
great article at the Chron by Gwen Knapp. Also has some really interesting stuff about Denise York being close to Frank. Get this man into the playoffs!
Now that is a nice article. One for every critic of the Yorks to read.
Originally posted by YungAce:Originally posted by HessianDud:Also has some really interesting stuff about Denise York being close to Frank.
Originally posted by VDSF:
Frank Gore relates to long suffering fans
Now that 49ers running back Frank Gore is contributing to a winning team, he's acting like a different person. In his previous six seasons in San Francisco, Gore rarely cracked a smile. Often, he seemed down right morose. No longer, Gore smiles, he jokes, he laughs.
Gore also feels a kinship with the long-suffering. He mentions his relationship with quarterback Alex Smith and guard Adam Snyder, two players that were part of his 2005 draft class and how great they all feel now with the 49ers at 6-1.
Gore also shares a sense of revival with another group – the fans. "The fans, they are happy and I'm happy for them," Gore said Monday. "There's been some rough years and they've always been there and now we're doing something really great for them."
Originally posted by 4evrfan:
Originally posted by VDSF:
Frank Gore relates to long suffering fans
Now that 49ers running back Frank Gore is contributing to a winning team, he's acting like a different person. In his previous six seasons in San Francisco, Gore rarely cracked a smile. Often, he seemed down right morose. No longer, Gore smiles, he jokes, he laughs.
Gore also feels a kinship with the long-suffering. He mentions his relationship with quarterback Alex Smith and guard Adam Snyder, two players that were part of his 2005 draft class and how great they all feel now with the 49ers at 6-1.
Gore also shares a sense of revival with another group – the fans. "The fans, they are happy and I'm happy for them," Gore said Monday. "There's been some rough years and they've always been there and now we're doing something really great for them."
I was very touched at his mention of the fans too. One thing I noticed the last game was his patience at hitting holes and setting up his blocks, then that burst through. Don't think I've ever seen him run better or smarter. Can you imagine the Frank from college days when he also had elite speed, before the knee problems/operations? With his experience, knowledge, quickness and judgement, add that speed and I shudder to think.... Still, the Frank we got is plenty good and many teams would kill for a back like him. Couldn't ask for a better 9'er!
Originally posted by niners4lyfe:
I appreciate Frank.