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  • 49123
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Originally posted by alanbeez22:
if it looks like this! sorry guys... but if you ask me it looks very similar to this!

That's a bit of a stretch. It is definitely better looking than that and on top of that, those drawings are of a *naked* stadium (no banners, lights, props, ect.) and the Stanford stadium is during a live game.

Really, no comparison at all.

[ Edited by 49123 on May 29, 2009 at 18:27:23 ]
Originally posted by WestCoast:
LOL ^^^^^^^it doesn't look like that

Uh...yeah...if you mean it has stands and a bunch of people in it, then ya it looks the
Originally posted by 49123:
Originally posted by alanbeez22:
if it looks like this! sorry guys... but if you ask me it looks very similar to this!

That's a bit of a stretch. It is definitely better looking than that and on top of that, those drawings are of a *naked* stadium (no banners, lights, props, ect.) and the Stanford stadium is during a live game.

Really, no comparison at all.

Stanfords actually looks ALOT smaller too.
  • yoyo49
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I like the new stdium. I think to many people are obsessed with the whole retractible roof thing.

For stadium and fan purposes its actually a great design. All the seats have great vantage points and there doesn't seem to be any bad seats. Its designed with the fans in mind.

Second, Cali has some of the best whether in the country and during playoff time, the muggy weather becomes a homefield advantage. Why would you want to take that away by putting a retractible roof on the thing.

Only problem i have with the stadium is the exterior. Its not very aesthetically pleasing. Hopefully its just the computer design and not a finish product. Hopefully they improve on the exterior design.
  • Envy
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Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by Envy:
What happens when it rains?

you play in the rain like a FOOTBALL team is supposed to.

i swear....go tell mike singletary "but what if it rains!" and see what he says about it.



Main Entry: fa·ce·tious
Pronunciation: fə-ˈsē-shəs
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French facetieux, from facetie jest, from Latin facetia
Date: 1599

1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish
2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious
is it going to be loud like the other stadiums? and for it being right next to the headquaters it's awesome, i live in florida and i work right next to the bucs stadium and there headquaters is right next to the stadium and i make the area look great.
like some one said, we should just play at Stanford... I think we'd save lots and lots of monies.

Superbowl Site 2016
Originally posted by WestCoast:
Originally posted by SonocoNinerFan:
I think it's been pointed out in previous posts, but these basic renderings have been clipped from a 14 month old City of Santa Clara zoning variance application and IN NO WAY are presented in a form to sway public opinion on the final design.

I'm pretty sure that's the final design. This design was well detailed in their proposal to the city, so....

but whtvr, i hope ur right

I'm sure that's close to the final design as far as the footprint and general layout, but they have at least a year left to tweak the jewlrey and make it look less . . . .

For instance they could tweak the design by adding an overhang to the upperdeck for not a ton of relative extra cost and make a major aesthetic upgrade. Plus I'm sure there'll be a ring of honor type of exhibit among other bells and whistles. And for my money I'd prefer to see a more oval shaped field and not so many straight lines.

There's time to tweak.
Like I said earlier, it just looks like a big college stadium. I hope they put some more style and substance in it when built. If it's built that is. The design isn't bad, it just looks bland and with no flavor to it. A little stylistic modification can go a looooooong way.
Originally posted by KowboyKiller:
Like I said earlier, it just looks like a big college stadium. I hope they put some more style and substance in it when built. If it's built that is. The design isn't bad, it just looks bland and with no flavor to it. A little stylistic modification can go a looooooong way.

Exactly how i feel as well.

Not blown away, but not overly disappointed either.

  • Rochi516
  • Info N/A
As long as they win championships I don't care where they play as long as it's in the Bay Area. They can even play in the middle of the Castro district. hahahahaha
Originally posted by KowboyKiller:
Like I said earlier, it just looks like a big college stadium. I hope they put some more style and substance in it when built. If it's built that is. The design isn't bad, it just looks bland and with no flavor to it. A little stylistic modification can go a looooooong way.

so what, it'll still be the best value.

The title blocks on the drawings in the linked pdf say "Conceptual Design"
Originally posted by Marvin49:
Originally posted by WestCoast:
LOL ^^^^^^^it doesn't look like that

Uh...yeah...if you mean it has stands and a bunch of people in it, then ya it looks the

lol, exactly
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